wxPython: Stop threading with wxButton - python

How I can stop threading by clicking a wxButton?
Here is my code:
def startMonitor(self,event):
selectedInterface = self.interfaces_cblist.GetValue()
selectInterfaceStr = str(selectedInterface)
if len(selectedInterface) == 0:
noSelect_error = wx.MessageDialog(None,"Please select an interface","",wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
monitorStarted = wx.MessageDialog(None,"Monitor on %s started"%selectInterfaceStr,"",wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
def camtableDetection(self,getInterface):
global interface
interface = str(getInterface)
def monitorPackets(p):
if p.haslayer(IP):
hwSrc = p.getlayer(Ether).src
if hwSrc not in hwList:
delta = datetime.datetime.now() - start
if((delta.seconds > START) and ((len(hwList)/delta.seconds) > THRESH)):
print "[*]- Detected CAM Table Attack."
#camAttackDetected = wx.MessageDialog(None,"Cam Attack Detected","",wx.ICON_ERROR)
hwList = []
start = datetime.datetime.now()
def dhcpexhaustion(self,getInterface):
interface = str(getInterface)
global reqCnt
global ofrCnt
reqCnt = 0
ofrCnt = 0
def monitorPackets(p):
if p.haslayer(BOOTP):
global reqCnt
global ofrCnt
opCode = p.getlayer(BOOTP).op
if opCode == 1:
elif opCode == 2:
print "[*] - "+str(reqCnt)+" Requests, "+str(ofrCnt)+" Offers."
I am thinking to stop the threading when I click on a button, but have no idea how can it can be done.
There are self.abort techniques, but I'm not sure how to apply it in my code.

As I said in a comment:
If [sniff is] a function that you have no control over (e.g., from a C extension module) and it loops forever, then it must have some way to cancel it. Maybe it's having your callback return a special value, maybe it's calling a control function, maybe it's closing the object it's working on… whatever it is, you have to do that.
So, why not read the documentation for scapy.sniff to see how to cancel it?
Sniff packets
sniff([count=0,] [prn=None,] [store=1,] [offline=None,] [lfilter=None,] + L2ListenSocket args) -> list of packets
count: number of packets to capture. 0 means infinity
store: wether to store sniffed packets or discard them
prn: function to apply to each packet. If something is returned,
it is displayed. Ex:
ex: prn = lambda x: x.summary()
lfilter: python function applied to each packet to determine
if further action may be done
ex: lfilter = lambda x: x.haslayer(Padding)
offline: pcap file to read packets from, instead of sniffing them
timeout: stop sniffing after a given time (default: None)
L2socket: use the provided L2socket
opened_socket: provide an object ready to use .recv() on
stop_filter: python function applied to each packet to determine
if we have to stop the capture after this packet
ex: stop_filter = lambda x: x.haslayer(TCP)
So, the way to stop it sniffing forever is to pass it a stop_filter function, which will return True when you want to stop it. So that function is where you're going to check your stop flag. For example:
def __init__(self, whatever):
self.stopflag = False
self.stoplock = threading.Lock()
# rest of your init
def stop(self):
with self.stoplock:
self.stopflag = True
def stop_filter(self):
with self.stoplock:
return self.stopflag
def dhcpexhaustion(self, getInterface):
# etc.
sniff(iface=interface,prn=monitorPackets, stop_filter=self.stop_filter)
You're probably going to want to store the two Thread objects at start time, so you can join them at stop time, rather than just leaking them until your program exits. But otherwise, this should do it.


Python: Terminate Loop Using Timer

I'm quite new on python and working on a school project with this logic: Users have to answer a series of questions as fast as they can, within the given time.
For instance, the time allotted is 30 seconds, I wood loop through a dictionary of questions and get the answer. On timeout, the loop will start, even if the script is still waiting for an input.
def start_test():
for item on questions:
answers.append(input(' : '))
I've tried using multiprocessing and multithreading, but I found out that stdin doesn't work subprocesses.
I'm looking for something like:
while duration > 0:
def countdown():
global duration
while duration > 0:
duration -= 1
# something lime start_test().stop()
But I can't figure out how to run the countdown function in parallel with the start_test function.
Any ideas?
So as far as I know the input is accessible via main thread only. I might be wrong.
However if that is the case, you need a non-blocking input.
Check this blog. The answer below is based on that.
Note: This is a really quick and dirty solution.
I have checked this on Linux.
If it doesn't work on Windows try this
link for further reference.
import _thread
import sys
import select
import time
def start_test():
questions = ['1','2','3']
answers = []
for item in questions:
# Input in a non-blocking way
loop_flag = True
while loop_flag:
# Read documenation and examples on select
ready = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]
if not ready:
# Check if timer has expired
if timeout:
return answers
for file in ready:
line = file.readline()
if not line: # EOF, input is closed
loop_flag = False
elif line.rstrip():
# We have some input
# So as to get out of while
loop_flag = False
# Breaking out of for
return answers
def countdown():
global timeout
timeout = True
# Global Timeout Flag
timeout = False
timer = _thread.start_new_thread(countdown, ())
answers = start_test()

Threading and target function in external file (python)

I want to move some functions to an external file for making it clearer.
lets say i have this example code (which does indeed work):
import threading
from time import sleep
testVal = 0
def testFunc():
while True:
global testVal
testVal = testVal + 1
t = threading.Thread(target=testFunc, args=())
t.daemon = True
while True:
print('testval = ' + str(testVal))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
now i want to move testFunc() to a new python file. My guess was the following but the global variables don't seem to be the same.
import threading
import testclient
from time import sleep
testVal = 0
t = threading.Thread(target=testclient.testFunc, args=())
t.daemon = True
while True:
print('testval = ' + str(testVal))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
and testclient.py:
from time import sleep
from testserver import testVal as val
def testFunc():
while True:
global val
val = val + 1
my output is:
testval = 0
testval = 0 (testval didn't change)
while it should:
testval = 1
testval = 3
any suggestions? Thanks!
Your immediate problem is not due to multithreading (we'll get to that) but due to how you use global variables. The thing is, when you use this:
from testserver import testVal as val
You're essentially doing this:
import testserver
val = testserver.testVal
i.e. you're creating a local reference val that points to the testserver.testVal value. This is all fine and dandy when you read it (the first time at least) but when you try to assign its value in your function with:
val = val + 1
You're actually re-assigning the local (to testclient.py) val variable, not setting the value of testserver.testVal. You have to directly reference the actual pointer (i.e. testserver.testVal += 1) if you want to change its value.
That being said, the next problem you might encounter might stem directly from multithreading - you can encounter a race-condition oddity where GIL pauses one thread right after reading the value, but before actually writing it, and the next thread reading it and overwriting the current value, then the first thread resumes and writes the same value resulting in single increase despite two calls. You need to use some sort of mutex to make sure that all non-atomic operations execute exclusively to one thread if you want to use your data this way. The easiest way to do it is with a Lock that comes with the threading module:
# ...
testVal = 0
testValLock = threading.Lock()
# ...
# ...
with testserver.testValLock:
testserver.testVal += 1
# ...
A third and final problem you might encounter is a circular dependency (testserver.py requires testclient.py, which requires testserver.py) and I'd advise you to re-think the way you want to approach this problem. If all you want is a common global store - create it separately from modules that might depend on it. That way you ensure proper loading and initializing order without the danger of unresolveable circular dependencies.

Python threading for wheel encoders on a Robot

I'm writing the code for a robot which my college is entering into a competition. I'm currently trying to build some wheel encoders using reflectance sensors. I realised a while back that I would probably need to use threading to achieve this, seeing as the robot needs to monitor both the left and right encoders at the same time. The code below is what I have so far:
from __future__ import division
import threading
import time
from sr import *
R = Robot()
class Encoder(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, motor, pin, div=16):
self.motor = motor
self.pin = pin
self.div = div
self.count = 0
def run(self):
while True:
self.count += 1
def rotations(self, angle, start_speed=50):
seg = 360/self.div
startcount = self.count
current_dist = angle #Distance away from target
R.motors[self.motor].target = start_speed
while current_dist > 360:
newcount = self.count - startcount
current_dist = angle - newcount*seg
R.motors[self.motor].target = 50
while abs(current_dist) > seg/2:
newcount = self.count - startcount
current_dist = angle - newcount*seg
current_speed = start_speed * current_dist / 360
if current_speed < 5:
R.motors[self.motor].target = 5
R.motors[self.motor].target = current_speed
R.motors[self.motor].target = 0
WheelLeft = Encoder(0,0)
WheelRight = Encoder(1,3)
The sr module is provided by Southampton University, who are running the competition. It allows us to interact with the robot's hardware.
Now, the threads which get created seem to allow the two reflectance sensors to be monitored separately. This bit of code: R.io[0].input[self.pin].query.d works out whether the value coming from the reflectance sensor has changed. The 'rotations' method turns the wheel through a certain angle by constantly checking how many degrees the wheel has already turned through, and slowing it down as it reaches the end. I would like both wheels to start turning when I run the program, and then slow down and stop when they have gone through 2 rotations. Currently though, when I run the program, one wheel starts turning and slows down and stops, followed by the other wheel. It seems to me like the 'rotations' method is not running in a thread, like the 'run' method is. Is it only the code under the 'run' method that runs in a thread, or is it the whole class?
If it helps, I've been following this tutorial: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Python/Basic-Threading-in-Python/1/
Also, I would like to know why it is possible to start a thread only with Encoder(0,0).start(). Why do you not have to create an object using the class (e.g. Thread = Encoder(0,0).start() for a new thread to be created?
Sorry if the terminoligy I've used isn't up to scratch, as you can probably tell I'm quite new to threading, and programming in general.
Encoder(0,0).start() is a call to the method to start the thread. In turn, this method calls your run implementation, which doesn't use the rotations method. If you want to do so, then you have to call it in the while loop of run.
With Thread = Encoder(0,0).start() you store the value retrieved from that call (which is None), but to get it you need to start the new thread first anyway.
The run method is the thread of execution.
If you want something else to happen in that thread, you have to call it from Encoder.run().
Oh, and Encoder(0,0).start() does create an object. Just because you didn't bind that object to a local variable doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If it didn't exist you couldn't call its start method.
You have to be very careful about its lifetime though, without a local variable keeping it alive.
You can extend from SR's Poll class so that it can be used in a wait_for:
import poll
class Encoder(poll.Poll):
def __init__(self, motor, pin, div=16):
self.motor = motor
self.pin = pin
self.div = div
self.count = 0
self.target_reached = False
# kick off a thread to count the encoder ticks
self.counter_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._update_count)
def _update_count(self):
while True:
self.count += 1
def rotations(self, angle, start_speed=50):
if not self.target_reached:
raise Exception("Last motion still in progress!")
self.target_reached = False
# kick off a thread to control the speed
self.angle_thread = threading.Thread(
args=(angle, start_speed)
def _update_speeds(self, angle, start_speed):
# control the motor speed as before
# let things know we're done
self.target_reached = True
# implement poll methods
def eval(self):
return (self.target_reached, None)
Which then lets you do:
wheelLeft = Encoder(0,0)
wheelRight = Encoder(1,3)
wait_for(wheelRight & wheelLeft)
Note that an encoder isn't itself a thread - it's a "has a" relationship, not an "is a" relationship

Python wait x secs for a key and continue execution if not pressed

I'm a n00b to python, and I'm looking a code snippet/sample which performs the following:
Display a message like "Press any key to configure or wait X seconds to continue"
Wait, for example, 5 seconds and continue execution, or enter a configure() subroutine if a key is pressed.
Thank you for your help!
Yvan Janssens
If you're on Unix/Linux then the select module will help you.
import sys
from select import select
print "Press any key to configure or wait 5 seconds..."
timeout = 5
rlist, wlist, xlist = select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)
if rlist:
print "Config selected..."
print "Timed out..."
If you're on Windows, then look into the msvcrt module. (Note this doesn't work in IDLE, but will in cmd prompt)
import sys, time, msvcrt
timeout = 5
startTime = time.time()
inp = None
print "Press any key to configure or wait 5 seconds... "
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
inp = msvcrt.getch()
elif time.time() - startTime > timeout:
if inp:
print "Config selected..."
print "Timed out..."
Edit Changed the code samples so you could tell whether there was a timeout or a keypress...
Python doesn't have any standard way to catch this, it gets keyboard input only through input() and raw_input().
If you really want this you could use Tkinter or pygame to catch the keystrokes as "events". There are also some platform-specific solutions like pyHook. But if it's not absolutely vital to your program, I suggest you make it work another way.
If you combine time.sleep, threading.Thread, and sys.stdin.read you can easily wait for a specified amount of time for input and then continue.
t = threading.Thread(target=sys.stdin.read(1) args=(1,))
Here's how I did it:
import threading
import time
import sys
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, counter, f):
self.threadID = threadID
self.name = name
self.counter = counter
self.func = f
def run(self):
class KeyboardMonitor:
def __init__(self):
# Setting a boolean flag is atomic in Python.
# It's hard to imagine a boolean being
# anything else, with or without the GIL.
# If inter-thread communication is anything more complicated than
# a couple of flags, you should replace low level variables with
# a thread safe buffer.
self.keepGoing = True
def wait4KeyEntry(self):
while self.keepGoing:
s = input("Type q to quit: ")
if s == "q":
self.keepGoing = False
def mainThread(self, f, *args, **kwargs):
"""Pass in some main function you want to run, and this will run it
until keepGoing = False. The first argument of function f must be
this class, so that that function can check the keepGoing flag and
quit when keepGoing is false."""
keyboardThread = MyThread(1, "keyboard_thread", 0, self.wait4KeyEntry)
while self.keepGoing:
f(self, *args, **kwargs)
def main(keyMonitorInst, *args, **kwargs):
while keyMonitorInst.keepGoing:
print("Running again...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
uut = KeyboardMonitor()
Rather than make a blocking call time out, my approach is to start a thread that waits for the user to enter input, while another thread does something else. The two processes communicate through a small number of atomic operations: in this case, setting a boolean flag. For anything more complicated than atomic operations, obviously you should replace the atomic variable with a threadsafe buffer of some kind.

python script problem once build and package it

I've written python script to scan wifi and send data to the server, I set interval value, so it keep on scanning and send the data, it read from config.txt file where i set the interval value to scan, I also add yes/no in my config file, so is 'no' it will scan only once and if 'yes' it will scan according to the interval level,
my code as below
import time,.....
from threading import Event, Thread
class RepeatTimer(Thread):
def __init__(self, interval, function, iterations=0, args=[], kwargs={}):
self.interval = interval
self.function = function
self.iterations = iterations
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.finished = Event()
def run(self):
count = 0
while not self.finished.is_set() and (self.iterations <= 0 or count < self.iterations):
if not self.finished.is_set():
self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
count += 1
def cancel(self):
def scanWifi(self):
#scanning process and sending data done here
obj = JW()
if status == "yes":
t = RepeatTimer(int(intervalTime),obj.scanWifi)
once I package my code, its only run when I set my config file set to 'no' where it scan only once, but when I set my config file to 'yes', there is no progress at all, so I found that there is problem with my class RepeatTimer(Timer) once build, but don't know how to solve
can anyone help me
I think the problem is in the loop condition. Supposing that is_set() returns False, the second part is always False. While is intervalTime is not known, i think that it is positive (does has sense a negative interval time?) and count is never lesser than self.iterations: they are both 0.
But the code you posted is too few, it is not given to know how exactly works.
while not self.finished.is_set() and (self.iterations <= 0 or count < self.iterations):
