I was trying to use Celery to write a backend asynchronous process for my Django project.
I use Rabbitmq as my task queue while using Cloudamqp with Heroku.
The problem is: the whole project works perfectly on my own laptop(using localhost to test),while it didn't work on the production server.
This is the error message I got: [Errno 111] Connection refused
Then I did some research, I might be wrong but it seems that the problem is I already reached the limitation of number of worker can be used since i am using a free account for Heroku right now.
I read about this:"But remember to tweak the BROKER_POOL_LIMIT if you’re using the free plan. Set it to 1 and you should be good. If you have connection problems, try reduce the concurrency of both your web workers and in the celery worker." but I am not sure how to do that.
Here is my setting.py:
CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULER = 'djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler'
CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES = 18000 # 5 hours.`
Here is the error message:
'[Errno 111] Connection refused
Did anybody has a similar problem before? or can someone recommend a thorough tutorial about how to do setting up stuff of Celery onto Heroku? Thanks in advance!
It looks like your credentials might not be valid. Either that or you have more than 1 concurrent connection.
A good way to test this would be to scale your web servers to 0 (heroku scale web=0), then create a single worker (heroku scale worker=1) -- then tail your Heroku logs (heroku logs --tail) to see if your single worker can connect.
I am trying to run my django server on an Ubuntu instance on AWS EC2. I am using gunicorn to run the server like this :
gunicorn --workers 4 --bind woc.wsgi:application --name woc-server --log-level=info --worker-class=tornado --timeout=90 --graceful-timeout=10
When I make a request I am getting 502, Bad Gateway on the browser. Here is the server log http://pastebin.com/Ej5KWrWs
Some sections of the settings.py file where behaviour is changed based on hostname are
iUbuntu is the hostname of my laptop
if socket.gethostname() == 'iUbuntu':
Development mode
"iUbuntu" is the hostname of Ishan's PC
Production mode
Anywhere else than Ishan's PC is considered as production
if socket.gethostname() == 'iUbuntu':
'''Production Won't let anyone pretend as us'''
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['domain.com', 'www.domain.com',
'api.domain.com', 'analytics.domain.com',
'ops.domain.com', 'localhost', '']
(I don't get what's the purpose of this section of the code. Since I inherited the code from someone and the server was working I didn't bothered removing it without understanding what it does)
if socket.gethostname() == 'iUbuntu':
MAIN_SERVER = 'http://localhost'
MAIN_SERVER = 'http://domain.com'
I can't figure out what's the problem here. The same code runs fine with gunicorn on my laptop.
I have also made a small hello world node.js to serve on the port 8000 to test nginx configuration and it is running fine. So no nginx errors.
I set DEBUG to True and copied the Traceback http://pastebin.com/ggFuCmYW
Thanks to the reply by #ARJMP. This indeed is the problem with celery consumer not getting connected to broker.
I am configuring celery like this : app.config_from_object('woc.celeryconfig') and the contents of celeryconfig.py are:
BROKER_URL = 'amqp://celeryuser:celerypassword#localhost:5672/MyVHost'
I am running the worker like this :celery worker -A woc.async -l info --autoreload --include=woc.async -n woc_celery.%h
And the error that I am getting is:
consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://celeryuser:**# [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer.
Ok so your problem as far as I can tell is that your celery worker can't connect to the broker. You have some middleware trying to call a celery task, so it will fail on every request (unless that analyse_urls.delay(**kw) is conditional)
I found a similar issue that was solved by upgrading their version of celery.
Another cause could be that the EC2 instance can't connect to the message queue server because the EC2 security group won't allow it. If the message queue is running on a separate server, you may have to make sure you've allowed the connection between the EC2 instance and the message queue through AWS EC2 Security Groups
try setting the rabbitmq connection timeout to 30 seconds. this usually clears up the problem of being unable to connect to a server.
you can add connection_timeout to your connection string:
BROKER_URL = 'amqp://celeryuser:celerypassword#server.example.com:5672/MyVHost?connection_timeout=30'
note the format with the question mark: ?connection_timeout=30
this is a query string parameter for the RMQ connection string.
also - make sure the url is pointing to your production server name / url, and not localhost, in your production environment
I am trying to connect to my remote rabbitmq using pika but I am getting Connectionclosed() error. I have made the required changes in rabbit.config for guest user to allow all connections and also the same connection works from my Java code. I even tried creating a new user with all the permission and connecting it, but it still doesn't work. The same code works fine on my localhost though. Can anyone please let me know what might I be doing wrong here?
def queue_message(message, queue):
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('xxxx', 'xxxx')
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('remote-server',
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
channel = connection.channel()
logger.info("Sent message: {} to queue: {}".format(message, queue))
print 'message sent'
Below is the error I get:
app/project/rabbitmq.py" in queue_message
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pika/adapters/blocking_connection.py" in __init__
env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pika/adapters/blocking_connection.py" in ss_io_for_connection_setup
env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pika/adapters/blocking_connection.py" in _flush_output
raise exceptions.ConnectionClosed
add a connection timeout to your connection parameters - you're probably running into a timeout issue where the connection isn't happening fast enough, across the network.
also, your code is explicitly calling connection.close() ... so that may be why your connection is closing
It was indeed a timeout issue. After increasing the timeout in the connection parameters, the connection was established properly.
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('remote-server',
If you connect to remote rabbitmq server, check this:
remote server port open with firewall
remote server have public ip and rabbitmq user have access to that server
rabbitmq server is activately running
add your user admin in administrator tag;
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator
add enough permissions to the user admin
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / admin ".*" ".*" ".*"
I'm using nginx as frontend server and uwsgi for python applications. About one time a day one of my applications starts falling. In log I can see different mysql errors. For example:
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) (2002, "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)") None None
Also there were something about can't locate row column for column .... And maybe more interesting:
--- no python application found, check your startup logs for errors ---
What help's - I'm killing my uwsgi process and run it again. Interesting thing is other apps (they also use mysql) are ok and continue to work.
If I just kill forks nothing happens. I must kill master process.
My uwsgi config is:
module = stulyev
callable = app
pp = /home/krasulya/apps/stulyev.net
logto = /var/log/stulyev.net.log
touch-reload = /tmp/stulyev.net.sock
socket = /tmp/stulyev.net.sock
uid = krasulya
gid = www-data
daemonize = /var/log/stulyev.net.daemon.log
reload-on-exception = true
harakiri = 30
max-requests = 10000
harakiri-verbose = 1
buffer-size = 65535
What can I do? Thanks.
Do not open the database connection in the master. Not all sqlalchemy adapter supports it. Open the connection one time per worker or add lazy-apps = true to uWSGI to load the whole app at every fork: http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ThingsToKnow.html
So I am using a RabbitMQ + Celery to create a simple RPC architecture. I have one RabbitMQ message broker and one remote worker which runs Celery deamon.
There is a third server which exposes a thin RESTful API. When it receives HTTP request, it sends a task to the remote worker, waits for response and returns a response.
This works great most of the time. However I have notices that after a longer inactivity (say 5 minutes of no incoming requests), the Celery worker behaves strangely. First 3 tasks received after a longer inactivity return this error:
exchange.declare: connection closed unexpectedly
After three erroneous tasks it works again. If there are not tasks for longer period of time, the same thing happens. Any idea?
My init script for the Celery worker:
# description "Celery worker using sync broker"
console log
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
setuid richard
setgid richard
chdir /usr/local/myproject/myproject
exec /usr/local/myproject/venv/bin/celery worker -n celery_worker_deamon.%h -A proj.sync_celery -Q sync_queue -l info --autoscale=10,3 --autoreload --purge
end script
My celery config:
# Synchronous blocking tasks
BROKER_URL_SYNC = 'amqp://guest:guest#localhost:5672//'
# Asynchronous non blocking tasks
BROKER_URL_ASYNC = 'amqp://guest:guest#localhost:5672//'
#: Only add pickle to this list if your broker is secured
#: from unwanted access (see userguide/security.html)
# http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/tasks.html#disable-rate-limits-if-they-re-not-used
# http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/routing.html
CELERY_DEFAULT_ROUTING_KEY = "sync_task.default"
'sync_queue': {
'async_queue': {
Any ideas?
Ok, now it appears to happen randomly. I noticed this in RabbitMQ logs:
=WARNING REPORT==== 6-Jan-2014::17:31:54 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.295.0> (some_ip_address:36842 -> some_ip_address:5672):
Is your RabbitMQ server or your Celery worker behind a load balancer by any chance? If yes, then the load balancer is closing the TCP connection after some period of inactivity. In which case, you will have to enable heartbeat from the client (worker) side. If you do, I would not recommend using the pure Python amqp lib for this. Instead, replace it with librabbitmq.
The connection_closed_abruptly is caused when clients disconnecting without the proper AMQP shutdown protocol:
Request a channel close.
This method indicates that the sender wants to close the channel.
This may be due to internal conditions (e.g. a forced shut-down) or due to
an error handling a specific method, i.e. an exception.
When a close is due to an exception, the sender provides the class and method id of
the method which caused the exception.
After sending this method, any received methods except Close and Close-OK MUST be discarded. The response to receiving a Close after sending Close must be to send Close-Ok.
Confirm a channel close.
This method confirms a Channel.Close method and tells the recipient
that it is safe to release resources for the channel.
A peer that detects a socket closure without having received a
Channel.Close-Ok handshake method SHOULD log the error.
Here is an issue about that.
Can you set your custom configuration for BROKER_HEARTBEAT and BROKER_HEARTBEAT_CHECKRATE and check again, for example:
I am trying to start some background processing through rabbitmq, but when I send the request, I get the below error in the rabbitmq log. But, I think I am providing the right credentials, as my celery works are able to connect to rabbitmq server using the same username/password combination.
=ERROR REPORT==== 12-Jun-2012::20:50:29 ===
exception on TCP connection from
"AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'guest' - invalid credentials",
To get resolve connection with rabbitmq need to inspect below points:
Connectivity from client machine to rabbitmq server machine [in case if client and server are running on separate machine], need to check
along with port as well.
Credential (username and password), a user must be onboarded into RabbitMQ which will be used to connect with RabbitMQ
Permission to User must be given (permission may be attached to VHOST as well so need to provide permission carefully)
The best way to debug permissions issues in the amqp protocol is to look at the request:
from http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/configuration.html#conf-broker-settings