Popen communicate is not working - python

I have a script that has been working properly for the past 3 months. The Server went down last Monday and since then my script stopped working. The script hangs at coords = p.communicate()[0].split().
Here's a part of the script:
class SelectByLatLon(GridSelector):
def __init__(self, from_lat, to_lat, from_lon, to_lon):
self.from_lat = from_lat
self.to_lat = to_lat
self.from_lon = from_lon
self.to_lon = to_lon
def get_selection(self, file):
p = subprocess.Popen(
os.path.join(module_root, 'bin/points_from_latlon.tcl'),
str(self.from_lat), str(self.to_lat), str(self.from_lon), str(self.to_lon)
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
coords = p.communicate()[0].split()
return ZGridSelection(int(coords[0]), int(coords[1]), int(coords[2]), int(coords[3]))
When I run the script on another server everything works just fine.
Can I use something else instead of p.communicate()[0].split() ?

You might have previously run your server without daemonization i.e., you had functional stdin, stdout, stderr streams. To fix, you could redirect the streams to DEVNULL for the subprocess:
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
DEVNULL = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR)
p = Popen(tcl_cmd, stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, close_fds=True)
.communicate() may wait for EOF on stdout even if tcl_cmd already exited: the tcl script might have spawned a child process that inherited the standard streams and outlived its parent.
If you know that you don't need any stdout after the tcl_cmd exits then you could kill the whole process tree when you detect that tcl_cmd is done.
You might need start_new_session=True analog to be able to kill the whole process tree:
import os
import signal
from threading import Timer
def kill_tree_on_exit(p):
p.wait() # wait for tcl_cmd to exit
os.killpg(p.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
t = Timer(0, kill_tree_on_exit, [p])
coords = p.communicate()[0].split()
See How to terminate a python subprocess launched with shell=True


Interact with python using subprocess

I try to interact to python interpreter using subprocess module like this :
import subprocess
def start(executable_file):
return subprocess.Popen(
def read(process):
return process.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8").strip()
def write(process, message):
def terminate(process):
process = start("python")
while True:
write(process, input())
But it seems it's locked a deadlock.
If anyone knows how to interact with python with python code and recover stdout, stderr with stream mode.
You need to use communicate() rather than read() and write() with subprocesses else it will lead to deadlock.
See red warning breakout towards middle of this page.

How to kill a parallel process(started by subprocess.Popen) and it's subprocess? [duplicate]

I'm launching a subprocess with the following command:
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
However, when I try to kill using:
The command keeps running in the background, so I was wondering how can I actually terminate the process.
Note that when I run the command with:
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
It does terminate successfully when issuing the p.terminate().
Use a process group so as to enable sending a signal to all the process in the groups. For that, you should attach a session id to the parent process of the spawned/child processes, which is a shell in your case. This will make it the group leader of the processes. So now, when a signal is sent to the process group leader, it's transmitted to all of the child processes of this group.
Here's the code:
import os
import signal
import subprocess
# The os.setsid() is passed in the argument preexec_fn so
# it's run after the fork() and before exec() to run the shell.
pro = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid)
os.killpg(os.getpgid(pro.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # Send the signal to all the process groups
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
p.kill() ends up killing the shell process and cmd is still running.
I found a convenient fix this by:
p = subprocess.Popen("exec " + cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
This will cause cmd to inherit the shell process, instead of having the shell launch a child process, which does not get killed. p.pid will be the id of your cmd process then.
p.kill() should work.
I don't know what effect this will have on your pipe though.
If you can use psutil, then this works perfectly:
import subprocess
import psutil
def kill(proc_pid):
process = psutil.Process(proc_pid)
for proc in process.children(recursive=True):
proc = subprocess.Popen(["infinite_app", "param"], shell=True)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
I could do it using
from subprocess import Popen
process = Popen(command, shell=True)
Popen("TASKKILL /F /PID {pid} /T".format(pid=process.pid))
it killed the cmd.exe and the program that i gave the command for.
(On Windows)
When shell=True the shell is the child process, and the commands are its children. So any SIGTERM or SIGKILL will kill the shell but not its child processes, and I don't remember a good way to do it.
The best way I can think of is to use shell=False, otherwise when you kill the parent shell process, it will leave a defunct shell process.
None of these answers worked for me so Im leaving the code that did work. In my case even after killing the process with .kill() and getting a .poll() return code the process didn't terminate.
Following the subprocess.Popen documentation:
"...in order to cleanup properly a well-behaved application should kill the child process and finish communication..."
proc = subprocess.Popen(...)
outs, errs = proc.communicate(timeout=15)
except TimeoutExpired:
outs, errs = proc.communicate()
In my case I was missing the proc.communicate() after calling proc.kill(). This cleans the process stdin, stdout ... and does terminate the process.
As Sai said, the shell is the child, so signals are intercepted by it -- best way I've found is to use shell=False and use shlex to split the command line:
if isinstance(command, unicode):
cmd = command.encode('utf8')
args = shlex.split(cmd)
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
Then p.kill() and p.terminate() should work how you expect.
Send the signal to all the processes in group
self.proc = Popen(commands,
os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.proc.pid), signal.SIGHUP)
os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.proc.pid), signal.SIGTERM)
There is a very simple way for Python 3.5 or + (Actually tested on Python 3.8)
import subprocess, signal, time
p = subprocess.Popen(['cmd'], shell=True)
time.sleep(5) #Wait 5 secs before killing
Then, your code may crash at some point if you have a keyboard input detection, or sth like this. In this case, on the line of code/function where the error is given, just use:
FailingCode #here goes the code which is raising KeyboardInterrupt
except KeyboardInterrupt:
What this code is doing is just sending a "CTRL+C" signal to the running process, what will cause the process to get killed.
Solution that worked for me
if os.name == 'nt': # windows
subprocess.Popen("TASKKILL /F /PID {pid} /T".format(pid=process.pid))
os.kill(process.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
Full blown solution that will kill running process (including subtree) on timeout reached or specific conditions via a callback function.
Works both on windows & Linux, from Python 2.7 up to 3.10 as of this writing.
Install with pip install command_runner
Example for timeout:
from command_runner import command_runner
# Kills ping after 2 seconds
exit_code, output = command_runner('ping', shell=True, timeout=2)
Example for specific condition:
Here we'll stop ping if current system time seconds digit is > 5
from time import time
from command_runner import command_runner
def my_condition():
# Arbitrary condition for demo
return True if int(str(int(time()))[-1]) > 5
# Calls my_condition() every second (check_interval) and kills ping if my_condition() returns True
exit_code, output = command_runner('ping', shell=True, stop_on=my_condition, check_interval=1)

start a service with popen : command not stopping

I try to make a backup script in python and start, stop a service with popen...
Stopping the service is working, but unfortunatly starting the service works, but blocks the rest of the execution, the scripts stays there, why ?
Seems to be somehow linked with the httpd service... :-(
the program config element is like "service;httpd;start" or "/etc/init.d/myprog;start"
class execute(actions):
def __init__(self,config,section,logger):
def process(self):
self.logger.debug("program=%s" % program)
p = subprocess.Popen(program, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if stdout:
if stderr:
return p.returncode
except Exception:
You have to open a stdin as a pipe as well, and then close it (if you use read() and write() instead of communicate()).
p = subprocess.Popen(..., stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
print "Stdout:", p.stdout.read()
print "Stderr:", p.stderr.read()
If it doesn't work, and you don't really need any checks, just close all pipes after call to Popen, what will cause program execution and detachment
from pipes.
Warning: This will make program run as a daemon if it doesn't terminate on its own.
After doing this you may call wait() to see whether it'll block as well. And use exitcodes to check for eventual errors.
There are not much of them. Just service started or not. Sometimes even it returns that service is running, but service crashes.
To check whether service script is still running, but without blocking, use:
if p.poll()==None: print "Still running"
Else, poll() returns the exit code.
This works neatly for starting and stopping a service:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
service = "brltty"
p = Popen(["service", service, "start"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
# Note: using sequence uses shell=0
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
print "Stdout:", stdout
print "Stderr:", stderr
Don't forget to change start to stop :D :D :D
The call to p.communicate() waits for the process to terminate.
Refer to: subprocess documentation
Interact with process: Send data to stdin. Read data from stdout and
stderr, until end-of-file is reached. Wait for process to terminate.
The optional input argument should be a string to be sent to the child
process, or None, if no data should be sent to the child.
You can try to use p.poll() instead. This method doesn't wait for a process to terminate.

How to kill a python child process created with subprocess.check_output() when the parent dies?

I am running on a linux machine a python script which creates a child process using subprocess.check_output() as it follows:
subprocess.check_output(["ls", "-l"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
The problem is that even if the parent process dies, the child is still running.
Is there any way I can kill the child process as well when the parent dies?
Yes, you can achieve this by two methods. Both of them require you to use Popen instead of check_output. The first is a simpler method, using try..finally, as follows:
from contextlib import contextmanager
def run_and_terminate_process(*args, **kwargs):
p = subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs)
yield p
p.terminate() # send sigterm, or ...
p.kill() # send sigkill
def main():
with run_and_terminate_process(args) as running_proc:
# Your code here, such as running_proc.stdout.readline()
This will catch sigint (keyboard interrupt) and sigterm, but not sigkill (if you kill your script with -9).
The other method is a bit more complex, and uses ctypes' prctl PR_SET_PDEATHSIG. The system will send a signal to the child once the parent exits for any reason (even sigkill).
import signal
import ctypes
libc = ctypes.CDLL("libc.so.6")
def set_pdeathsig(sig = signal.SIGTERM):
def callable():
return libc.prctl(1, sig)
return callable
p = subprocess.Popen(args, preexec_fn = set_pdeathsig(signal.SIGTERM))
Your problem is with using subprocess.check_output - you are correct, you can't get the child PID using that interface. Use Popen instead:
proc = subprocess.Popen(["ls", "-l"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
# Here you can get the PID
global child_pid
child_pid = proc.pid
# Now we can wait for the child to complete
(output, error) = proc.communicate()
if error:
print "error:", error
print "output:", output
To make sure you kill the child on exit:
import os
import signal
def kill_child():
if child_pid is None:
os.kill(child_pid, signal.SIGTERM)
import atexit
Don't know the specifics, but the best way is still to catch errors (and perhaps even all errors) with signal and terminate any remaining processes there.
import signal
import sys
import subprocess
import os
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
a = subprocess.check_output(["ls", "-l"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
while 1:
pass # Press Ctrl-C (breaks the application and is catched by signal_handler()
This is just a mockup, you'd need to catch more than just SIGINT but the idea might get you started and you'd need to check for spawned process somehow still.
I'd recommend rewriting a personalized version of check_output cause as i just realized check_output is really just for simple debugging etc since you can't interact so much with it during executing..
Rewrite check_output:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from time import sleep, time
def checkOutput(cmd):
a = Popen('ls -l', shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
start = time()
while a.poll() == None or time()-start <= 30: #30 sec grace period
if a.poll() == None:
print('Still running, killing')
print('exit code:',a.poll())
output = a.stdout.read()
return output
And do whatever you'd like with it, perhaps store the active executions in a temporary variable and kill them upon exit with signal or other means of intecepting errors/shutdowns of the main loop.
In the end, you still need to catch terminations in the main application in order to safely kill any childs, the best way to approach this is with try & except or signal.
As of Python 3.2 there is a ridiculously simple way to do this:
from subprocess import Popen
with Popen(["sleep", "60"]) as process:
print(f"Just launched server with PID {process.pid}")
I think this will be best for most use cases because it's simple and portable, and it avoids any dependence on global state.
If this solution isn't powerful enough, then I would recommend checking out the other answers and discussion on this question or on Python: how to kill child process(es) when parent dies?, as there are a lot of neat ways to approach the problem that provide different trade-offs around portability, resilience, and simplicity. 😊
Manually you could do this:
ps aux | grep <process name>
get the PID(second column) and
kill -9 <PID>
-9 is to force killing it

Python subprocess readlines() hangs

The task I try to accomplish is to stream a ruby file and print out the output. (NOTE: I don't want to print out everything at once)
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
import pty
import os
file_path = '/Users/luciano/Desktop/ruby_sleep.rb'
command = ' '.join(["ruby", file_path])
master, slave = pty.openpty()
proc = Popen(command, bufsize=0, shell=True, stdout=slave, stderr=slave, close_fds=True)
stdout = os.fdopen(master, 'r', 0)
while proc.poll() is None:
data = stdout.readline()
if data != "":
print("This is never reached!")
puts "hello"
sleep 2
puts "goodbye!"
Streaming the file works fine. The hello/goodbye output is printed with the 2 seconds delay. Exactly as the script should work. The problem is that readline() hangs in the end and never quits. I never reach the last print.
I know there is a lot of questions like this here a stackoverflow but non of them made me solve the problem. I'm not that into the whole subprocess thing so please give me a more hands-on/concrete answer.
Fix unintended code. (nothing to do with the actual error)
I assume you use pty due to reasons outlined in Q: Why not just use a pipe (popen())? (all other answers so far ignore your "NOTE: I don't want to print out everything at once").
pty is Linux only as said in the docs:
Because pseudo-terminal handling is highly platform dependent, there
is code to do it only for Linux. (The Linux code is supposed to work
on other platforms, but hasn’t been tested yet.)
It is unclear how well it works on other OSes.
You could try pexpect:
import sys
import pexpect
pexpect.run("ruby ruby_sleep.rb", logfile=sys.stdout)
Or stdbuf to enable line-buffering in non-interactive mode:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
proc = Popen(['stdbuf', '-oL', 'ruby', 'ruby_sleep.rb'],
bufsize=1, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True)
for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''):
print line,
Or using pty from stdlib based on #Antti Haapala's answer:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import errno
import os
import pty
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT
master_fd, slave_fd = pty.openpty() # provide tty to enable
# line-buffering on ruby's side
proc = Popen(['ruby', 'ruby_sleep.rb'],
stdin=slave_fd, stdout=slave_fd, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True)
while 1:
data = os.read(master_fd, 512)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EIO:
break # EIO means EOF on some systems
if not data: # EOF
print('got ' + repr(data))
if proc.poll() is None:
print("This is reached!")
All three code examples print 'hello' immediately (as soon as the first EOL is seen).
leave the old more complicated code example here because it may be referenced and discussed in other posts on SO
Or using pty based on #Antti Haapala's answer:
import os
import pty
import select
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT
master_fd, slave_fd = pty.openpty() # provide tty to enable
# line-buffering on ruby's side
proc = Popen(['ruby', 'ruby_sleep.rb'],
stdout=slave_fd, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True)
timeout = .04 # seconds
while 1:
ready, _, _ = select.select([master_fd], [], [], timeout)
if ready:
data = os.read(master_fd, 512)
if not data:
print("got " + repr(data))
elif proc.poll() is not None: # select timeout
assert not select.select([master_fd], [], [], 0)[0] # detect race condition
break # proc exited
os.close(slave_fd) # can't do it sooner: it leads to errno.EIO error
print("This is reached!")
Not sure what is wrong with your code, but the following seems to work for me:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import threading
p = Popen('ls', stdout=PIPE)
class ReaderThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, stream):
self.stream = stream
def run(self):
while True:
line = self.stream.readline()
if len(line) == 0:
print line,
reader = ReaderThread(p.stdout)
# Wait until subprocess is done
# Wait until we've processed all output
print "Done!"
Note that I don't have Ruby installed and hence cannot check with your actual problem. Works fine with ls, though.
Basically what you are looking at here is a race condition between your proc.poll() and your readline(). Since the input on the master filehandle is never closed, if the process attempts to do a readline() on it after the ruby process has finished outputting, there will never be anything to read, but the pipe will never close. The code will only work if the shell process closes before your code tries another readline().
Here is the timeline:
print-output (last line of real output)
poll() (returns false since process is not done)
readline() (waits for more output)
(process is done, but output pipe still open and no poll ever happens for it).
Easy fix is to just use the subprocess module as it suggests in the docs, not in conjunction with openpty:
Here is a very similar problem for further study:
Using subprocess with select and pty hangs when capturing output
Try this:
proc = Popen(command, bufsize=0, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)
for line in proc.stdout:
print line
print("This is most certainly reached!")
As others have noted, readline() will block when reading data. It will even do so when your child process has died. I am not sure why this does not happen when executing ls as in the other answer, but maybe the ruby interpreter detects that it is writing to a PIPE and therefore it will not close automatically.
