Python threading for wheel encoders on a Robot - python

I'm writing the code for a robot which my college is entering into a competition. I'm currently trying to build some wheel encoders using reflectance sensors. I realised a while back that I would probably need to use threading to achieve this, seeing as the robot needs to monitor both the left and right encoders at the same time. The code below is what I have so far:
from __future__ import division
import threading
import time
from sr import *
R = Robot()
class Encoder(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, motor, pin, div=16):
self.motor = motor = pin
self.div = div
self.count = 0
def run(self):
while True:
self.count += 1
def rotations(self, angle, start_speed=50):
seg = 360/self.div
startcount = self.count
current_dist = angle #Distance away from target
R.motors[self.motor].target = start_speed
while current_dist > 360:
newcount = self.count - startcount
current_dist = angle - newcount*seg
R.motors[self.motor].target = 50
while abs(current_dist) > seg/2:
newcount = self.count - startcount
current_dist = angle - newcount*seg
current_speed = start_speed * current_dist / 360
if current_speed < 5:
R.motors[self.motor].target = 5
R.motors[self.motor].target = current_speed
R.motors[self.motor].target = 0
WheelLeft = Encoder(0,0)
WheelRight = Encoder(1,3)
The sr module is provided by Southampton University, who are running the competition. It allows us to interact with the robot's hardware.
Now, the threads which get created seem to allow the two reflectance sensors to be monitored separately. This bit of code:[0].input[].query.d works out whether the value coming from the reflectance sensor has changed. The 'rotations' method turns the wheel through a certain angle by constantly checking how many degrees the wheel has already turned through, and slowing it down as it reaches the end. I would like both wheels to start turning when I run the program, and then slow down and stop when they have gone through 2 rotations. Currently though, when I run the program, one wheel starts turning and slows down and stops, followed by the other wheel. It seems to me like the 'rotations' method is not running in a thread, like the 'run' method is. Is it only the code under the 'run' method that runs in a thread, or is it the whole class?
If it helps, I've been following this tutorial:
Also, I would like to know why it is possible to start a thread only with Encoder(0,0).start(). Why do you not have to create an object using the class (e.g. Thread = Encoder(0,0).start() for a new thread to be created?
Sorry if the terminoligy I've used isn't up to scratch, as you can probably tell I'm quite new to threading, and programming in general.

Encoder(0,0).start() is a call to the method to start the thread. In turn, this method calls your run implementation, which doesn't use the rotations method. If you want to do so, then you have to call it in the while loop of run.
With Thread = Encoder(0,0).start() you store the value retrieved from that call (which is None), but to get it you need to start the new thread first anyway.

The run method is the thread of execution.
If you want something else to happen in that thread, you have to call it from
Oh, and Encoder(0,0).start() does create an object. Just because you didn't bind that object to a local variable doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If it didn't exist you couldn't call its start method.
You have to be very careful about its lifetime though, without a local variable keeping it alive.

You can extend from SR's Poll class so that it can be used in a wait_for:
import poll
class Encoder(poll.Poll):
def __init__(self, motor, pin, div=16):
self.motor = motor = pin
self.div = div
self.count = 0
self.target_reached = False
# kick off a thread to count the encoder ticks
self.counter_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._update_count)
def _update_count(self):
while True:
self.count += 1
def rotations(self, angle, start_speed=50):
if not self.target_reached:
raise Exception("Last motion still in progress!")
self.target_reached = False
# kick off a thread to control the speed
self.angle_thread = threading.Thread(
args=(angle, start_speed)
def _update_speeds(self, angle, start_speed):
# control the motor speed as before
# let things know we're done
self.target_reached = True
# implement poll methods
def eval(self):
return (self.target_reached, None)
Which then lets you do:
wheelLeft = Encoder(0,0)
wheelRight = Encoder(1,3)
wait_for(wheelRight & wheelLeft)
Note that an encoder isn't itself a thread - it's a "has a" relationship, not an "is a" relationship


How to change argument value in a running thread in python

How do I change a parameter of a function running in an infinite loop in a thread (python)?
I am new to threading and python but this is what I want to do (simplified),
class myThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, i):
def run(i):
def blink(i):
if i!=0:
if i==1:
elif i==2:
elif i==3:
i=input("Enter 0 to Exit or 1/2/3 to continue\n")
if i!=0:
Now, obviously this code gives errors regarding the run() method. I want to run the function blink() in infinite loop but change the 'i' variable. I also cannot do it without a thread because I have other portions of code which are doing parallel tasks. What can I do?
Best thing to learn first, is to never change variables from different threads. Communicate over queues:
import threading
import queue
def drive(speed_queue):
speed = 1
while True:
speed = speed_queue.get(timeout=1)
if speed == 0:
except queue.Empty:
print("speed:", speed)
def main():
speed_queue = queue.Queue()
threading.Thread(target=drive, args=(speed_queue,)).start()
while True:
speed = int(input("Enter 0 to Exit or 1/2/3 to continue: "))
if speed == 0:
Besides a lot of syntax errors, you're approaching the whole process wrong - there is no point in delegating the work from run to another method, but even if there was, the last while would loop infinitely (if it was actually written as while True:) never checking the speed change.
Also, don't use run() method to interface with your thread - it's a special method that gets called when starting the thread, you should handle your own updates separately.
You should also devote some time to learn OOP in Python as that's not how one makes a class.
Here's an example that does what you want, hope it might help you:
import threading
import time
class MyThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, speed=0.1):
self._speed_cache = 0
self.speed = i
self.lock = threading.RLock()
super(MyThread, self).__init__()
def set_speed(self, speed): # you can use a proper setter if you want
with self.lock:
self.speed = speed
def run(self):
while True:
with self.lock:
if self.speed == 0:
print("Speed dropped to 0, exiting...")
# just so we don't continually print the speed, print only on change
if self.speed != self._speed_cache:
print("Current speed: {}".format(self.speed))
self._speed_cache = self.speed
time.sleep(0.1) # let it breathe
input = raw_input # add for Python 2.6+ compatibility
except NameError:
current_speed = 3 # initial speed
blink_thread = MyThread(current_speed)
while current_speed != 0: # main loop until 0 speed is selected
time.sleep(0.1) # wait a little for an update
current_speed = int(input("Enter 0 to Exit or 1/2/3 to continue\n")) # add validation?
Also, do note that threading is not executing anything in parallel - it uses GIL to switch between contexts but there are never two threads executing at absolutely the same time. Mutex (lock) in this sense is there just to ensure atomicity of operations, not actual exclusiveness.
If you need something to actually execute in parallel (if you have more than one core, that is), you'll need to use multiprocessing instead.

loop within a class negates the code before it

In a previous question, the issue was how to implement a conditional loop (a simple for loop) to affect the onMessage event calling function, which was resolved. However, my current issue is in trying to implement time as the determinant in the conditional loop.
Currently, the code runs but only seems to do the while loop that rechecks the time, ignoring the code before it. I suspect that the issue is in the location that I have placed the time rechecking loop?
Any clarity on this issue would be appreciated!
import ch
import time
class bot(ch.RoomManager):
timeleft = 0
starttime = 0
def onMessage(self, room, user, message):
print("[{0}] {1}: {2}".format(,, message.body))
if 100 >= timeleft >= 1:
loop = 1
while loop == 1 :
timeleft = starttime - int(time.clock())
if timeleft <=0:
timeleft = 200
starttime = 200
rooms = ["testgroup444"]
username = "user"
password = "name"
For clarity on the methods used, the entire library can be found here:
I think you still have an issue with the Python syntax. In Python whitespace is very important as it defines scope. The way your code is written, the while loop is executed at the time the class is defined, before anything is started.
Further, the code gets into an infinite loop, as while loop == 1 will be always True. This is why you see that your code gets stuck. From the discussion in the comments, I imagine you want to write something like:
import ch
import time
import enum
class State(enum.Enum):
idle = 0
nominating = 1
voting = 2
watching = 3
class bot(ch.RoomManager):
state = State.idle
movie_length = 20
def updateState(self):
if self.state in [State.idle, State.nominating]:
self.state =
timeout = 10
elif self.state == voting:
self.state = State.watching
timeout = self.movie_length - 15
else: # if self.state == watching
self.state = State.nominating
timeout = 15
self.setTimeout(timeout*60, bot.updateState, self)
def onConnect(self, room):
# Redirect through event loop, not strictly nessecary
self.setTimeout(0, bot.updateState, self)
def onMessage(self, room, user, message):
print("[{0}] {1}: {2}".format(,, message.body))
print("Current state is {0}".format(self.state))
rooms = ["testgroup444"]
username = "user"
password = "name"
Here, the setTimeout method defined in the ch (bot) class is used, to allow messages to be passed at certain times. At every timeout the state is updated. The actual state is then available in all internal methods, e.g. in onMessage and updateState.
As I do not use the chat network or client I cannot guarantee that the solution works, though.

How do I schedule a one-time script to run x minutes from now? (alternative for 'at')

(Background: I'd like to control a light source with a motion sensor. Light should turn off x minutes after last detected motion. The framework is in place, scheduling is what remains to be done.)
Currently, when motion is detected the light gets turned on and a job to turn it off in 'now + x minutes' is scheduled. Whenever motion is detected during the x minutes the job gets removed from the queue and a new one is set up, extending effectively the time the light stays on.
I tried the "at" command but job handling is quite clunky. Whenever a job is removed from the queue an email gets sent. I looked at the Python crontab module but it would need much additional programming (handling relative time, removing old cronjobs, etc.) and seems to be slower.
What are my alternatives (bash, python, perl)?
-- Edit: My python skills are at beginner level, here's what I put together:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# based on
# more than 160 seconds without activity are required to re-trigger action
import time
from subprocess import call
import os
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
PIR = 9 # data pin of PIR sensor (in)
LED = 7 # positive pin of LED (out)
timestamp = '/home/pi/events/motiontime' # file to store last motion detection time (in epoch)
SOUND = '/home/pi/events/sounds/Hello.wav' # reaction sound
# GPIO setup
GPIO.setup(PIR,GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
# function which gets called when motion is reported (sensor includes own delay-until-hot again
# and sensibility settings
def my_callback(channel):
now = time.time() # store current epoch time in variable 'now'
f = open(timestamp, "r")
then = float(f.readline()) # read last detection time from file
difference = now - then # calculate time that has passed
call(['/home/pi/bin/', '-1']) # turn light on
call(['/home/pi/bin/']) # schedule at job to turn lights off
if difference > 160: # if more than 160 seconds without activity have passed then...
GPIO.output(LED, True) # turn on LED
if not os.path.isfile("/home/pi/events/muted"): # check if system is muted, else
call(['/usr/bin/mplayer', '-really-quiet', '-noconsolecontrols', SOUND]) # play sound
GPIO.output(LED, False) # turn of LED
f = open(timestamp, "w")
f.write(repr(now)) # update timestamp
else: # when less than 160 seconds have passed do nothing and
f = open(timestamp, "w")
f.write(repr(now)) # update timestamp (thus increasing the interval of silence)
GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR, GPIO.RISING,callback=my_callback,bouncetime=100) # add rising edge detection on a channel
while True:
Now that questions come in I think I could put a countdown in the while loop, right? How would that work?
I would approach this with the threading module. To do this, you'd set up the following thread class:
class CounterThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
def run(self):
while self.count < COUNTLIMIT:
self.count += 0.1
#Call function to turn off light here
def newSig(self):
self.count = 0
This is a thread which everytime it recieves a new signal (the thread's newSig function is called), the counter restarts. If the COUNTLIMIT is reached (how long you want to wait in seconds), then you call the function to turn off the light.
Here's how you'd incorporate this into your code:
import threading
from subprocess import call
import os
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
PIR = 9 # data pin of PIR sensor (in)
LED = 7 # positive pin of LED (out)
SOUND = '/home/pi/events/sounds/Hello.wav' # reaction sound
countThread = None
WATCHTIME = 600 #Run for 10 minutes
# GPIO setup
GPIO.setup(PIR,GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
class CounterThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
def run(self):
call(['/home/pi/bin/', '-1']) # turn light on
while self.count < COUNTLIMIT:
self.count += 0.1
call(['/home/pi/bin/', '-0'])
def newSig(self):
self.count = 0
def my_callback(channel):
'''function which gets called when motion is reported (sensor includes own delay-until-hot again and sensibility settings'''
global countThread
countThread = CounterThread()
def threadKiller():
global countThread
countThread = None
def main():
GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR, GPIO.RISING,callback=my_callback,bouncetime=100) # add rising edge detection on a channel
t = 0
while t < WATCHTIME:
t += 0.1
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
I don't have any way to test this, so please let me know if there is anything that breaks. Since you said you're new to Python I made a few formatting changes to make your code a bit prettier. These things are generally considered to be good form, but are optional. However, you need to be careful about indents, because as you have them in your question, your code should not run (it will throw an IndentError)
Hope this helps

wxPython: Stop threading with wxButton

How I can stop threading by clicking a wxButton?
Here is my code:
def startMonitor(self,event):
selectedInterface = self.interfaces_cblist.GetValue()
selectInterfaceStr = str(selectedInterface)
if len(selectedInterface) == 0:
noSelect_error = wx.MessageDialog(None,"Please select an interface","",wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
monitorStarted = wx.MessageDialog(None,"Monitor on %s started"%selectInterfaceStr,"",wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
def camtableDetection(self,getInterface):
global interface
interface = str(getInterface)
def monitorPackets(p):
if p.haslayer(IP):
hwSrc = p.getlayer(Ether).src
if hwSrc not in hwList:
delta = - start
if((delta.seconds > START) and ((len(hwList)/delta.seconds) > THRESH)):
print "[*]- Detected CAM Table Attack."
#camAttackDetected = wx.MessageDialog(None,"Cam Attack Detected","",wx.ICON_ERROR)
hwList = []
start =
def dhcpexhaustion(self,getInterface):
interface = str(getInterface)
global reqCnt
global ofrCnt
reqCnt = 0
ofrCnt = 0
def monitorPackets(p):
if p.haslayer(BOOTP):
global reqCnt
global ofrCnt
opCode = p.getlayer(BOOTP).op
if opCode == 1:
elif opCode == 2:
print "[*] - "+str(reqCnt)+" Requests, "+str(ofrCnt)+" Offers."
I am thinking to stop the threading when I click on a button, but have no idea how can it can be done.
There are self.abort techniques, but I'm not sure how to apply it in my code.
As I said in a comment:
If [sniff is] a function that you have no control over (e.g., from a C extension module) and it loops forever, then it must have some way to cancel it. Maybe it's having your callback return a special value, maybe it's calling a control function, maybe it's closing the object it's working on… whatever it is, you have to do that.
So, why not read the documentation for scapy.sniff to see how to cancel it?
Sniff packets
sniff([count=0,] [prn=None,] [store=1,] [offline=None,] [lfilter=None,] + L2ListenSocket args) -> list of packets
count: number of packets to capture. 0 means infinity
store: wether to store sniffed packets or discard them
prn: function to apply to each packet. If something is returned,
it is displayed. Ex:
ex: prn = lambda x: x.summary()
lfilter: python function applied to each packet to determine
if further action may be done
ex: lfilter = lambda x: x.haslayer(Padding)
offline: pcap file to read packets from, instead of sniffing them
timeout: stop sniffing after a given time (default: None)
L2socket: use the provided L2socket
opened_socket: provide an object ready to use .recv() on
stop_filter: python function applied to each packet to determine
if we have to stop the capture after this packet
ex: stop_filter = lambda x: x.haslayer(TCP)
So, the way to stop it sniffing forever is to pass it a stop_filter function, which will return True when you want to stop it. So that function is where you're going to check your stop flag. For example:
def __init__(self, whatever):
self.stopflag = False
self.stoplock = threading.Lock()
# rest of your init
def stop(self):
with self.stoplock:
self.stopflag = True
def stop_filter(self):
with self.stoplock:
return self.stopflag
def dhcpexhaustion(self, getInterface):
# etc.
sniff(iface=interface,prn=monitorPackets, stop_filter=self.stop_filter)
You're probably going to want to store the two Thread objects at start time, so you can join them at stop time, rather than just leaking them until your program exits. But otherwise, this should do it.

Python threads/processes and class vars

The question may be really stupid but I'm working on this code since this morning and now even stupid things are hard :\
I've got this code and I call it by making 8 processes and run them.
Then there's another thread that has to print infos about this 8 processes. (code is below).
import MSCHAPV2
import threading
import binascii
import multiprocessing
class CrackerThread(multiprocessing.Process):
password_header = "s."
current_pin = ""
username = ""
server_challenge = ""
peer_challenge = ""
nt_response = ""
starting_pin = 0
limit = 0
testing_pin = 0
event = None
def __init__(self, username, server_challenge, peer_challenge, nt_response, starting_pin, limit, event):
super(CrackerThread, self).__init__()
self.username = username
self.server_challenge = server_challenge
self.peer_challenge = peer_challenge
self.nt_response = nt_response
self.starting_pin = starting_pin
self.limit = limit
self.event = event
self.testing_pin = starting_pin
def run(self):
mschap = MSCHAPV2.MSCHAPV2()
pin_range = self.starting_pin+self.limit
while self.testing_pin <= pin_range and not self.event.isSet():
self.current_pin = "%s%08d" % (self.password_header, self.testing_pin)
if(mschap.CheckPassword(self.server_challenge, self.peer_challenge, self.username, self.current_pin.encode("utf-16-le"), self.nt_response)):
print "Found valid password!"
print "user =", self.username
print "password =", self.current_pin
print "Thread for range (%d, %d) ended with no success." % (self.starting_pin, pin_range)
def getCurrentPin(self):
return self.testing_pin
def printCrackingState(threads):
info_string = '''
+ Starting password = s.%08d +
+ Current pin = s.%08d +
+ Missing pins = %08d +
while 1:
for t in threads:
printed_string = info_string % (t.starting_pin, t.getCurrentPin(), t.getMissingPinsCount())
printCrackingState is called by these lines in my "main":
infoThread = threading.Thread(target = utils.printCrackingState, args=([processes]))
#infoThread = cursesTest.CursesPrinter(threads, processes, event)
Now the quesion is: why t.starting_pin and t.getCurrentPin() print the SAME value?
It's like the t.getCurrentPin() returns the value set in the __init__() method and is not aware that I'm incrementing it!
Your problem here is that you're trying to update a variable in one process, and read it in another process. You can't do that. The whole point of multiprocessing, as opposed to multithreading, is that variables are not shared by default.
Read the docs, especially Exchanging objects between processes and Sharing state between processes, and it will explain the various ways around this. But really, there's two: either you need some kind of channel/API to let the parent process ask the child process for its current state, or you need some kind of shared memory to store the data in. And you may need a lock to protect either the channel/shared memory.
While shared memory may seem like the "obvious" answer here, you may want to time the following:
val = 0
for i in range(10000):
val += 1
val = Value('i', 0)
lock = Lock()
for i in range(10000):
with lock:
val.value += 1
It's worth noting that your code would also be incorrect with threads—although it would probably work, in CPython. If you don't do any synchronization, there is no guaranteed ordering. If you write a value in one thread and read it "later" in another thread, you can still read the older value. How much later? Well, if thread 0 runs on core 0, and thread 1 on core 1, and they both have the variable in their cache, and nobody tells the CPUs to flush the cache, thread 1 will go on reading the old value forever. In practice, CPython's Global Interpreter Lock eventually synchronizes everything implicitly (so we're talking milliseconds rather than infinity), and all variables have explicit memory locations rather than being, say, optimized into registers, and so on, so you can usually get away with writing unprotected races. But, thanks to Murphy's Law, you should read "usually" as "every time until the first demo to the investors" or "until we attach the live nuclear reactor".
