Say I have a string in alphabetical order, based on the amount of times that a letter repeats.
Example: "BBBAADDC".
There are 3 B's, so they go at the start, 2 A's and 2 D's, so the A's go in front of the D's because they are in alphabetical order, and 1 C. Another example would be CCCCAAABBDDAB.
Note that there can be 4 letters in the middle somewhere (i.e. CCCC), as there could be 2 pairs of 2 letters.
However, let's say I can only have n letters in a row. For example, if n = 3 in the second example, then I would have to omit one "C" from the first substring of 4 C's, because there can only be a maximum of 3 of the same letters in a row.
Another example would be the string "CCCDDDAABC"; if n = 2, I would have to remove one C and one D to get the string CCDDAABC
Example input/output:
n=1: Input: XXYYZZ, Output: XYZ
How can I do this with Python? Thanks in advance!
This is what I have right now, although I'm not sure if it's on the right track. Here, z is the length of the string.
for k in range(z+1):
if final_string[k] == final_string[k+1] == final_string[k+2] == final_string[k+3]:
final_string = final_string.translate({ord(final_string[k]): None})
return final_string
Ok, based on your comment, you're either pre-sorting the string or it doesn't need to be sorted by the function you're trying to create. You can do this more easily with itertools.groupby():
import itertools
def max_seq(text, n=1):
result = []
for k, g in itertools.groupby(text):
return ''.join(result)
max_seq('AAABBCCCCDE', 2)
max_seq('EEEEEFFFFGGG', 4)
# 'XYZ'
max_seq('CCCDDDAABC', 2)
In each group g, it's expanded and then sliced until n elements (the [:n] part) so you get each letter at most n times in a row. If the same letter appears elsewhere, it's treated as an independent sequence when counting n in a row.
Edit: Here's a shorter version, which may also perform better for very long strings. And while we're using itertools, this one additionally utilises itertools.chain.from_iterable() to create the flattened list of letters. And since each of these is a generator, it's only evaluated/expanded at the last line:
import itertools
def max_seq(text, n=1):
sequences = (list(g)[:n] for _, g in itertools.groupby(text))
letters = itertools.chain.from_iterable(sequences)
return ''.join(letters)
hello = "hello frrriend"
def replacing() -> str:
global hello
j = 0
for i in hello:
if j == 0:
if i == prev:
hello = hello.replace(i, "")
prev = i
prev = i
j += 1
return hello
looks a bit primal but i think it works, thats what i came up with on the go anyways , hope it helps :D
Here's my solution:
def snip_string(string, n):
list_string = list(string)
chars = set(string)
for char in chars:
while list_string.count(char) > n:
return ''.join(list_string)
Calling the function with various values for n gives the following output:
>>> string = "AAAABBBCCCDDD"
>>> snip_string(string, 1)
>>> snip_string(string, 2)
>>> snip_string(string, 3)
Here is the updated version of my solution, which only removes characters if the group of repeated characters exceeds n.
import itertools
def snip_string(string, n):
groups = [list(g) for k, g in itertools.groupby(string)]
string_list = []
for group in groups:
while len(group) > n:
del group[-1]
return ''.join(string_list)
>>> snip_string(string, 3)
from itertools import groupby
n = 2
def rem(string):
out = "".join(["".join(list(g)[:n]) for _, g in groupby(string)])
So this is the entire code for your question.
With following test:
I have string of some length consisting of only 4 characters which are 'A,T,G and C'. I have pattern 'GAATTC' present multiple times in the given string. I have to cut the string at intervals where this pattern is..
For example for a string, 'ATCGAATTCATA', I should get output of
string one - ATCGA
string two - ATTCATA
I am newbie in using Python but I have come up with the following (incomplete) code:
seq = seq.upper()
str1 = "GAATTC"
seqlen = len(seq)
seq = list(seq)
for i in range(0,seqlen-1):
site = seq.find(str1)
Any help would be really appreciated.
First lets develop your idea of using find, so you can figure out your mistakes.
seq = seq.upper()
pattern = "GAATTC"
split_at = 2
seqlen = len(seq)
i = 0
while i < seqlen:
site = seq.find(pattern, i)
if site != -1:
print(seq[i: site + split_at])
i = site + split_at
print seq[i:]
Yet python string sports a powerful replace method that directly replaces fragments of string. The below snippet uses the replace method to insert separators when needed:
seq = seq.upper()
pattern = "GA","ATTC"
pattern1 = ''.join(pattern) # 'GAATTC'
pattern2 = ' '.join(pattern) # 'GA ATTC'
splited_seq = seq.replace(pattern1, pattern2) # 'ATCGA ATTCATAATCGA ATTCATAATCGA ATTCATA'
print (splited_seq.split())
I believe it is more intuitive and should be faster then RE (which might have lower performance, depending on library and usage)
Here is a simple solution :
seq_split = seq.upper().split('GAATTC')
result = [
(seq_split[i] + 'GA') if i % 2 == 0 else ('ATTC' + seq_split[i])
for i in range(len(seq_split)) if len(seq_split[i]) > 0
Result :
BioPython has a restriction enzyme package to do exactly what you're asking.
from Bio.Restriction import *
from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import IUPACAmbiguousDNA
print( # You will see that this is the enzyme you listed above
test = 'ATCGAATTCATA'.upper() # This is the sequence you want to search
my_seq = Seq(test, IUPACAmbiguousDNA()) # Create a biopython Seq object with our sequence
cut_sites =
cut_sites contain a list of exactly where to cut the input sequence (such that GA is in the left sequence and ATTC is in the right sequence.
You can then split the sequence into contigs using:
cut_sites = [0] + cut_sites # We add a leading zero so this works for the first
# contig. This might not always be needed.
contigs = [test[i:j] for i,j in zip(cut_sites, cut_sites[1:]+[None])]
You can see this page for more details about BioPython.
My code is a bit sloppy, but you could try something like this when you want to iterate over multiple occurrences of the string
def split_strings(seq):
string1 = seq[:seq.find(str1) +2]
string2 = seq[seq.find(str1) +2:]
return string1, string2
test = 'ATCGAATTCATA'.upper()
str1 = 'GAATTC'
seq = test
while str1 in seq:
string1, seq = split_strings(seq)
print string1
print seq
Here's a solution using the regular expression module:
import re
restriction_site = re.compile('GAATTC')
subseq_start = 0
for match in restriction_site.finditer(seq):
print seq[subseq_start:match.start()+2]
subseq_start = match.start()+2
print seq[subseq_start:]
Say that I have 10 different tokens, "(TOKEN)" in a string. How do I replace 2 of those tokens, chosen at random, with some other string, leaving the other tokens intact?
>>> import random
>>> text = '(TOKEN)__(TOKEN)__(TOKEN)__(TOKEN)__(TOKEN)__(TOKEN)__(TOKEN)__(TOKEN)__(TOKEN)__(TOKEN)'
>>> token = '(TOKEN)'
>>> replace = 'foo'
>>> num_replacements = 2
>>> num_tokens = text.count(token) #10 in this case
>>> points = [0] + sorted(random.sample(range(1,num_tokens+1),num_replacements)) + [num_tokens+1]
>>> replace.join(token.join(text.split(token)[i:j]) for i,j in zip(points,points[1:]))
In function form:
>>> def random_replace(text, token, replace, num_replacements):
num_tokens = text.count(token)
points = [0] + sorted(random.sample(range(1,num_tokens+1),num_replacements)) + [num_tokens+1]
return replace.join(token.join(text.split(token)[i:j]) for i,j in zip(points,points[1:]))
>>> random_replace('....(TOKEN)....(TOKEN)....(TOKEN)....(TOKEN)....(TOKEN)....(TOKEN)....(TOKEN)....(TOKEN)....','(TOKEN)','FOO',2)
>>> for i in range(0,9):
print random_replace('....(0)....(0)....(0)....(0)....(0)....(0)....(0)....(0)....','(0)','(%d)'%i,i)
If you need exactly two, then:
Detect the tokens (keep some links to them, like index into the string)
Choose two at random (random.choice)
Replace them
What are you trying to do, exactly? A good answer will depend on that...
That said, a brute-force solution that comes to mind is to:
Store the 10 tokens in an array, such that tokens[0] is the first token, tokens[1] is the second, ... and so on
Create a dictionary to associate each unique "(TOKEN)" with two numbers: start_idx, end_idx
Write a little parser that walks through your string and looks for each of the 10 tokens. Whenever one is found, record the start/end indexes (as start_idx, end_idx) in the string where that token occurs.
Once done parsing, generate a random number in the range [0,9]. Lets call this R
Now, your random "(TOKEN)" is tokens[R];
Use the dictionary in step (3) to find the start_idx, end_idx values in the string; replace the text there with "some other string"
My solution in code:
import random
s = "(TOKEN)test(TOKEN)fgsfds(TOKEN)qwerty(TOKEN)42(TOKEN)(TOKEN)ttt"
replace_from = "(TOKEN)"
replace_to = "[REPLACED]"
amount_to_replace = 2
def random_replace(s, replace_from, replace_to, amount_to_replace):
parts = s.split(replace_from)
indices = random.sample(xrange(len(parts) - 1), amount_to_replace)
replaced_s_parts = list()
for i in xrange(len(parts)):
if i < len(parts) - 1:
if i in indices:
return "".join(replaced_s_parts)
for i in xrange(5):
print random_replace(s, replace_from, replace_to, 2)
Splits string into several parts using replace_from
Chooses indexes of tokens to replace using random.sample. This returned list contains unique numbers
Build a list for string reconstruction, replacing tokens with generated index by replace_to.
Concatenate all list elements into single string
Try this solution:
import random
def replace_random(tokens, eqv, n):
random_tokens = eqv.keys()
for i in xrange(n):
t = random_tokens[i]
tokens = tokens.replace(t, eqv[t])
return tokens
Assuming that a string with tokens exists, and a suitable equivalence table can be constructed with a replacement for each token:
tokens = '(TOKEN1) (TOKEN2) (TOKEN3) (TOKEN4) (TOKEN5) (TOKEN6) (TOKEN7) (TOKEN8) (TOKEN9) (TOKEN10)'
equivalences = {
You can call it like this:
replace_random(tokens, equivalences, 2)
There are lots of ways to do this. My approach would be to write a function that takes the original string, the token string, and a function that returns the replacement text for an occurrence of the token in the original:
def strByReplacingTokensUsingFunction(original, token, function):
outputComponents = []
matchNumber = 0
unexaminedOffset = 0
while True:
matchOffset = original.find(token, unexaminedOffset)
if matchOffset < 0:
matchOffset = len(original)
if matchOffset == len(original):
unexaminedOffset = matchOffset + len(token)
replacement = function(original=original, offset=matchOffset, matchNumber=matchNumber, token=token)
matchNumber += 1
return ''.join(outputComponents)
(You could certainly change this to use shorter identifiers. My style is somewhat more verbose than typical Python style.)
Given that function, it's easy to replace two random occurrences out of ten. Here's some sample input:
The random module has a handy method for picking random items from a population (not picking the same item twice):
import random
replacementIndexes = random.sample(range(10), 2)
Then we can use the function above to replace the randomly-chosen occurrences:
sampleOutput = strByReplacingTokensUsingFunction(sampleInput, '(TOKEN)',
(lambda matchNumber, token, **keywords:
'REPLACEMENT' if (matchNumber in replacementIndexes) else token))
print sampleOutput
And here's some test output:
Here's another run:
from random import sample
mystr = 'adad(TOKEN)hgfh(TOKEN)hjgjh(TOKEN)kjhk(TOKEN)jkhjk(TOKEN)utuy(TOKEN)tyuu(TOKEN)tyuy(TOKEN)tyuy(TOKEN)tyuy(TOKEN)'
def replace(mystr, substr, n_repl, replacement='XXXXXXX', tokens=10, index=0):
choices = sorted(sample(xrange(tokens),n_repl))
for i in xrange(choices[-1]+1):
index = mystr.index(substr, index) + 1
if i in choices:
mystr = mystr[:index-1] + mystr[index-1:].replace(substr,replacement,1)
return mystr
print replace(mystr,'(TOKEN)',2)
Python has string.find() and string.rfind() to get the index of a substring in a string.
I'm wondering whether there is something like string.find_all() which can return all found indexes (not only the first from the beginning or the first from the end).
For example:
string = "test test test test"
print string.find('test') # 0
print string.rfind('test') # 15
#this is the goal
print string.find_all('test') # [0,5,10,15]
For counting the occurrences, see Count number of occurrences of a substring in a string.
There is no simple built-in string function that does what you're looking for, but you could use the more powerful regular expressions:
import re
[m.start() for m in re.finditer('test', 'test test test test')]
#[0, 5, 10, 15]
If you want to find overlapping matches, lookahead will do that:
[m.start() for m in re.finditer('(?=tt)', 'ttt')]
#[0, 1]
If you want a reverse find-all without overlaps, you can combine positive and negative lookahead into an expression like this:
search = 'tt'
[m.start() for m in re.finditer('(?=%s)(?!.{1,%d}%s)' % (search, len(search)-1, search), 'ttt')]
re.finditer returns a generator, so you could change the [] in the above to () to get a generator instead of a list which will be more efficient if you're only iterating through the results once.
>>> help(str.find)
Help on method_descriptor:
S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int
Thus, we can build it ourselves:
def find_all(a_str, sub):
start = 0
while True:
start = a_str.find(sub, start)
if start == -1: return
yield start
start += len(sub) # use start += 1 to find overlapping matches
list(find_all('spam spam spam spam', 'spam')) # [0, 5, 10, 15]
No temporary strings or regexes required.
Here's a (very inefficient) way to get all (i.e. even overlapping) matches:
>>> string = "test test test test"
>>> [i for i in range(len(string)) if string.startswith('test', i)]
[0, 5, 10, 15]
Use re.finditer:
import re
sentence = input("Give me a sentence ")
word = input("What word would you like to find ")
for match in re.finditer(word, sentence):
print (match.start(), match.end())
For word = "this" and sentence = "this is a sentence this this" this will yield the output:
(0, 4)
(19, 23)
(24, 28)
Again, old thread, but here's my solution using a generator and plain str.find.
def findall(p, s):
'''Yields all the positions of
the pattern p in the string s.'''
i = s.find(p)
while i != -1:
yield i
i = s.find(p, i+1)
x = 'banananassantana'
[(i, x[i:i+2]) for i in findall('na', x)]
[(2, 'na'), (4, 'na'), (6, 'na'), (14, 'na')]
You can use re.finditer() for non-overlapping matches.
>>> import re
>>> aString = 'this is a string where the substring "is" is repeated several times'
>>> print [(a.start(), a.end()) for a in list(re.finditer('is', aString))]
[(2, 4), (5, 7), (38, 40), (42, 44)]
but won't work for:
In [1]: aString="ababa"
In [2]: print [(a.start(), a.end()) for a in list(re.finditer('aba', aString))]
Output: [(0, 3)]
Come, let us recurse together.
def locations_of_substring(string, substring):
"""Return a list of locations of a substring."""
substring_length = len(substring)
def recurse(locations_found, start):
location = string.find(substring, start)
if location != -1:
return recurse(locations_found + [location], location+substring_length)
return locations_found
return recurse([], 0)
print(locations_of_substring('this is a test for finding this and this', 'this'))
# prints [0, 27, 36]
No need for regular expressions this way.
If you're just looking for a single character, this would work:
string = "dooobiedoobiedoobie"
match = 'o'
reduce(lambda count, char: count + 1 if char == match else count, string, 0)
# produces 7
string = "test test test test"
match = "test"
len(string.split(match)) - 1
# produces 4
My hunch is that neither of these (especially #2) is terribly performant.
this is an old thread but i got interested and wanted to share my solution.
def find_all(a_string, sub):
result = []
k = 0
while k < len(a_string):
k = a_string.find(sub, k)
if k == -1:
return result
k += 1 #change to k += len(sub) to not search overlapping results
return result
It should return a list of positions where the substring was found.
Please comment if you see an error or room for improvment.
This does the trick for me using re.finditer
import re
text = 'This is sample text to test if this pythonic '\
'program can serve as an indexing platform for '\
'finding words in a paragraph. It can give '\
'values as to where the word is located with the '\
'different examples as stated'
# find all occurances of the word 'as' in the above text
find_the_word = re.finditer('as', text)
for match in find_the_word:
print('start {}, end {}, search string \'{}\''.
format(match.start(), match.end(),
This thread is a little old but this worked for me:
numberString = "onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninefiveten"
testString = "five"
marker = 0
while marker < len(numberString):
marker = numberString.index("five", marker) + 1
except ValueError:
print("String not found")
marker = len(numberString)
You can try :
>>> string = "test test test test"
>>> for index,value in enumerate(string):
if string[index:index+(len("test"))] == "test":
print index
You can try :
import re
str1 = "This dress looks good; you have good taste in clothes."
substr = "good"
result = [_.start() for _ in re.finditer(substr, str1)]
# result = [17, 32]
When looking for a large amount of key words in a document, use flashtext
from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
words = ['test', 'exam', 'quiz']
txt = 'this is a test'
kwp = KeywordProcessor()
result = kwp.extract_keywords(txt, span_info=True)
Flashtext runs faster than regex on large list of search words.
This function does not look at all positions inside the string, it does not waste compute resources. My try:
def findAll(string,word):
while True:
return all_positions
to use it call it like this:
result=findAll('this word is a big word man how many words are there?','word')
src = input() # we will find substring in this string
sub = input() # substring
res = []
pos = src.find(sub)
while pos != -1:
pos = src.find(sub, pos + 1)
Whatever the solutions provided by others are completely based on the available method find() or any available methods.
What is the core basic algorithm to find all the occurrences of a
substring in a string?
def find_all(string,substring):
Function: Returning all the index of substring in a string
Arguments: String and the search string
Return:Returning a list
length = len(substring)
indexes = []
while c < len(string):
if string[c:c+length] == substring:
return indexes
You can also inherit str class to new class and can use this function
class newstr(str):
def find_all(string,substring):
Function: Returning all the index of substring in a string
Arguments: String and the search string
Return:Returning a list
length = len(substring)
indexes = []
while c < len(string):
if string[c:c+length] == substring:
return indexes
Calling the method
newstr.find_all('Do you find this answer helpful? then upvote
This is solution of a similar question from hackerrank. I hope this could help you.
import re
a = input()
b = input()
if b not in a:
#create two list as
start_indc = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('(?=' + b + ')', a)]
for i in range(len(start_indc)):
print((start_indc[i], start_indc[i]+len(b)-1))
(0, 1)
(1, 2)
(4, 5)
Here's a solution that I came up with, using assignment expression (new feature since Python 3.8):
string = "test test test test"
phrase = "test"
start = -1
result = [(start := string.find(phrase, start + 1)) for _ in range(string.count(phrase))]
[0, 5, 10, 15]
I think the most clean way of solution is without libraries and yields:
def find_all_occurrences(string, sub):
index_of_occurrences = []
current_index = 0
while True:
current_index = string.find(sub, current_index)
if current_index == -1:
return index_of_occurrences
current_index += len(sub)
find_all_occurrences(string, substr)
Note: find() method returns -1 when it can't find anything
The pythonic way would be:
mystring = 'Hello World, this should work!'
find_all = lambda c,s: [x for x in range(c.find(s), len(c)) if c[x] == s]
# s represents the search string
# c represents the character string
find_all(mystring,'o') # will return all positions of 'o'
[4, 7, 20, 26]
if you only want to use numpy here is a solution
import numpy as np
S= "test test test test"
S2 = 'test'
inds = np.cumsum([len(k)+len(S2) for k in S.split(S2)[:-1]])- len(S2)
if you want to use without re(regex) then:
find_all = lambda _str,_w : [ i for i in range(len(_str)) if _str.startswith(_w,i) ]
string = "test test test test"
print( find_all(string, 'test') ) # >>> [0, 5, 10, 15]
please look at below code
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8
def get_substring_indices(text, s):
result = [i for i in range(len(text)) if text.startswith(s, i)]
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
text = "How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?"
s = 'wood'
print get_substring_indices(text, s)
def find_index(string, let):
enumerated = [place for place, letter in enumerate(string) if letter == let]
return enumerated
for example :
find_index("hey doode find d", "d")
[4, 7, 13, 15]
Not exactly what OP asked but you could also use the split function to get a list of where all the substrings don't occur. OP didn't specify the end goal of the code but if your goal is to remove the substrings anyways then this could be a simple one-liner. There are probably more efficient ways to do this with larger strings; regular expressions would be preferable in that case
# Extract all non-substrings
s = "an-example-string"
s_no_dash = s.split('-')
# >>> s_no_dash
# ['an', 'example', 'string']
# Or extract and join them into a sentence
s_no_dash2 = ' '.join(s.split('-'))
# >>> s_no_dash2
# 'an example string'
Did a brief skim of other answers so apologies if this is already up there.
def count_substring(string, sub_string):
for i in range(0,len(string)-2):
if string[i:i+len(sub_string)] == sub_string:
return c
if __name__ == '__main__':
string = input().strip()
sub_string = input().strip()
count = count_substring(string, sub_string)
I runned in the same problem and did this:
hw = 'Hello oh World!'
list_hw = list(hw)
o_in_hw = []
while True:
o = hw.find('o')
if o != -1:
list_hw[o] = ' '
hw = ''.join(list_hw)
Im pretty new at coding so you can probably simplify it (and if planned to used continuously of course make it a function).
All and all it works as intended for what i was doing.
Edit: Please consider this is for single characters only, and it will change your variable, so you have to create a copy of the string in a new variable to save it, i didnt put it in the code cause its easy and its only to show how i made it work.
By slicing we find all the combinations possible and append them in a list and find the number of times it occurs using count function
for i in range(0,n):
for j in range(1,n+1):
if f in l:
To find all the occurence of a character in a give string and return as a dictionary
eg: hello
result :
{'h':1, 'e':1, 'l':2, 'o':1}
def count(string):
result = {}
for i in string:
result[i] = string.count(i)
return result
return {}
or else you do like this
from collections import Counter
def count(string):
return Counter(string)