How to obtain unnormalized responsibilities for GMM clusters? - python

I have trained a Gaussian Mixture Model with sklearn and I am trying to obtain the unnormalized responsibilities of a data point given the cluster means and variances.
GMM.predict_proba unfortunately returns the normalized probabilities such that they sum up to one but I need the raw ones.
I have tries the following (GMM is the fitted GM-model):
import numpy as np
from sklearn import mixture
lpr = (mixture.log_multivariate_normal_density(X, GMM.means_, GMM.covars_, GMM.covariance_type) + np.log(GMM.weights_))
probs = np.exp(lpr)
But the probabilities I obtained are bigger than 1.
What am I doing wrong?

lpr is the log probabilities of the Gaussian components. To convert to the probability of GMM, sum of theses in log space should be performed. The following code will explain this.
from sklearn.utils.extmath import logsumexp
lpr = (mixture.log_multivariate_normal_density(X, GMM.means_, GMM.covars_, GMM.covariance_type) + np.log(GMM.weights_)) # probabilities of components
logprob = logsumexp(lpr, axis=1) # logsum to get probability of GMM
probs = np.exp(logprob) # 0 < probs < 1


Python code for automatic execution of the Elbow curve method in K-modes clustering

having the code for manual and therefore possibly wrong Elbow method selection of optimal number of clusters when K-modes clustering of binary df:
cost = []
for num_clusters in list(range(1,10)):
kmode = KModes(n_clusters=num_clusters, init = "Huang", n_init = 10)
y = np.array([i for i in range(1,10,1)])
An outcome of the for loop is a plot with the so called elbow curve. I know this curve helps me choose a optimal K. I do not want to do that myself tho, I am looking for some computational way. I want a computer to do the job without me determining it "manually". Otherwise it stops executing the whole code at some point.
Thank you.
What would be the code for selecting the K automatically that would replace my manual selection?
Thank you.
Use silhouette coefficient [will not work if the data points are represented as categorical values rather then N-d points]
The silhouette coefficient give the measure of how similar a data point is within the cluster compared to other clusters. check Sklearn doc here.
The best value is 1 and the worst value is -1. Values near 0 indicate overlapping clusters. Negative values generally indicate that a sample has been assigned to the wrong cluster, as a different cluster is more similar.
So calculate silhouette_score for different values of k and use the one which has best score (near to 1).
Sample using digits dataset.
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
data, labels = load_digits(return_X_y=True)
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score
silhouette_avg = []
for num_clusters in list(range(2,20)):
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters, init = "k-means++", n_init = 10)
score = silhouette_score(data, kmeans.labels_)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.xlabel('Values of K')
plt.ylabel('Silhouette score')
plt.title('Silhouette analysis For Optimal k')
_ = plt.xticks(np.arange(2,20))
print (f"Best K: {np.argmax(silhouette_avg)+2}")
Best K: 9

How to calculate correlation coefficients using sklearn CCA module?

I need to measure similarity between feature vectors using CCA module. I saw sklearn has a good CCA module available:
In different papers I reviewed, I saw that the way to measure similarity using CCA is to calculate the mean of the correlation coefficients, for example as done in this following notebook example:
How to calculate the correlation coefficients (as shown in the notebook) using sklearn CCA module?
from sklearn.cross_decomposition import CCA
import numpy as np
U = np.random.random_sample(500).reshape(100,5)
V = np.random.random_sample(500).reshape(100,5)
cca = CCA(n_components=1), V)
cca.coef_.shape # (5,5)
U_c, V_c = cca.transform(U, V)
U_c.shape # (100,1)
V_c.shape # (100,1)
This is an example of the sklearn CCA module, however I have no idea how to retrieve correlation coefficients from it.
In reference to the notebook you provided which is a supporting artefact to and implements ideas from the following two papers
"SVCCA: Singular Vector Canonical Correlation Analysis for Deep Learning Dynamics and Interpretability". Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2017
"Insights on Representational Similarity in Deep Neural Networks with Canonical Correlation". Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2018
The authors there calculate 50 = min(A_fake neurons, B_fake neurons) components and plot the correlations between the transformed vectors of each component (i.e. 50).
With the help of the below code, using sklearn CCA, I am trying to reproduce their Toy Example. As we'll see the correlation plots match. The sanity check they used in the notebook came very handy - it passed seamlessly with this code as well.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cross_decomposition import CCA
# rows contain the number of samples for CCA and the number of rvs goes in columns
X = np.random.randn(2000, 100)
Y = np.random.randn(2000, 50)
# num of components
n_comps = min(X.shape[1], Y.shape[1])
cca = CCA(n_components=n_comps), Y)
X_c, Y_c = cca.transform(X, Y)
# calculate and plot the correlations of all components
corrs = [np.corrcoef(X_c[:, i], Y_c[:, i])[0, 1] for i in range(n_comps)]
For the sanity check, replace the Y data matrix by a scaled invertible transform of X and rerun the code.
Y =, np.random.randn(100, 100))

How to use scale and shape parameters of gamma GLM in statsmodels

The task
I have data that looks like this:
I want to fit a generalized linear model (glm) to this from a gamma family using statsmodels. Using this model, for each of my observations I want to calculate the probability of observing a value that is smaller than (or equal to) that value. In other words I want to calculate:
P(y <= y_i | x_i)
My questions
How do I get the shape and scale parameters from the fitted glm in statsmodels? According to this question the scale parameter in statsmodels is not parameterized in the normal way. Can I use it directly as input to a gamma distribution in scipy? Or do I need a transformation first?
How do I use these parameters (shape and scale) to get the probabilities? Currently I'm using scipy to generate a distribution for each x_i and get the probability from that. See implementation below.
My current implementation
import scipy.stats as stat
import patsy
import statsmodels.api as sm
# Generate data in correct form
y, X = patsy.dmatrices('y ~ x', data=myData, return_type='dataframe')
# Fit model with gamma family and log link
mod = sm.GLM(y, X, family=sm.families.Gamma(sm.families.links.log())).fit()
# Predict mean
myData['mu'] = mod.predict(exog=X)
# Predict probabilities (note that for a gamma distribution mean = shape * scale)
probabilities = np.array(
[stat.gamma(m_i/mod.scale, scale=mod.scale).cdf(y_i) for m_i, y_i in zip(myData['mu'], myData['y'])]
However, when I perform this procedure I get the following result:
Currently the predicted probabilities all seem really high. The red line in the graph is the predicted mean. But even for points below this line the predicted cumulative probability is around 80%. This makes me wonder whether the scale parameter I used is indeed the correct one.
In R, you can obtained as estimate of the shape using 1/dispersion (check this post).The naming of the dispersion estimate in statsmodels is a unfortunately scale. So you did to take the reciprocal of this to get the shape estimate. I show it with an example below:
values = gamma.rvs(2,scale=5,size=500)
fit = sm.GLM(values, np.repeat(1,500), family=sm.families.Gamma(sm.families.links.log())).fit()
This is an intercept only model, and we check the intercept and dispersion (named scale):
[array([2.27875973]), 0.563667465203953]
So the mean is exp(2.2599) = 9.582131 and if we use shape as 1/dispersion , shape = 1/0.563667465203953 = 1.774096 which is what we simulated.
If I use a simulated dataset, it works perfectly fine. This is what it looks like, with a shape of 10:
from scipy.stats import gamma
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import patsy
import statsmodels.api as sm
import pandas as pd
_shape = 10
myData = pd.DataFrame({'x':np.random.uniform(0,10,size=500)})
myData['y'] = gamma.rvs(_shape,scale=np.exp(-myData['x']/3 + 0.5)/_shape,size=500)
Then we fit the model like you did:
y, X = patsy.dmatrices('y ~ x', data=myData, return_type='dataframe')
mod = sm.GLM(y, X, family=sm.families.Gamma(sm.families.links.log())).fit()
mu = mod.predict(exog=X)
shape_from_model = 1/mod.scale
probabilities = [gamma(shape_from_model, scale=m_i/shape_from_model).cdf(y_i) for m_i, y_i in zip(mu,myData['y'])]
And plot:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.scatter(myData["x"],myData["y"],c=probabilities)
im = ax.scatter(myData['x'],mu,c="r",s=1)
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)

Python Clustering 'purity' metric

I'm using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) from sklearn.mixture to perform clustering of my data set.
I could use the function score() to compute the log probability under the model.
However, I am looking for a metric called 'purity' which is defined in this article.
How can I implement it in Python? My current implementation looks like this:
from sklearn.mixture import GMM
# X is a 1000 x 2 array (1000 samples of 2 coordinates).
# It is actually a 2 dimensional PCA projection of data
# extracted from the MNIST dataset, but this random array
# is equivalent as far as the code is concerned.
X = np.random.rand(1000, 2)
clusterer = GMM(3, 'diag')
cluster_labels = clusterer.predict(X)
# Now I can count the labels for each cluster..
count0 = list(cluster_labels).count(0)
count1 = list(cluster_labels).count(1)
count2 = list(cluster_labels).count(2)
But I can not loop through each cluster in order to compute the confusion matrix (according this question)
David's answer works but here is another way to do it.
import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics
def purity_score(y_true, y_pred):
# compute contingency matrix (also called confusion matrix)
contingency_matrix = metrics.cluster.contingency_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
# return purity
return np.sum(np.amax(contingency_matrix, axis=0)) / np.sum(contingency_matrix)
Also if you need to compute Inverse Purity, all you need to do is replace "axis=0" by "axis=1".
sklearn doesn't implement a cluster purity metric. You have 2 options:
Implement the measurement using sklearn data structures yourself. This and this have some python source for measuring purity, but either your data or the function bodies need to be adapted for compatibility with each other.
Use the (much less mature) PML library, which does implement cluster purity.
A very late contribution.
You can try to implement it like this, pretty much like in this gist
def purity_score(y_true, y_pred):
"""Purity score
y_true(np.ndarray): n*1 matrix Ground truth labels
y_pred(np.ndarray): n*1 matrix Predicted clusters
float: Purity score
# matrix which will hold the majority-voted labels
y_voted_labels = np.zeros(y_true.shape)
# Ordering labels
## Labels might be missing e.g with set like 0,2 where 1 is missing
## First find the unique labels, then map the labels to an ordered set
## 0,2 should become 0,1
labels = np.unique(y_true)
ordered_labels = np.arange(labels.shape[0])
for k in range(labels.shape[0]):
y_true[y_true==labels[k]] = ordered_labels[k]
# Update unique labels
labels = np.unique(y_true)
# We set the number of bins to be n_classes+2 so that
# we count the actual occurence of classes between two consecutive bins
# the bigger being excluded [bin_i, bin_i+1[
bins = np.concatenate((labels, [np.max(labels)+1]), axis=0)
for cluster in np.unique(y_pred):
hist, _ = np.histogram(y_true[y_pred==cluster], bins=bins)
# Find the most present label in the cluster
winner = np.argmax(hist)
y_voted_labels[y_pred==cluster] = winner
return accuracy_score(y_true, y_voted_labels)
The currently top voted answer correctly implements the purity metric, but may not be the most appropriate metric in all cases, because it does not ensure that each predicted cluster label is assigned only once to a true label.
For example, consider a dataset that is very imbalanced, with 99 examples of one label and 1 example of another label. Then any clustering (e.g: having two equal clusters of size 50) will achieve purity of at least 0.99, rendering it a useless metric.
Instead, in cases where the number of clusters is the same as the number of labels, cluster accuracy may be more appropriate. This has the advantage of mirroring classification accuracy in an unsupervised setting. To compute cluster accuracy, we need to use the Hungarian algorithm to find the optimal matching between cluster labels and true labels. The SciPy function linear_sum_assignment does this:
import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
def cluster_accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
# compute contingency matrix (also called confusion matrix)
contingency_matrix = metrics.cluster.contingency_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
# Find optimal one-to-one mapping between cluster labels and true labels
row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(-contingency_matrix)
# Return cluster accuracy
return contingency_matrix[row_ind, col_ind].sum() / np.sum(contingency_matrix)

Build in function for plotting bayes decision boundary given the probability function

Is there a function in python, that plots bayes decision boundary if we input a function to it? I know there is one in matlab, but I'm searching for some function in python. I know that one way to achieve this is to iterate over the points, but I am searching for a built-in function.
I have bivariate sample points on the axis, and I want to plot the decision boundary in order to classify them.
Going off the guess of Chris in the comments above, I'm assuming you want to cluster points according to the Gaussian Mixture model - a reasonable method assuming the underlying distribution is a linear combination of Gaussian distributed samples. Below I've shown an example using numpy to create a sample data set, sklearn for it's GM modeling and pylab to show the results.
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
from sklearn import mixture
# Create some sample data
def G(mu, cov, pts):
return np.random.multivariate_normal(mu,cov,500)
# Three multivariate Gaussians with means and cov listed below
MU = [[5,3], [0,0], [-2,3]]
COV = [[[4,2],[0,1]], [[1,0],[0,1]], [[1,2],[2,1]]]
A = [G(mu,cov,500) for mu,cov in zip(MU,COV)]
PTS = np.concatenate(A) # Join them together
# Use a Gaussian Mixture model to fit
g = mixture.GMM(n_components=len(A))
# Returns an index list of which cluster they belong to
C = g.predict(PTS)
# Plot the original points
X,Y = map(array, zip(*PTS))
# Plot the points and color according to the cluster
color_mask = ['k','b','g']
for n in xrange(len(A)):
idx = (C==n)
See the sklearn.mixture example page for more detailed information on the classification methods.
