Create a python tkinter window with no X (close) button - python

I'm writing a 'wizard' type Python Tkinter GUI that collects information from the user and then performs several actions based on the user's entries: file copying, DB updates, etc. The processing normally takes 30-60 seconds and during that time, I want to:
Provide the user with text updates on the activity and progress
Prevent the user from closing the app until it's finished what it's doing
I started on the route of having the text updates appear in a child window that's configured to be trainsient and using wait_window to pause the main loop until the activities are done. This worked fine for other custom dialog boxes I created which have OK/cancel buttons that call the window's destroy method. The basic approach is:
def myCustomDialog(parent,*args):
winCDLG = _cdlgWin(parent,*args)
return winCDLG.userResponse
class _cdlgWin():
def __init__(self,parent,*args):
self.parent = parent
self.dlgWin = tk.Toplevel()
self.userResponse = ''
def showWin(self):
#Tkinter widgets and geometry defined here
def _btnOKClick(self):
#self.userResponse assigned from user entry/entries on dialog
def _btnCancelClick(self):
However this approach isn't working for the new monitor-and-update dialog I want to create.
First, because there's no user-initiated action to trigger the copy/update activities and then the destroy, I have to put them either in showWin, or in another method. I've tried both ways but I'm stuck between a race condition (the code completes the copy/update stuff but then tries to destroy the window before it's there), and never executing the copy/update stuff in the first place because it hits the wait_window before I can activate the other method.
If I could figure out a way past that, then the secondary problem (preventing the user from closing the child window before the work's done) is covered by the answers below.
So... is there any kind of bandaid I could apply to make this approach work the way I want? Or do I need to just scrap this because it can't work? (And if it's the latter, is there any way I can accomplish the original goal?)

self.dlgWin.overrideredirect(1) will remove all of the buttons (make a borderless window). Is that what you're looking for?

As far as I know, window control buttons are implemented by the window manager, so I think it is not possible to just remove one of them with Tkinter (I am not 100% sure though). The common solution for this problem is to set a callback to the protocol WM_DELETE_WINDOW and use it to control the behaviour of the window:
class _cdlgWin():
def __init__(self,parent,*args):
self.parent = parent
self.dlgWin = tk.Toplevel()
self.dlgWin.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.close)
self.userResponse = ''
def close(self):
'The pending action has not finished yet')
# ...


PyQt - QDialogButtonBox signals and tool tip

I got a couple of questions regarding qDialogButtonBox. While my code still works, I believed that there are a few parts that can be better refined/ I am not finding much info online
class testDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
def __init_(self, parent=None):
def init_ui(self):
self.buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox()
self.buttonBox.addButton("Help", QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.HelpRole)
self.buttonBox.addButton("Apply", QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole)
self.buttonBox.addButton("Cancel", QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.RejectRole)
def signals_connection(self):
# Is this the latest/correct way to write it?
def test_apply(self):
print "I am clicking on Apply"
def test_cancel(self):
print "I am clicking on Cancel"
def test_help(self):
print "I am clicking for Help!"
My questions are as follows:
Under my function - signals_connection(), the lines that I wrote for
the buttonBox (though the code still works) are quite different
for the signal I have wrote for the self.test_random and I am
unable to find any similar online for the qdialogbuttonbox.. There
is another style that I have found - self.connect(self.buttonBox,
QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self, QtCore.SLOT("accept()")) but I
think that is the old style?? Otherwise what should be the right way
to write it?
In my test_cancel() function, is writing self.close() the best
way to close the application? The way that I run my program is as
dialog = testDialog();
Lastly, is it possible to add 3 different tool tips to the 3 buttons I have created? I saw that there is a command for it - self.buttonBox.setToolTip("Buttons for life!"), but this will results in all 3 buttons to have the same tool tip. Can I make it as individual?
Yes, that is the correct way to write signal connections (the other syntax you found is indeed the old way of doing it). You can find all the signals in the pyqt documentation for QDialogButtonBox. Different widgets and objects have different signals. QPushButton's and QDialogButtonBox's have different signals.
Yes, close() will close the dialog. The QApplication will exit by default if there are no other windows open. However, if this is a modal dialog, you typically want to close a dialog with either the accept or reject command. This will alert the calling function as to whether the dialog was closed with the Ok/Yes/Apply button or closed with the No/Cancel button.
You can set different tooltips for different buttons in the QDialogButtonBox. You just need to get a reference to the specific button you want to set the tooltip for.
For example
self.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Help).setToolTip('Help Tooltip')
self.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setToolTip('Apply Tooltip')
Or you could loop through all the buttons
for button in self.buttonBox.buttons():
if button.text() == 'Help':
button.setToolTip('Help Tooltip')
elif button.text() == 'Apply':
button.setToolTip('Apply Tooltip')
Also, you could connect the accepted and rejected signals from the QDialogButtonBox to the accept and reject slots on the QDialog
That way, you won't have to manually connect the Ok and Cancel buttons to your callbacks for closing the dialog.

Python method strangely on pause until tkinter root is closed

I am creating a tkinter application using Python 3.4 that collects posts from an API, filter them and allow the user to review them and make a decision for each one (ignore, delete, share, etc.)
The user is expected to pick a date and some pages and then click on the 'Collect' button. The program then fetch the posts from the pages and stock them in 'wholeList'.
When the user clicks on the second button 'Review', the posts must be filtered and passed to the Reviewer.
My problem is that the Reviewer receives no posts at all, and neither does the Filterer. I have added some debugging print() statements at some places, notably to handlerCollect(), and the result baffled me, hence this post.
Instead of finishing the handlerCollect() callback method when I click on 'Collect', the program puts it on hold somewhere between "DEBUG->1" and "DEBUG->2". The main window does not freezes or anything, for I can click on 'Review' and have it print "DEBUG->4" and open up the Reviewer. When I close the main window, "DEBUG->0" "DEBUG->2" and "DEBUG->3" finaly print, along with the rest of the handlerCollect() method executing.
The same behavior happens with handlerChoosePage(), with "DEBUG->0" being delayed until the tkinter root (TK()) is destroyed. My knowledge of structural programming tells me it should be the very first one printed. Instead, it is the very last. My best conclusion is that I must not be ending my Toplevel mainloop()s correctly. I have to admit I have never encountered something like this before. I thought the proper way of ending mainloop()s on Toplevels was with destroy() and I am very confused as to why methods calling mainloop()s get put on hold until the Tk root is destroyed; not really practical.
from GUICollector import GUICollector as Collector
class Launcher(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.allPagesCB = Checkbutton(self.dateFrame, text="Collect for all pages",
variable = self.allPagesVar, command=self.handlerChoosePage)
self.collectBtn = Button(self, text="Collect", command=self.handlerCollect)
self.reviewBtn = Button(self, text="Review", command=self.handlerReview)
def handlerChoosePage(self):
if self.allPagesVar.get() == 0:
child = tk.Toplevel(self)
selector = PageSelector(self.toCollect, child)
selector.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
def handlerCollect(self):
for post in self.collector.getPosts():
if post not in self.wholeList:
self.collector = None
print(len(self.wholeList), "posts in wholeList")
def collect(self):
window = tk.Toplevel(self)
self.collector = Collector(self.toCollect, self.sinceEpoch, window)
self.collector.after(500, self.collector.start)
self.collector.mainloop() # This is what seems to hang indefinetly
def handlerReview(self):
print(len(self.wholeList), "posts in wholeList")
filterer = Filterer(self.wholeList)
self.wholeList = filterer.done[:]
window = tk.Toplevel()
reviewer = Reviewer(self.wholeList[:], window)
The GUICollector module requires no interaction from the user at all.
This module seems to work perfectly: doing its job, displaying it is done and then closing after the specified delay.
Since the GuiCollector mainloop() seems to be the culprit of the hanging, here is how I end it:
class GUICollector(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, pagesList, since, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def start(self, event=None):
if some_logic:
self.done() # Does get called.
def done(self):
# Some StringVar update to display we are done on screen
self.after(1250, self.validate)
def validate(self):
The PageSelector module is destroyed with the same call on the press of a button: self.master.destroy()
Here is the revelant output of the program:
=> collected data of page [PageName]
=> Found 3 posts in page
0 posts in wholeList
[The main window (Launcher) is manually closed at this point]
3 posts in wholeList
The concept of mainloop assumes that you first create and initialize objects (well, at least these that are required at application start, i.e. not used dynamically), set event handlers (implement interface logic) and then go into infinite event handling (what User Interface essentially is), i.e. main loop. So, that is why you see it as it "hangs". This is called event-driven programming
And the important thing is that this event handling is done in one single place, like that:
class GUIApp(tk.Tk):
app = GUIApp()
So, the mainloop returns when the window dies.
Until I have some time to refactor my code, I solved the problem by adding the following line to my destroy() calls:
self.quit() # Ends mainloop
self.master.destroy() # Destroys master (window)
I understand this doesn't not solve the bad structure of my code, but it answers my specific question. destroy() doesn't end the mainloop of TopLevels, but quit() does. Adding this line makes my code execute in a predictable way.
I will be accepting #pmod 's answer as soon as I have refactored my code and verified his claim that the Tk() mainloop will cover all child TopLevels.

python tkinter Toplevel .destroy() vs .quit() not working as intended

I have a class Duplicates that checks for duplicates within 40 words.
I have a class Window that creates and runs the main window where i post the result.
I have a class popWindow that creates a Toplevel window when asking user for what to do with a possible double.
My problem is closing the popWindow once a choice is submited.
the version I have that actualy runs and posts an aswer (the text with marked duplicates) uses quit to terminate the window (meaning the popup is still there in the way) or to simply have multiple popups till you are done.
class Duplicates:
def markWord(self):
return ""
class popUpWindow:
temp = Button( self, font = 8,
text = "Allowed this run only",
command = app.newFile.markWord
) x = 178,
y = 55
if I instead use .destroy() the window shuts but the program stops running and that is worse.
How do i work around this so it shuts the window but still continues to run the program?
Ok, after many many hours it seemed the real problem was destroy() was not stopping my popUpWindow.mainloop() so I now have altered my exit code to first do quit() and then do destroy(). This is not what i have seen as examples at all and it seems to me that destroy() on toplevel mainloop is not terminating it (destroy() works fine on my root.mainloop).
def topLevel_exit(self):
If you call destroy() on a toplevel window, it will not stop the application from running. If your application stops, there must be more to your code that what you're telling us. Without question, the right way to get rid of the popup is to call destroy on the instance of the Toplevel.
A way to hide the window and keep the program running would be to use .withdraw() on the window, and .reiconify() to get it back (if needed). Or you could use .destroy() on a Toplevel window. If you need examples just ask, hope this helps you.
The solution for me was:
def topLevel_exit(self):
I do not know if this is common praxis but is what I had to do since destroy was not stoping my top.mainloop()
If you use a topLevel window, self.pop.destroy() should still work as you are using mainloop()
Otherwise use quit() or both but in my opinion of all of these, I prefer destroy()

Python - Check for keypresses without using 100% cpu

I'm writing a GUI program in Python using Tkinter and I need a way to check if a keypress is happening without using all my cpu. Currently I'm using the threading module to start a thread that will check for the keypress without freezing the interface (Tkinter). I use win32api.GetKeyState() in a while loop inside my thread so that it constantly checks the status of the key because it needs to be able to tell if the key is being pressed even when the window doesnt have focus. The problem is the program uses 100% cpu the moment I start the thread. If I put a time.sleep() in the loop it cuts back the cpu usage dramatically BUT there is a delay between the actual keypress and the time that it knows that you are pressing a key.
Is there a way to capture a keypress the very moment it gets pressed even when the window is out of focus WITHOUT using so much cpu?
from Tkinter import *
import win32api
class Application(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
coords = StringVar()
Label(master=self, textvariable=coords).pack()
def GetCoords():
root.bind_all("<Scroll_Lock>", self.GetCoords)
root = Tk()
app = Application(master=root)
#root.wm_iconbitmap(default='INSERT ICON HERE')
#root.wm_title("TITLE OF PROGRAM")
#app.master.maxsize(640, 480)
app.master.minsize(640, 480)
app.master.resizable(0, 0)
That script give me the following result:
AttributeError: Application instance has no attribute 'GetCoords'
You want to catch key events, instead of polling for the current keyboard state.
See Events and Bindings in the TkInter docs, which has a simple example that does exactly what you want (plus, it's cross-platform instead of Win32-only).
And this is generally an issue with all GUI programming (and network servers, for that matter), and the answer is always the same. You don't directly use non-blocking "check for current X status" calls usefully, with or without threads. In the main thread, you ask the event loop "call my function when X status changes", or you create a background thread and make a blocking "wait forever until X happens" call.
The Wikipedia page on Event loop actually has a pretty good description of this.
Looking at your edited version, you've got a completely new problem now:
class Application(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
coords = StringVar()
Label(master=self, textvariable=coords).pack()
def GetCoords():
root.bind_all("<Scroll_Lock>", self.GetCoords)
GetCoords is a local function defined inside Application.__init__. But you're trying to use it as if it were a method of Application. You can't do self.GetCoords unless GetCoords is a method of self. That's exactly what the error message AttributeError: Application instance has no attribute 'GetCoords' means.
But you can just pass the local function GetCoords, just by taking out the self. prefix. I'm not sure this will do what you think (because I'm not sure whether you can close over a StringVar like that or not), but… try it and see.
Alternatively, you can make GetCoords a method just by moving it out of the def __init__ and giving it a self parameter. Then you can access self.GetCoords, and get a bound method, which you can pass exactly as you're trying to. However, in that case, it won't be able to access coords anymore, since that's a local variable inside __init__. To fix that, change that local variable into a member variable, by using self.coords everywhere in __init__ and GetCoords (and anywhere else) instead of coords.

wxPython won't close Frame with a parent who is a window handle

I have a program in Python that gets a window handle via COM from another program (think of the Python program as an addin) I set this window to be the main Python frame's parent so that if the other program minimizes, the python frame will too. The problem is when I go to exit, and try to close or destroy the main frame, the frame.close never completes it's execution (although it does disappear) and the other program refuses to close unless killed with TaskManager.
Here are roughly the steps we take:
if we are started directly, launch other program
if not, we are called from the other program, do nothing
enter main function:
create new wx.App
set other program as frame parent:
Get handle via COM
create a parent using wx.Window_FromHWND
create new frame with handle as parent
show frame
enter main loop
close frame
frame = None
handle as parent = None
handle = None
Anybody have any thoughts on this or experience with this sort of thing?
I appreciate any help with this!
This is only the case when I use the handle as a parent, if I just get the handle and close the python program, the other program closes fine
I wonder if your Close call may be hanging in the close-handler. Have you tried calling Destroy instead? If that doesn't help, then the only solution would seem to be "reparenting" or "detaching" your frame -- I don't see a way to do that in wx, but maybe you could drop down to win32 API for that one task...?
If reparenting is all you need, you can try frame.Reparent(None) before frame.Close()
My resolution to this is a little bit hacked, and admittedly not the most elegant solution that I've ever come up with - but it works rather effectively...
Basically my steps are to start a thread that polls to see whether the window handle is existent or not. While it's still existent, do nothing. If it no longer exists, kill the python application, allowing the handle (and main application) to be released.
class CheckingThread(threading.Thread):
This class runs a check on Parent Window to see if it still is running
If Parent Window closes, this class kills the Python Window application in memory
def run(self):
Checks Parent Window in 5 seconds intervals to make sure it is still alive.
If not alive, exit application
self.needKill = False
while not self.needKill:
if self.handle is not None:
if not win32gui.IsWindow(self.handle):
def Kill(self):
Call from Python Window main application that causes application to exit
self.needKill = True
def SetHandle(self, handle):
Sets Handle so thread can check if handle exists.
This must be called before thread is started.
self.handle = handle
Again, it feels a little hackish, but I don't really see another way around it. If anybody else has better resolutions, please post.
