Facebook Payment Reports -- credential issues - python

I've run into some snags in downloading reports through Facebook API.
From documentation https://developers.facebook.com/docs/payments/developer_reports_api/
#Example company access_token request
#Sample developer request for a daily detail report:
wget "https://paymentreports.facebook.com/234599349987627/report?
#The request above would return a file named 234599349987627_detail_2012-05-15.csv.zip.
However, when in a python script I am writing, using urllib2 to fetch the file described:
url = "https://paymentreports.facebook.com/%s/report?date=%s&type=%s&access_token=%s" % (COMPANY_ID, DATE, reporttype, ACCESS_TOKEN)
reportszipped = ZipFile(StringIO(urllib2.urlopen(url).read()))
I get an HTTP Error:
{"error":{"message":"Access denied.: Access denied due to invalid credentials."}}
I know that my company_id and access_token are correct, having followed the instructions described in the documentation to generate it (without errors). wget the same URL returns the same HTTP Error.
Am I missing something here?

Have you enabled an app for payments, since facebook states on the developer page that:
Before you can proceed, you'll need to make sure that you've enabled
an app for payments, including setting up a company to receive
payments. Once you've done that, you'll find your company ID and
secret on your Company Settings page.
Check out this page here.


Understand the serverVerificationData in_app_purchase Flutter

I have done all the setup to verify my receipts server side (in python with the requests package).
Here is my code :
url = "https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt"
request_body = {"receipt-data": token}
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=request_body)
The only variable here is token that is sent from the client (flutter) and that is : purchaseDetails.verificationData.serverVerificationData.
I can't verify the receipt because if i pass token as string, i receive always a 21002 error (malformed).
If i try something like this in python :
token = base64.b64encode(token)
It throws this error : a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' which i don't understand because i am actually passing a bytes object.
What is the correct format to pass to the POST request to verify the iOS receipt ?
Is the flutter one correct or should we encode something ?
Any concrete example will be accepted because i could not find any.
PS : i am redirected to the sandbox url "https://sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt" if the production one fails. The sandbox response is the same as the production one (statusCode: 21002)
It looks like either your receipt is not correct ( sandbox has issues sometimes ) or your server-side setup is wrong
For the first point, you can try creating a receipt by generating a storeKit config file.
This can't be done in flutter, you have to open iOS module with code and setup storekit config file by going here.
After setting up the storekit file, you can either run the app from xCode directly or just close xCode and run from your preferred flutter IDE
Now, iOS will never hit the production purchase identifiers when you try to fetch/buy products from the app, and instead fetch the products from your storekit config and generate a receipt from those. This receipt is accepted by apple sandbox verification endpoint, you can also test refunds and subscription cancellations from xCode using a storekit config.
For the second point, you have to enable the app specific shared secret in iTunes connect and then use that in the 'password' key in the receipt validation API.
Here is where you find it
AppStoreConnect > Your app > Subscriptions
If it still doesn't solve the issue, I'd be happy to assist further.
EDIT: I just tested purchasing an auto renewable subscription purchased in sandbox (not storeki
t) and then validating it using the sandbox URL and it returned the correct receipt data. In your post above, you don't need to base64 encode the purchaseDetails.verificationData.serverVerificationData since its already encoded. Have you tested this on postman? It Works there
EDIT: so the request is malformed because you are not sending data as String so you need to dump the dict :
request_body = json.dumps({"receipt-data": token})

Authorization error 403 with Twitter API using python [duplicate]

I attempted to run the code below and am getting an error that states:
HTTP Error code: 403: Forbidden: Authentication succeeded but account is not authorized to access this resource.
from searchtweets import ResultStream, gen_rule_payload, load_credentials, collect_results
import requests
premium_search_args = load_credentials("/home/dirname/twitter_keys.yaml",
rule = gen_rule_payload("basketball", results_per_call=100) # testing with a sandbox account
from searchtweets import collect_results
tweets = collect_results(rule,
# print(tweets.all_text)
[print(tweet.all_text, end='\n\n') for tweet in tweets[0:10]];
My YAML file looks like this:
account_type: premium
endpoint: https://api.twitter.com/1.1/tweets/search/fullarchive/dev.json
Only other thing to note is that I am using the free/sandbox service.
Any ideas if I am doing anything wrong in the code, the YAML, and/or within my Twitter developer account?
You'll need to go to https://developer.twitter.com/en/account/environments
There you should be able to see the various development environments that you have. You can create one should they not have been created.
The dev environment label would then be the thing you use to replace in your endpoint.
In my example, it would be:
If that still doesn't work, you might need to include a bearer token in your YAML file.

Posting to my Facebook page from my web app in production

I installed Django Facebook and I am using this method to post to a Page:
from open_facebook.api import OpenFacebook
graph = OpenFacebook("my_access_token")
graph.set('me/feed', message='hello world')
It's working on my local dev machine when I am logged in to my Facebook account. It stops working as soon as I sign out and I get this message:
OAuthException: Error validating access token: The session is invalid because the user logged out. (error code 190)
I got my access token from Graph API Explorer by passing /me/accounts
So the question, how do I make my code work on production when of course I'll not be logged in?
Please note that I'll only be posting to a Page that I own.
If you want to use 'me/feed' offline;
You can use the APP Access Token, once you've authorized the app and call USER_ID/feed to post.
Note: use user_id instead of me- me is only used when a user is in session, but you want to do the action after logout.
To get the app access token,
GET /oauth/access_token?

Posting to Facebook App page wall as the App Page in python

I am trying make a post on my apps page wall as if it is coming from the app page (not another user) After researching I seem to find no solution that actually works!
I have tried to follow the documentation here:
I then get my 'access_token_page' by getting it from:
Then using the facebook python api I try:
graph1 = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token_page)
graph1.put_wall_post(fbmessage, attachment, profile_id=APP_PAGE_ID)
However this just returns the following facebook error:
*** GraphAPIError: (#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action
Any ideas on what I am missing? Remember, I am looking to have the App Page make a post to itself, not have a post be generated from another username.
Thank you!
What you had done is using App Access Token to publish to page.
You should using Page Access Token to post on page admin behalf instead. User Access Token is works too but it's a bug as reported at https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/647340981958249, so it's not recommended to use User Access Token by this time of writing.
As documented at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/#page_access_tokens:
Page Access Tokens
To perform the following operations as a Page, and not the current
user, you must use the Page's access token, not the user access token
commonly used for reading Graph API objects. This access token can be
retrieved by issuing an HTTP GET to /USER_ID/accounts with the
manage_pages permission.
More info about different type of access token please visit https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens/
Try Django Facebook:
This will deal with many of your API problems.
You need the page access token, see here:
Ask for manage_pages as an extra permission
After getting that setup, simply do:
user_graph = OpenFacebook(user_access_token)
response = user_graph.get('me/accounts')
# turn the response to a dict, and be sure to get the page you want
page_access_token = response['data'][0]['access_token']
graph = OpenFacebook(page_access_token)
graph.set('me/feed', message='helloworld')
You can find more docs here:

Obtaining an Access_token to read Page Insights

I've been working on using python to get access to Facebook insights information. I was able to get public information (e.g. 'likes' from cocacola's page) in addition to app insights for apps that I have developed.
Because I am the admin and developer for both pages and apps, when I go to facebook.com/insights I will see a section for pages and a section for apps. I want to be able to get insights for both from the graph api and store them on my personal database. Getting the app insights were not difficult. I obtained my app_id and app_secret when I created my app and then followed the process under App Login at this page http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/. This gave me an app access_token which I could use to get app insights.
When attempting to do the same for pages, I have had more trouble. As many previous posts have mentioned, most of the facebook documentation has to do with a facebook app getting an access_token to manage or read insights from a page. I understand that this is useful for apps that interact with a user's page. However, my instinct says that I should be able to get an access token with read_insights for a page that I am the administrator of without having to go through an external app.
The only way that I've been able to read the insights for my page has been using the Graph Api Explorer. I used the Explorer to obtain an access_token (through the access_token button, allowing the Explorer to access my personal data and requested manage_pages and read_insight extended permision). Then I followed the instructions under Page Login at the /docs/authentication/ page that I posted above, to get an access_token for the facebook page I administer. Then I could finally run https://graph.facebook.com/PAGE_ID/insights?access_token=RETRIEVED_TOKEN. However, this is an incredibly cumbersome way of finding the access_token. Is there a way to get this token that is less cumbersome? Thanks for your help. I've been struggling with this for quite a while.
I've also included the code that I used to get the access token for my app.
def get_access_token():
args = dict(client_id=FACEBOOK_APP_ID, client_secret=FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET, grant_type="client_credentials" )
url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?" + urllib.urlencode(args)
response = urlparse.parse_qs(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
access_token = response['access_token'][0]
return access_token
Why not using classic way:
Create an app and login to it using facebook (JS SDK for example), with the offline_access and read_insights permission.
The offline_access will give you a permanent access_token that you can use to access the insights anytime you want.
The JS SDK (method FB.login) will return an object, containing the access_token you need.
