I'm trying to learn how to use multiprocessing in Python.
I read about multiprocessing, and I trying to do something like this:
I have the following class(partial code), which has a method to produce voronoi diagrams:
class ImageData:
def generate_voronoi_diagram(self, seeds):
Generate a voronoi diagram with *seeds* seeds
:param seeds: the number of seed in the voronoi diagram
nx = []
ny = []
gs = []
for i in range(seeds):
# Generate a cell position
pos_x = random.randrange(self.width)
pos_y = random.randrange(self.height)
# Save the f(x,y) data
x = Utils.translate(pos_x, 0, self.width, self.range_min, self.range_max)
y = Utils.translate(pos_y, 0, self.height, self.range_min, self.range_max)
z = Utils.function(x, y)
for y in range(self.height):
for x in range(self.width):
# Return the Euclidean norm
d_min = math.hypot(self.width - 1, self.height - 1)
j = -1
for i in range(seeds):
# The distance from a cell to x, y point being considered
d = math.hypot(nx[i] - x, ny[i] - y)
if d < d_min:
d_min = d
j = i
self.data[x][y] = gs[j]
I have to generate a large number of this diagrams, so, this consumes a lot of time, so I thought this is a typical problem to be parallelized.
I was doing this, in the "normal" approach, like this:
if __name__ == "__main__":
entries = []
for n in range(images):
entry = ImD.ImageData(width, height)
Trying to parallelize this, I tried this:
if __name__ == "__main__":
entries = []
seeds = np.random.poisson(100)
p = Pool()
entry = ImD.ImageData(width, height)
res = p.apply_async(entry.generate_voronoi_diagram,(seeds))
But, besides it doesn't work not even to generate a single diagram, I don't know how to specify that this have to be made N times.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Python's multiprocessing doesn't share memory (unless you explicitly tell it to). That means that you won't see "side effects" of any function that gets run in a worker processes. Your generate_voronoi_diagram method works by adding data to an entry value, which is a side effect. In order to see the results, you need to be passing it back as a return values from your function.
Here's one approach that handles the entry instance as an argument and return value:
def do_voroni(entry, seeds):
return entry
Now, you can use this function in your worker processes:
if __name__ == "__main__":
entries = [ImD.ImageData(width, height) for _ in range(images)]
seeds = numpy.random.poisson(100, images) # array of values
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
for i, e in enumerate(pool.starmap_async(do_voroni, zip(entries, seeds))):
The e values in the loop are not references to the values in the entries list. Rather, they're copies of those objects, which have been passed out to the worker process (which added data to them) and then passed back.
I might be wrong, but I think you should use
res = p.apply_async(entry.generate_voronoi_diagram,(seeds))
you may get Can't pickle type 'instancemethod'
i think the easiest way is something like
import random
from multiprocessing import Pool
class ImageData:
def generate_voronoi_diagram(self, seeds):
def generate_heat_map_image(self, path):
def allinone(obj, seeds, path):
if __name__ == "__main__":
entries = []
seeds = random.random()
p = Pool()
entry = ImageData()
res = p.apply_async(allinone, (entry, seeds, 'tmp.txt'))
I'm currently creating a genetic algorithm and am trying to only get certain values from the ASCII table so the runtime of the algorithm can be a bit faster. In the code below I get the values between 9-127 but I only need the values 9-10, and 32-127 from the ASCII table and I'm not sure on how to exactly only get those specific values. Code below is done in python.
import numpy as np
TARGET_PHRASE = """The smartest and fastest Pixel yet.
Google Tensor: Our first custom-built processor.
The first processor designed by Google and made for Pixel, Tensor makes the new Pixel phones our most powerful yet.
The most advanced Pixel Camera ever.
Capture brilliant color and vivid detail with Pixels best-in-class computational photography and new pro-level lenses.""" # target DNA
POP_SIZE = 4000 # population size
CROSS_RATE = 0.8 # mating probability (DNA crossover)
MUTATION_RATE = 0.00001 # mutation probability
TARGET_ASCII = np.fromstring(TARGET_PHRASE, dtype=np.uint8) # convert string to number
ASCII_BOUND = [9, 127]
class GA(object):
def __init__(self, DNA_size, DNA_bound, cross_rate, mutation_rate, pop_size):
self.DNA_size = DNA_size
DNA_bound[1] += 1
self.DNA_bound = DNA_bound
self.cross_rate = cross_rate
self.mutate_rate = mutation_rate
self.pop_size = pop_size
self.pop = np.random.randint(*DNA_bound, size=(pop_size, DNA_size)).astype(np.int8) # int8 for convert to ASCII
def translateDNA(self, DNA): # convert to readable string
return DNA.tostring().decode('ascii')
def get_fitness(self): # count how many character matches
match_count = (self.pop == TARGET_ASCII).sum(axis=1)
return match_count
def select(self):
fitness = self.get_fitness() # add a small amount to avoid all zero fitness
idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.pop_size), size=self.pop_size, replace=True, p=fitness/fitness.sum())
return self.pop[idx]
def crossover(self, parent, pop):
if np.random.rand() < self.cross_rate:
i_ = np.random.randint(0, self.pop_size, size=1) # select another individual from pop
cross_points = np.random.randint(0, 2, self.DNA_size).astype(np.bool) # choose crossover points
parent[cross_points] = pop[i_, cross_points] # mating and produce one child
return parent
def mutate(self, child):
for point in range(self.DNA_size):
if np.random.rand() < self.mutate_rate:
child[point] = np.random.randint(*self.DNA_bound) # choose a random ASCII index
return child
def evolve(self):
pop = self.select()
pop_copy = pop.copy()
for parent in pop: # for every parent
child = self.crossover(parent, pop_copy)
child = self.mutate(child)
parent[:] = child
self.pop = pop
if __name__ == '__main__':
ga = GA(DNA_size=DNA_SIZE, DNA_bound=ASCII_BOUND, cross_rate=CROSS_RATE,
mutation_rate=MUTATION_RATE, pop_size=POP_SIZE)
for generation in range(N_GENERATIONS):
fitness = ga.get_fitness()
best_DNA = ga.pop[np.argmax(fitness)]
best_phrase = ga.translateDNA(best_DNA)
print('Gen', generation, ': ', best_phrase)
if best_phrase == TARGET_PHRASE:
You need a customed method to generate random samples in range 9-10, and 32-127, like
def my_rand(pop_size, DNA_size):
pop = np.random.choice(bold,(pop_size,DNA_size)).astype(np.int8)
return pop
then call this method to replace the line 29, like
delete -- self.pop = np.random.randint(*DNA_bound, size=(pop_size, DNA_size)).astype(np.int8) # int8 for convert to ASCII
call ---self.pop = my_rand(pop_size, DNA_size)
So I have a problem that might be super duper simple.
I have these numpy ndarrays that I allocated and want to assign values to them via indices returned as lists. It might be easier if I showed you some example code. The questionable code I have is at the bottom, and in my testing (before actually taking this to scale) I keep getting syntax errors :'(
EDIT: edited to make it easier to troubleshoot and put some example code at the bottoms
import numpy as np
def do_stuff(index, mask):
# this is where the calculations are made
magic = sum(mask)
return index, magic
def foo(full_index, comparison_dims, *xargs):
# I have this function executed in Parallel since I'm using a machine with 36 nodes per core, and can access upto 16 cores for each script #blessed
# figure out how many dimensions there are, and how big they are
parent_dims = []
parent_diffs = []
for j in xargs:
parent_dims += [len(j)]
parent_diffs += [j[1] - j[0]] # this is used to find a mask
index = [] # this is where the individual dimension indices will be stored
dim_n = 0
# loop through the dimensions
while dim_n < len(parent_dims):
dim_index = full_index % parent_dims[dim_n]
index += [dim_index]
if dim_n == 0:
mask = (comparison_dims[dim_n] > xargs[dim_n][dim_index] - parent_diffs[dim_n]/2) * \
(comparison_dims[dim_n] <= xargs[dim_n][dim_index] +parent_diffs[dim_n] / 2)
mask *= (comparison_dims[dim_n] > xargs[dim_n][dim_index] - parent_diffs[dim_n]/2) * \
(comparison_dims[dim_n] <=xargs[dim_n][dim_index] + parent_diffs[dim_n] / 2)
full_index //= parent_dims[dim_n]
dim_n += 1
return do_stuff(index, mask)
def bar(comparison_dims, *xargs):
if len(xargs) == comparison_dims.shape[0]:
elif len(comparison_dims.shape) == 2:
raise ValueError("silly person, you failed")
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
dims = []
for j in xargs:
dims += [len(j)]
myArray = np.empty(tuple(dims))
results = Parallel(n_jobs=1)(
index, comparison_dims, *xargs)
for index in range(np.prod(dims))
for index_list, result in results:
# I thought this would work, but oh golly was I was wrong, index_list here is a list of ints, and result is a value
# for example index, result = [0,3,7], 45.4
# so in execution, that would yield: myArray[0,3,7] = 45.4
# instead it yields SyntaxError because I don't know what I'm doing XD
myArray[*index_list] = result
return myArray
Any ideas how I can make that work. What do I need to do?
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I think with your help we might be able to figure this out!
A quick example to troubleshoot this problem would be:
compareDims = np.array([np.random.rand(1000), np.random.rand(1000)])
dim0 = np.arange(0,1,1./20)
dim1 = np.arange(0,1,1./30)
myArray = bar(compareDims, dim0, dim1)
To index a numpy array with an arbitrary list of multidimensional indices. you actually need to use a tuple:
for index_list, result in results:
myArray[tuple(index_list)] = result
I want to use multiprocessing in Python to speed up a while loop.
More specifically:
I have a matrix (samples*features). I want to select x subsets of samples whose values at a random subset of features is unequal to a certain value (-1 in this case).
My serial code:
datafile = '...'
df = pd.read_csv(datafile, sep=" ", nrows = 89)
no_feat = 500
no_samp = 5
no_trees = 5
samples = np.zeros((no_trees, no_samp))
features = np.zeros((no_trees, no_feat))
while i < no_trees:
rand_feat = np.random.choice(df.shape[1], no_feat, replace=False)
iter_order = np.random.choice(df.shape[0], df.shape[0], replace=False)
samp_idx = []
#how to run in parallel?
for j in iter_order:
pot_samp = df.iloc[j, rand_feat]
if len(np.where(pot_samp==-1)[0]) == 0:
if len(samp_idx) == no_samp:
print a
if len(samp_idx) == no_samp:
samples[i,:] = samp_idx
features[i, :] = rand_feat
if iter>1000: #break if subsets cannot be found
Searching for fitting samples is the potentially expensive part (the j for loop), which in theory can be run in parallel. In some cases, it is not necessary to iterate over all samples to find a large enough subset, which is why I am breaking out of the loop as soon as the subset is large enough.
I am struggling to find an implementation that would allow for checks of how many valid results are generated already. Is it even possible?
I have used joblib before. If I understand correctly this uses the pool methods of multiprocessing as a backend which only works for separate tasks? I am thinking that queues might be helpful but thus far I failed at implementing them.
I found a working solution. I decided to run the while loop in parallel and have the different processes interact over a shared counter. Furthermore, I vectorized the search for suitable samples.
The vectorization yielded a ~300x speedup and running on 4 cores speeds up the computation ~twofold.
First I tried to implement separate processes and put the results into a queue. Turns out these aren't made to store large amounts of data.
If someone sees another bottleneck in that code I would be glad if someone pointed it out.
With my basically nonexistent knowledge about parallel computing I found it really hard to puzzle this together, especially since the example on the internet are all very basic. I learnt a lot though =)
My code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools
from multiprocessing import Pool, Lock, Value
from datetime import datetime
import settings
val = Value('i', 0)
worker_ID = Value('i', 1)
lock = Lock()
def findSamp(no_trees, df, no_feat, no_samp):
print 'starting worker - {0}'.format(worker_ID.value)
worker_ID.value +=1
worker_ID_local = worker_ID.value
max_iter = 100000
samp = []
feat = []
iter_outer = 0
iter = 0
while val.value < no_trees and iter_outer<max_iter:
rand_feat = np.random.choice(df.shape[1], no_feat, replace=False
#get samples with random features from dataset;
#find and select samples that don't have missing values in the random features
samp_rand = df.iloc[:,rand_feat]
nan_idx = np.unique(np.where(samp_rand == -1)[0])
all_idx = np.arange(df.shape[0])
notnan_bool = np.invert(np.in1d(all_idx, nan_idx))
notnan_idx = np.where(notnan_bool == True)[0]
if notnan_idx.shape[0] >= no_samp:
#if enough samples for random feature subset, select no_samp samples randomly
notnan_idx_rand = np.random.choice(notnan_idx, no_samp, replace=False)
rand_feat_rand = rand_feat
val.value += 1
#x = val.value
#print 'no of trees generated: {0}'.format(x)
#increase iter_outer counter if no sample subset could be found for random feature subset
iter_outer += 1
if iter >= max_iter:
print 'exiting worker{0} because iter >= max_iter'.format(worker_ID_local)
print 'worker{0} - finished'.format(worker_ID_local)
return samp, feat
def initialize(*args):
global val, worker_ID, lock
val, worker_ID, lock = args
def star_findSamp(i_df_no_feat_no_samp):
return findSamp(*i_df_no_feat_no_samp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
datafile = '...'
df = pd.read_csv(datafile, sep=" ", nrows = 89)
df = df.fillna(-1)
df = df.iloc[:, 6:]
no_feat = 700
no_samp = 10
no_trees = 5000
startTime = datetime.now()
print 'starting multiprocessing'
ncores = 4
p = Pool(ncores, initializer=initialize, initargs=(val, worker_ID, lock))
args = itertools.izip([no_trees]*ncores, itertools.repeat(df), itertools.repeat(no_feat), itertools.repeat(no_samp))
result = p.map(star_findSamp, args)#, callback=log_result)
print '{0} sample subsets for tree training have been found'.format(val.value)
samples = [x[0] for x in result if x != None]
samples = np.vstack(samples)
features = [x[1] for x in result if x != None]
features = np.vstack(features)
print datetime.now() - startTime
I am running a loop (more as a iteration process) with the purpose of calculating the cosine similarity of a pair of texts files a a data set with 84 texts files. The logic I follow is to calculate it first from the document 0 and 1, then document 1 and 2 until document n-1 and n. The way I coded it is the following:
my_funcs = {}
for i in range(len(data)):
def foo(x, y):
x = data[i]['body']
y = data[i+1]['body']
tfidf = vectorizer.fit_transform([x, y])
return ((tfidf * tfidf.T).A)[0,1]
foo.func_name = "cosine_sim%d" % i
my_funcs["cosine_sim%d" % i] = foo
globals().update(my_funcs) # Export to namespace
Not surprisingly my code gives me the following error: list index out of range. Is there any way to tell the loop to stop when i = len(data) ?
my_funcs = {}
for i in range(len(data)-1):
def foo(x, y):
x = data[i]['body']
y = data[i+1]['body']
tfidf = vectorizer.fit_transform([x, y])
return ((tfidf * tfidf.T).A)[0,1]
foo.func_name = "cosine_sim%d" % i
my_funcs["cosine_sim%d" % i] = foo
globals().update(my_funcs) # Export to namespace
I just made the loop to len(data)-1. Do you realize what changes it makes?
By the way, I don't agree with filling the globals() with so many functions. There are 84 of them. Unless you aren't using them for Python Shell use (for fast working), I would not suggest you to try this.
I've written some python code to calculate a certain quantity from a cosmological simulation. It does this by checking whether a particle in contained within a box of size 8,000^3, starting at the origin and advancing the box when all particles contained within it are found. As I am counting ~2 million particles altogether, and the total size of the simulation volume is 150,000^3, this is taking a long time.
I'll post my code below, does anybody have any suggestions on how to improve it?
Thanks in advance.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
def check_range(pos, i, j, k):
a = 0
if i <= pos[2] < i+8000:
if j <= pos[3] < j+8000:
if k <= pos[4] < k+8000:
a = 1
return a
def sigma8(data):
N = []
to_do = data
print 'Counting number of particles per cell...'
for k in range(0,150001,8000):
for j in range(0,150001,8000):
for i in range(0,150001,8000):
temp = []
n = []
for count in range(len(to_do)):
to_do[count][1] = n[count]
if to_do[count][1] == 0:
#Only particles that have not been found are
# searched for again
to_do = temp
print 'Next row'
print 'Next slice, %i still to find' % len(to_do)
print 'Calculating sigma8...'
if not sum(N) == len(data):
return 'Error!\nN measured = {0}, total N = {1}'.format(sum(N), len(data))
return 'sigma8 = %.4f, variance = %.4f, mean = %.4f' % (np.sqrt(sum((N-np.mean(N))**2)/len(N))/np.mean(N), np.var(N),np.mean(N))
I'll try to post some code, but my general idea is the following: create a Particle class that knows about the box that it lives in, which is calculated in the __init__. Each box should have a unique name, which might be the coordinate of the bottom left corner (or whatever you use to locate your boxes).
Get a new instance of the Particle class for each particle, then use a Counter (from the collections module).
Particle class looks something like:
# static consts - outside so that every instance of Particle doesn't take them along
# for the ride...
MAX_X = 150,000
X_STEP = 8000
# etc.
class Particle(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.x = data[xvalue]
self.y = data[yvalue]
self.z = data[zvalue]
def compute_box_label(self):
import math
x_label = math.floor(self.x / X_STEP)
y_label = math.floor(self.y / Y_STEP)
z_label = math.floor(self.z / Z_STEP)
self.box_label = str(x_label) + '-' + str(y_label) + '-' + str(z_label)
Anyway, I imagine your sigma8 function might look like:
def sigma8(data):
import collections as col
particles = [Particle(x) for x in data]
boxes = col.Counter([x.box_label for x in particles])
counts = boxes.most_common()
#some other stuff
counts will be a list of tuples which map a box label to the number of particles in that box. (Here we're treating particles as indistinguishable.)
Using list comprehensions is much faster than using loops---I think the reason is that you're basically relying more on the underlying C, but I'm not the person to ask. Counter is (supposedly) highly-optimized as well.
Note: None of this code has been tested, so you shouldn't try the cut-and-paste-and-hope-it-works method here.