grid_remove on an Entry widget - python

Im new to Tkinter and am trying to build a simple GUI using grid manager which upon the push of button1, button2 appears along with an adjacent entry box. If you then press button2 the entry box and button2 dissapear. Below is a slice from the GUI code, the button dissapears but the entry box does not:
import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *
master = Tk()
CreateTestButton = Button(master, text="Create Test", command = CreateTest, fg="red", bg="white", font="Helvetica 10 bold")
CreateTestButton.grid(column=7, row=1)
def CreateTest():
TestEntry = Entry(master, text="", width = 100).grid(row=4,columnspan=6)
Label(self, text="Enter Test Name:").grid(row=3, column=0)
SaveTestButton = Button(master, text="Save to database", command=saveTest, fg="green", bg="white", font="Helvetica 10 bold")
SaveTestButton.grid(row=4, column=5)
def saveTest():
TestEntry.grid_remove() #ERROR
How is one to remove entry boxes using grid manager in Tkinter? And other widgets for that matter I will also be needing to remove a list box, labels and widgets uppon a button click or event.

grid return nothing; By executing TestEntry = Entry(..).grid(...), TestEntry become None instead of Entry object.
Replace following line:
TestEntry = Entry(self, text="", width = 100).grid(row=4,columnspan=6)
TestEntry = Entry(self, text="", width = 100)
Complete code
from Tkinter import *
def CreateTest():
def saveTest():
TestEntry.grid_remove() #ERROR
TestEntry = Entry(master, text="", width = 100)
Label(master, text="Enter Test Name:").grid(row=3, column=0)
SaveTestButton = Button(master, text="Save to database", command=saveTest, fg="green", bg="white", font="Helvetica 10 bold")
SaveTestButton.grid(row=4, column=5)
master = Tk()
CreateTestButton = Button(master, text="Create Test", command = CreateTest, fg="red", bg="white", font="Helvetica 10 bold")
CreateTestButton.grid(column=7, row=1)


How to create a mandatory window in tkinter

I am using python 3.7 and tkinter for making a GUI which saves all my important passwords which are saved in a file passwords.txt. In this I want to create a button in my main window which pops up another window with an entry box and a button(which will close the window) and till this window is not closed it will not let the user to interact with my old window.
Here's my codes:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
root = Tk()
f = open("passwords.txt", "r")
list1 = []
for item in f.readlines():
item = item.replace("\n", "")
def secondwindow():
root2 = Tk()
root2.title("Secure Your Password")
frame_color = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (150,150,150)
# Create A Main frame
main_frame = Frame(root2, bg=frame_color)
# Create Frame for X Scrollbar
sec = Frame(main_frame, bg=frame_color)
# Create A Canvas
my_canvas = Canvas(main_frame, bg="black")
# Add A Scrollbars to Canvas
x_scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(sec,orient=HORIZONTAL,command=my_canvas.xview)
y_scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(main_frame,orient=VERTICAL,command=my_canvas.yview)
# Configure the canvas
my_canvas.bind("<Configure>",lambda e: my_canvas.config(scrollregion= my_canvas.bbox(ALL)))
# Create Another Frame INSIDE the Canvas
second_frame = Frame(my_canvas, bg=frame_color)
# Add that New Frame a Window In The Canvas
my_canvas.create_window((0,0),window=second_frame, anchor="nw")
f = Frame(second_frame, borderwidth=2, relief=SUNKEN, bg=frame_color)
f.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
Label(f, text="Secure Your Password", fg="white", bg=frame_color, font="Algerian 35 italic").pack()
f1 = Frame(second_frame, bg="black")
f1.pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP, expand=1)
Label(f1, text="Application", fg="red", bg="black", font="Calibri 20 bold", pady=10, padx=60).grid(row=1, column=1)
Label(f1, text="Username", fg="red", bg="black", font="Calibri 20 bold", pady=10, padx=210).grid(row=1, column=2)
Label(f1, text="Password", fg="red", bg="black", font="Calibri 20 bold", pady=10, padx=198).grid(row=1, column=3, padx=140)
for i in range(len(list1)):
application = list1[i].split(";;;")[0]
username = list1[i].split(";;;")[1]
password = list1[i].split(";;;")[2]
Label(f1, text=application, fg="white", bg="black", font="Calibri 20 bold", pady=5).grid(row=i+2, column=1)
Label(f1, text=username, fg="white", bg="black", font="Calibri 20 bold", pady=5).grid(row=i+2, column=2)
Label(f1, text=password, fg="white", bg="black", font="Calibri 20 bold", pady=5).grid(row=i+2, column=3)
def checkPassword(password, l):
if password == "a":
l.config(text="Wrong Password")
def password_window():
root.title("Secure Your Password")
root.minsize(450, 270)
root.maxsize(450, 270)
Label(root, text="Secure Your Password", fg="white", bg="black", font="Algerian 24 italic").pack(side=TOP)
Label(root, text="Your Password", fg="white", bg="black", font="Clibri 15").pack(pady=10)
password = StringVar()
Entry(root, textvariable=password, bg="grey", fg="white", font="Calibri 15 bold").pack(pady=10)
Button(root, text="Login", bg="grey", fg="white", activebackground="grey", font="Calibri 10", command=lambda: checkPassword(password.get(), l)).pack(pady=8)
l = Label(root, fg="red", bg="black", font="Clibri 10 bold")
And my passwords.txt:
I am new to python and tkinter. Thanks for help in advance :)
I do not recommend using * imports, though it may not be exactly wrong in this case.
Use the TopLevel widget instead of initialising another Tk window. See why using another Tk is not good.
Use .grab_set() (Look at #TheLizzard's link in the comment for a better example)
Look at this example -
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def f1():
top1 = tk.Toplevel(root)
b2 = tk.Button(top1,text='Close New Window',command=top1.destroy)
b1 = tk.Button(root,text='Create Mandatory Window',command=f1)
If you run this code, you will see that the first window does not react to any mouse press etc... and also you cannot close the first window after opening the new window until the it is closed

Use textvariable for Text box without Entry in TKinter

I'm writing a GUI program where I want to create text to speech. There I am facing some problem. I am calling textvariable without using Entry Wedge. That's not working. Do you have any solution or alternative?
have you any suggestion to inert text box in GUI or multiline Entry?
Thanks in advance
from tkinter import *
from gtts import gTTS
from playsound import playsound
from tkinter import scrolledtext
root = Tk()
root.resizable(0, 0)
root.configure(bg='ghost white')
root.title("TEXT TO SPEECH")
L1 = Label(root, text="TEXT_TO_SPEECH", font="arial 15 bold",
fg="#20bebe", bg='white smoke').pack()
L2 = Label(root, text="Enter Text", font='arial 10 bold',
bg='white smoke').place(x=20, y=60)
Msg = StringVar()
textareaframe = Frame(root)
textareaframe.pack(), y=80)
TextArea = Text(textareaframe, textvariable=Msg)
ScrollBar = Scrollbar(textareaframe)
TextArea.config(yscrollcommand=ScrollBar.set, width=40, height=10)
ScrollBar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
def Convert():
Message = TextArea.get()
speech = gTTS(text=Message)'T2S.mp3')
def Play():
def Exit():
def Reset():
buttonframe = Frame(root)
buttonframe.pack(padx=5, pady=5)
Button(buttonframe, text="Convert", font='arial 14 bold',
command=Convert).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
Button(buttonframe, text="PLAY", font='arial 14 bold',
command=Play).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
Button(buttonframe, text='EXIT', font='arial 14 bold',
command=Exit, bg="#20bebe").pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
Button(buttonframe, text='RESET', font='arial 14 bold',
command=Reset).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
L_end = Label(text="SAAD QURESHI", font='arial 12 bold', fg="#20bebe",
bg='white smoke', width='20').pack(side='bottom')
output Error
_tkinter.TclError: unknown option "-textvariable"
If I use Entry then its work, but I want to use a multiple line text box.
entry_field = Entry(root, textvariable=Msg, width='50')
entry_field.pack(), y=80)
TextArea = Text(textareaframe)#Remove the textvariable keyword argument
To get the contents of the Text box you can do something like :
contents = TextArea.get('1.0','end')
TextArea.get('1.0','end') returns all the contents of the text box from the 0 index to the last index

Looking for a solution to a tkinter error and efficiency/design problems

The code below represents my first steps into making a calculator on python using tkinter. The idea is to put the numbers on a grid accordingly, and then make the all of the necessary adjustments. The problem here is that I get the following error:
_tkinter.TclError: cannot use geometry manager grid inside . which already has slaves managed by pack
I'm aware that this is because of the canvas.pack(), but isn't it necessary for the background? How can I separate them in the most efficient way possible? On that note, is there a way to put all of the buttons/grids together using fewer lines of code? Thanks in advance.
from tkinter import *
#Creating the window function (?)
window = Tk()
#Creating a frame and a background for the calculator
canvas = tk.Canvas(window, height=700, width=700, bg="#83CFF1")
frame = tk.Frame(window, bg="white"), relheight=0.7, relx=0.15, rely=0.15)
#Creating the buttons for the calculator
button1 = Label(window, text="1")
button2 = Label(window, text="2")
button3 = Label(window, text="3")
button4 = Label(window, text="4")
button5 = Label(window, text="5")
button6 = Label(window, text="6")
button7 = Label(window, text="7")
button8 = Label(window, text="8")
button9 = Label(window, text="9")
button0 = Label(window, text="0")
#Adding it to the screen
button1.grid(row=0, column=0)
button2.grid(row=0, column=1)
button3.grid(row=0, column=2)
button4.grid(row=1, column=0)
button5.grid(row=1, column=1)
button6.grid(row=1, column=2)
button7.grid(row=2, column=0)
button8.grid(row=2, column=1)
button9.grid(row=2, column=2)
button0.grid(row=3, column=1)
#Ending the loop (?)
Create buttons using Python list comprehension.
For the grid placment use i // 3 (floor division) and i % 3 (modulo) inside a for loop.
Then just simply add the last button manually.
This code below will do the trick:
import tkinter as tk
window = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame(window, bg="white"), relheight=0.7, relx=0.15, rely=0.15)
#Creating the buttons for the calculator
buttons = [tk.Button(frame, text = i) for i in range(1, 10)]
for i, button in enumerate(buttons):
button.grid(row = i // 3, column = i % 3)
#Add last button 0
buttons.append(tk.Button(frame, text = 0))
buttons[-1].grid(row=3, column=1)

Add labels to the top of a tkinter grid?

The point of this is to press a button and have new rows appear but currently, titles appear above each new row that is added. Instead, I would like to have one row at the top of the grid with column titles. Is there a way to modify this code I already have? Later, I will be incorporating this into a larger tkinter GUI.
from tkinter import *
def addbox():
frame =Frame(root)
Label(frame, text="Item").grid(row=0, column=0)
ent1 = Entry(frame, width=10)
ent1.grid(row=2, column=0)
Label(frame, text="Day").grid(row=0, column=1)
ent2 = Entry(frame, width=10)
ent2.grid(row=2, column=1)
ent3 = Entry(frame, width=10)
ent3.grid(row=2, column=2)
ent4 = Entry(frame, width=10)
ent4.grid(row=2, column=3)
all_entries.append( (ent1, ent2, ent3, ent4) )
showButton = Button(frame, text='Print', command=refresh)
addboxButton = Button(frame, text='Add Item', fg="Red", command=addbox)
def refresh():
for number, (ent1, ent2, ent3, ent4) in enumerate(all_entries):
print (number, ent1.get(), ent2.get(), ent3.get(),ent4.get())
all_entries = []
root = Tk()
addboxButton = Button(root, text='Add Instrument', fg="Red", command=addbox)
You can check the row count before you add the label:
if len(all_entries) < 1:
Label(frame, text="Item").grid(row=0, column=0)

Does anyone know why my tkinter buttons aren't rendering?

This is for a python project on GitHub where I'm making a GUI for a Magic 8 Ball simulation. I cant seem to use the .pack() function or my window just loads forever without ever instantiating.
When created
When I click a button the text appears
window = Tk()
window.title("Magic 8 Ball")
Label(window, text="Ask the Magic 8 Ball the question on your mind or enter X to exit: ", bg="black", fg="white")\
.grid(row=0, column=0)
# Create entry box to type question
entrybox = Entry(window, width=30, bg="white")
entrybox.grid(row=1, column=0)
# Create output box at below buttons
output = Text(window, bg="white", fg="black", width=40, height=5)
output.grid(row=4, column=0)
# Create 4 button: Ask, Clear, Play Again, Quit
button_frame = Frame(window)
button_frame.grid(row=2, column=0)
#button_frame.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)
Button(button_frame, text="Ask", width=10, bg="black", fg="white", command=click).grid(row=2, column=0)
Button(button_frame, text="Clear", width=10, command=clear).grid(row=2, column=1)
Button(button_frame, text="Play Again", width=10,command=repeat).grid(row=3, column=0)
Button(button_frame, text="Quit", width=10, command=close).grid(row=3, column=1)
I think we will need more specifications about your OS and python version. I ran it on Python 3.5.0 and Windows 10 with the result:
So I do not think it is an error in your code. I did have to add in all the functions and import you were missing so what I ran ended up looking like:
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
def click():
def clear():
def repeat():
def close():
window.title("Magic 8 Ball")
Label(window, text="Ask the Magic 8 Ball the question on your mind or enter X to exit: ", bg="black", fg="white")\
.grid(row=0, column=0)
# Create entry box to type question
entrybox = Entry(window, width=30, bg="white")
entrybox.grid(row=1, column=0)
# Create output box at below buttons
output = Text(window, bg="white", fg="black", width=40, height=5)
output.grid(row=4, column=0)
# Create 4 button: Ask, Clear, Play Again, Quit
button_frame = Frame(window)
button_frame.grid(row=2, column=0)
#button_frame.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)
Button(button_frame, text="Ask", width=10, bg="black", fg="white", command=click).grid(row=2, column=0)
Button(button_frame, text="Clear", width=10, command=clear).grid(row=2, column=1)
Button(button_frame, text="Play Again", width=10,command=repeat).grid(row=3, column=0)
Button(button_frame, text="Quit", width=10, command=close).grid(row=3, column=1)
