Creating fuzzy matching exceptions with Python's new regex module - python

I'm testing the new python regex module, which allows for fuzzy string matching, and have been impressed with its capabilities so far. However, I've been having trouble making certain exceptions with fuzzy matching. The following is a case in point. I want ST LOUIS, and all variations of ST LOUIS within an edit distance of 1 to match ref. However, I want to make one exception to this rule: the edit cannot consist of an insertion to the left of the leftmost character containing the letters N, S, E, or W. With the following example, I want inputs 1 - 3 to match ref, and input 4 to fail. However, using the following ref causes it to match to all four inputs. Does anyone who is familiar with the new regex module know of a possible workaround?
input1 = 'ST LOUIS'
input2 = 'AST LOUIS'
input3 = 'ST LOUS'
input4 = 'NST LOUIS'
ref = '([^NSEW]|(?<=^))(ST LOUIS){e<=1}'
match = regex.fullmatch(ref,input1)
<_regex.Match object at 0x1006c6030>
match = regex.fullmatch(ref,input2)
<_regex.Match object at 0x1006c6120>
match = regex.fullmatch(ref,input3)
<_regex.Match object at 0x1006c6030>
match = regex.fullmatch(ref,input4)
<_regex.Match object at 0x1006c6120>

Try a negative lookahead instead:
(?![NEW]|SS)(ST LOUIS){e<=1}
(ST LOUIS){e<=1} matches a string meeting the fuzzy conditions placed on it.
You want to prevent it from starting with [NSEW]. A negative lookahead does that for you (?![NSEW]).
But your desired string starts with an S already, you only want to exclude the strings starting with an S added to the beginning of your string.
Such a string would start with SS, and that's why it's added to the negative lookahead.
Note that if you allow errors > 1, this probably wouldn't work as desired.


Replace a substring with defined region and follow up variable region in Python

I have a seemingly simple problem that for the life of me is just outside my reach of understanding. What I mean by that is that I can come up with many complex ways to attempt this, but there must be an easy way.
What I am trying to do is find and replace a substring in a string, but the catch is that it is based on a mix of a defined region and then variable regions based on length.
Here is an example:
sequence = 'AATCGATCGTATATCTGCGTAGACTCTGTGCATGC' and I want to replace AATCGATCGTA with <span color="blue">AATCGA</span><span>T</span><span color="green">CGTA</span>
So in this example the first part will always be constant AATCGA and will be used to locate the region to replace. This is then followed by a "spacer", in this case a single character but could be more than one and needs to be specified, and finally the last bit that will follow the "tail", in this case four characters, but could also be more or less. A set-up in this case would be:
to_find = 'AATCGA'
spacer = 'T' #Variable based on number and not on the character
tail = 'CGTA' #Variable based on number and not on the character
With this information I need to do something like:
new_seq = sequence.replace(f'{to_find}{len(spacer)}{len(tail)}', f'<span color="blue">{to_find}</span><span>{spacer}</span><span color="green">{tail}</span>')
<span color="blue">AATCGA</span><span>T</span><span color="green">CGTA</span>TATCTGCGTAGACTCTGTGCATGC
But the spacer could be 3 characters from the end of to_find and it may vary, the same with the tail section. Also, it could be in reverse where the to_find is on the right hand side and then the tail is in the start.
Any help would be much appreciated!
I'm not quite sure I understand you fully. Nevertheless, you don't seem to be too far off. Just use regex.
import re
expected_new_seq = '<span color="blue">AATCGA</span><span>T</span><span color="green">CGTA</span>TATCTGCGTAGACTCTGTGCATGC'
to_find = 'AATCGA'
spacer = 'T' # Variable based on number and not on the character
tail = 'CGTA' # Variable based on number and not on the character
# In this case, the pattern is (AATCGA)(.{1})(.{4})
# It matches "AATCGA" that is followed by 1 character and then 4 characters.
# AATCGA is captured in group 1, then the next unknown character is captured
# in group 2, and the next 4 unknown characters are captured in group 3
# (the brackets create capturing groups).
pattern = f'({to_find})(.{{{len(spacer)}}})(.{{{len(tail)}}})'
# \1 refers to capture group 1 (to_find), \2 refers to capture group 2 (spacer),
# and \3 refers to capture group 3 (tail).
# This no longer needs to be a f-string. But making it a raw string means we
# don't need to escape the slashes
repl = r'<span color="blue">\1</span><span>\2</span><span color="green">\3</span>'
new_seq = re.sub(pattern, repl, sequence)
print(new_seq == expected_new_seq)
<span color="blue">AATCGA</span><span>T</span><span color="green">CGTA</span>TATCTGCGTAGACTCTGTGCATGC
Have a play around with it here (also includes interactive explanation):
Also, it could be in reverse where the to_find is on the right hand side and then the tail is in the start.
How do you know when to replace it when it's in reverse instead of forward? After all, all you're doing is matching a short string followed/lead by n characters. I imagine you'd get matches in both directions, so which replacement do you carry out? Please provide more examples - longer input with expected output.

How to catch a string with re.sub but also let part of the outcome be caught again?

I need to use Python's re.sub to catch each 'H' in a string together with its preceding letter if any and its following letter if any, in order to feed the group into re.sub's replacing function as we're gonna do magic to potentially any of these three letters.
With this example: "eHetaHḷ", I'm going to have two groups: 'eHe' and 'aHḷ', feed them into the replacing function and out shoot 'ē' and 'āl'. I can do that.
Now with this one: "eHeHḷ", I need to have two groups: 'eHe' and... 'ēHḷ', that is to say I need the outcome of the first group to be caught in the next one.
I can use only one re.sub turn and I can't catch more that one letter behind and more than one ahead. There are a considerable number of possible outcomes so I can't easily if/else my way out of this.
Have you got any brilliant idea? Am I misunderstanding Regex' way of operating completely?
With re.sub you can't recursively replace on top of previous replacements.
What you can do, however, is conditionally match shorter or larger groups based on the appearance of the character H.
This pattern r'\wH((?=\wH)\wH.|.)' will match eHe in eHexxx, or eHeH! in eHeH!x.
It works by using a positive lookahead (?=\wH), which matches only if the current position is followed by (word character + H).
So ((?=\wH)\wH.|.) matches (\wH.) if (\wH) exists, else (.).
To enable differentiated replacement rules based on the H count you could create a substitution function:
def create_substitution(x: re.match):
match =
if match.count('H') == 1:
return 'custom handling of match xH.'
elif match.count('H') > 1:
return 'custom handling of match xHxH.'
which you can use in your substitution:
result = re.sub(r'\wH((?=\wH)\wH.|.)', create_substitution, "eHeHḷ")

Incorrect output due to regular expression

I had a pdf in which names are written after a '/'
Eg: /John Adam Will Newman
I want to extract the names starting with '/',
the code which i wrote is :
However, it produces just first name of the string "JOHN" and that too two times not the rest of the name.
Your + is at the wrong position; your regexp, as it stands, would demand /John /Adam /Will /Newman, with a trailing space.
r'((/)((\w)+(\s))+)' is a little better; it will accept /John Adam Will, with a trailing space; won't take Newman, because there is nothing to match \s.
r'((/)(\w+(\s\w+)*))' matches what you posted. Note that it is necessary to repeat one of the sequences that match a name, because we want N-1 spaces if there are N words.
(As Ondřej Grover says in comments, you likely have too many unneeded capturing brackets, but I left that alone as it hurts nothing but performance.)
I think you define way too many unnamed regexp groups. I would do something like this
import re
s = '/John Adam Will Newman'
name_regexp = re.compile(r'/(?P<name>(\w+\s*)+)')
match_obj = name_regexp.match(s) # match object
group_dict = match_obj.groupdict() # dict mapping {group name: value}
name = group_dict['name']
(?P<name>...) starts a named group
(\w+\s*) is a group matching one or more alphanum characters, possibly followed by some whitespace
the match object returned by the .match(s) method has a method groupdict() which returns a dict which is mapping from group names to their contents

python: regular expressions, how to match a string of undefind length which has a structure and finishes with a specific group

I need to create a regexp to match strings like this 999-123-222-...-22
The string can be finished by &Ns=(any number) or without this... So valid strings for me are
And following are not valid:
I have tried testing it several hours already... But did not manage to solve, really need some help
Not sure if you want to literally match 999-123-22-...-22 or if that can be any sequence of numbers/dashes. Here are two different regexes:
The key idea is the (&Ns=\d+)?$ part, which matches an optional &Ns=<digits>, and is anchored to the end of the string with $.
If you just want to allow strings 999-123-222-...-22 and 999-123-222-...-22&Ns=12 you better use a string function.
If you want to allow any numbers between - you can use the regex:
If the numbers must be of only 3 digits and the last number of only 2 digits you can use:
This looks like a phone number and extension information..
Why not make things simpler for yourself (and anyone who has to read this later) and split the input rather than use a complicated regex?
s = '999-123-222-...-22&Ns=12'
parts = s.split('&Ns=') # splits on Ns and removes it
If the piece before the "&" is a phone number, you could do another split and get the area code etc into separate fields, like so:
phone_parts = parts[0].split('-') # breaks up the digit string and removes the '-'
area_code = phone_parts[0]
The portion found after the the optional '&Ns=' can be checked to see if it is numeric with the string method isdigit, which will return true if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character, false otherwise.
if len(parts) > 1:
extra_digits_ok = parts[1].isdigit()

Regex to match 'lol' to 'lolllll' and 'omg' to 'omggg', etc

Hey there, I love regular expressions, but I'm just not good at them at all.
I have a list of some 400 shortened words such as lol, omg, lmao...etc. Whenever someone types one of these shortened words, it is replaced with its English counterpart ([laughter], or something to that effect). Anyway, people are annoying and type these short-hand words with the last letter(s) repeated x number of times.
omg -> omgggg, lol -> lollll, haha -> hahahaha, lol -> lololol
I was wondering if anyone could hand me the regex (in Python, preferably) to deal with this?
Thanks all.
(It's a Twitter-related project for topic identification if anyone's curious. If someone tweets "Let's go shoot some hoops", how do you know the tweet is about basketball, etc)
Well, using regular expression(s) you could do like so -
import re
re.sub('g+', 'g', 'omgggg')
re.sub('l+', 'l', 'lollll')
Let me point out that using regular expressions is a very fragile & basic approach to dealing with this problem. You could so easily get strings from users which will break the above regular expressions. What I am trying to say is that this approach requires lot of maintenance in terms of observing the patterns of mistakes the users make & then creating case specific regular expressions for them.
Instead have you considered using difflib module? It's a module with helpers for computing deltas between objects. Of particular importance here for you is SequenceMatcher. To paraphrase from official documentation-
SequenceMatcher is a flexible class
for comparing pairs of sequences of
any type, so long as the sequence
elements are hashable. SequenceMatcher
tries to compute a "human-friendly
diff" between two sequences. The
fundamental notion is the longest
contiguous & junk-free matching subsequence.
import difflib as dl
x = dl.SequenceMatcher(lambda x : x == ' ', "omg", "omgggg")
y = dl.SequenceMatcher(lambda x : x == ' ', "omgggg","omg")
avg = (x.ratio()+y.ratio())/2.0
if avg>= 0.6:
print 'Match!'
print 'Sorry!'
According to documentation, any ratio() over 0.6 is a close match. You might need to explore tweak the ratio for your data needs. If you need more stricter matching I found any value over 0.8 serves well.
How about
(replace lol with omg, haha etc.)
This will match lol, lololol, lollll, lollollol etc. but fail lolo, lollllo, lolly and so on.
The rules:
Match the word lol completely.
Then allow any repetition of one or more characters at the end of the word (i. e. l, ol or lol)
So \b(?=zomg)\S*(\S+)(?<=\bzomg)\1*\b will match zomg, zomggg, zomgmgmg, zomgomgomg etc.
In Python, with comments:
result = re.sub(
r"""(?ix)\b # assert position at a word boundary
(?=lol) # assert that "lol" can be matched here
\S* # match any number of characters except whitespace
(\S+) # match at least one character (to be repeated later)
(?<=\blol) # until we have reached exactly the position after the 1st "lol"
\1* # then repeat the preceding character(s) any number of times
\b # and ensure that we end up at another word boundary""",
"lol", subject)
This will also match the "unadorned" version (i. e. lol without any repetition). If you don't want this, use \1+ instead of \1*.
