I read What is a metaclass in Python?
and I tried to replicate the upper metaclass from the example and found that this doesn't work in all cases:
def upper(cls_name, cls_parents, cls_attr):
""" Make all class attributes uppper case """
attrs = ((name, value) for name, value in cls_attr.items()
if not name.startswith('__'))
upper_atts = dict((name.upper(), value) for name, value in attrs)
return type(cls_name, cls_parents, upper_atts)
__metaclass__ = upper #Module level
class Foo:
bar = 1
f = Foo()
print(f.BAR) #works in python2.6
The above fails (with an attribute error) in python3 which I think is natural because all classes in python3 already have object as their parent and metaclass resolution goes into the object class.
The question:
How do I make a module level metaclass in python3?
The module level metaclass isn't really "module level", it has to do with how class initialization worked. The class creation would look for the variable "__metaclass__" when creating the class, and if it wasn't in the local environment it would look in the global. Hence, if you had a "module level" __metaclass__ that would be used for every class afterwards, unless they had explicit metaclasses.
In Python 3, you instead specify the metaclass with a metaclass= in the class definition. Hence there is no module level metaclasses.
So what do you do? Easy: You specify it explicitly for each class.
It's really not much extra work, and you can even do it with a nice regexp search and replace if you really have hundreds of classes and don't want to do it manually.
If you want to change all the attributes to upper case, you should probably use the __init__ method to do so, than use a metaclass.
Metaclasses are deeper magic than 99% of users should ever worry about. If you wonder whether you need them, you don't (the people who actually need them know with certainty that they need them, and don't need an explanation about why).
-- Python Guru Tim Peters
If you need something deeper, you should also evaluate using Class Decorators.
Using MetaClasses and understanding how the classes are created is so unnecessary as long as you want to do something that you can do using class decorators or initialization.
That said, if you really want to use a Metaclass tho' pass that as a keyword argument to the class.
class Foo(object, metaclass=UpperCaseMetaClass)
where UpperCaseMetaClass is a class that extends type and not a method.
class UpperCaseMetaClass(type):
def __new__():
#Do your Magic here.
I want to create a configuration class with cascading feature. What do I mean by this? let say we have a configuration class like this
class BaseConfig(metaclass=ConfigMeta, ...):
def getattr():
return 'default values provided by the metaclass'
class Config(BaseConfig):
class Embedding(BaseConfig, size=200):
class WordEmbedding(Embedding):
size = 300
when I use this in code I will access the configuration as follows,
def function(Config, blah, blah):
word_embedding_size = Config.Embedding.Word.size
char_embedding_size = Config.Embedding.Char.size
The last line access a property which does not exist in Embedding class 'Char'. That should invoke getattr() which should return 200 in this case. I am not familiar with metaclasses enough to make a good judgement, but I gues I need to define the __new__() of the metaclass.
does this approach makes sense or is there a better way to do it?
class Config(BaseConfig):
class Embedding(BaseConfig, size=200):
class WordEmbedding(Embedding):
size = 300
class Log(BaseConfig, level=logging.DEBUG):
class PREPROCESS(Log):
level = logging.INFO
#When I use
log = logging.getLogger(level=Config.Log.Model.level) #level should be INFO
This is a bit confuse. I am not sure if this would be the best notation to declare configurations with default parameters - it seems verbose. But yes, given the flexibility of metaclasses and magic methods in Python, it is possible for something like this to old all flexibility you need.
Just for the sake of it, I'd like to say that using nested classes as namespaces, like you are doing, is probably the only useful thing for them. (nested classes). It is common to see a lot of people that misunderstands Python OO at all trying to make use of nested classes.
So - for your problem, you need that in the final class, a __getattr__ method exists that can fetch default values for atributes. These attributes in turn are declared as keywords to nested classes - which also can have the same metaclass. Otherwise, the hierarchy of nested classes just work for you to fetch nested attributes, using the dot notation in Python.
Moreover, for each class in a nested set, one can pass in keyword parameters that are to be used as default, if the next level of nested classes is not defined. In the given example, trying to access Config.Embedding.Char.size with a non exisitng Char should return the default "size". Not that a __getattr__ in "Embedding" can return you a fake "Char" object - but that object is the one that have to yield a size attribute. So, our __getattr__ have yet to yield an object that has itself a propper __getattr__;
However, I will suggest a change to your requirements - instead of passing in the default values as keyword parameters, to have a reserved name - like _default inside which you can put your default attributes. That way, you can provide deeply nested default subtress, instead of just scalar values as well, and the implementation can possibly be simpler.
Actually - a lot simpler. By using keywords to the class as you propose, you'd actually need to have a metaclass set those default parameters in a data structure(it would be possible in either __new__ or __init__ though). But by just using the nested classes all the way, with a reserved name, a custom __getattr__ on the metac class will work. That will retrieve unexisting class attributes on the configuration classes themselves, and all one have to do, if a requested attribute does not exist, is try to retrieve the _default class I mentioned.
Thus, you can work with something like:
class ConfigMeta(type):
def __getattr__(cls, attr):
return cls._default
class Base(metaclass=ConfigMeta):
class Config(Base):
class Embed(Base):
class _default(Base):
size = 200
class Word(Base):
size = 300
assert Config.Embed.Char.size == 200
assert Config.Embed.Word.size == 300
Btw - just last year I was working on a project to have configurations like this, with default values, but using a dictionary syntax - that is why I mentioned I am not sure the nested class would be a nice design. But since all the functionality can be provided by a metaclass with 3 LoC I guess this beats anything in the way.
Also, that is why I think being able to nest whole default subtrees can be useful for what you want - I've been there.
You can use a metaclass to set the attribute:
class ConfigMeta(type):
def __new__(mt, clsn, bases, attrs):
_ = attrs['size']
except KeyError:
attrs['size'] = 300
return super().__new__(mt, clsn, bases, attrs)
Now if the class does not have the size attribute, it would be set to 300 (change this to meet your need).
Sometimes self can denote the instance of the class and sometimes the class itself. So why don't we use inst and klass instead of self? Wouldn't that make things easier?
How things are now
class A:
def do(self): # self refers to class
class B:
def do(self): # self refers to instance of class
How I think they should be
class A:
def do(klass): # no ambiguity
class B:
def do(inst): # no ambiguity
So how come we don't program like this when in the zen of Python it is stated that explicit is better than implicit? Is there something that I am missing?
Class method support was added much later to Python, and the convention to use self for instances had already been established. Keeping that convention stable has more value than to switch to a longer name like instance.
The convention for class methods is to use the name cls:
class A:
def do(cls):
In other words, the conventions are already there to distinguish between a class object and the instance; never use self for class methods.
Also see PEP 8 - Function and method arguments:
Always use self for the first argument to instance methods.
Always use cls for the first argument to class methods.
I think it would be better to use "cls":
class A:
def do(cls): # cls refers to class
class B:
def do(self): # self refers to instance of class
It's requirement of PEP8:
I think the point is that conventially you don't use self for methods wrapped with #classmethod. (You could write kls, cls, etc.)
There is ultimately nothing stopping you from writing inst instead of self if you so desire. So your second example would work fine and is actually the expected way to handle it (in terms of distinguishing an instance vs a class). However, you should definitely use self when dealing with instances. It's a Python convention and breaking it is strongly discouraged.
Seeing as others have mentioned it, it's true PEP8 does say to use both self and cls in the case of instance and class methods, respectively. The only thing I'd add to this is that while there isn't any sensible reason to break this rule, changing self is significantly worse (from a semantic POV) because of its strong use inside of 99.999% of Python code. Its use is so universal that many (if not most) beginners assume it's a keyword and are confused by the idea that one can change self to anything.
This strong relationship to code and convention is not so apparent with class methods IMO. Of course I would urge anyone to follow PEP8 as much as possible, but if you felt inclined to use kls instead of cls, I feel that you'd be committing a lesser evil than if you changed self. However, whichever name you go with should remain consistent throughout your program.
Following this answer it seems that a class' metaclass may be changed after the class has been defined by using the following*:
class MyMetaClass(type):
# Metaclass magic...
class A(object):
A = MyMetaClass(A.__name__, A.__bases__, dict(A.__dict__))
Defining a function
def metaclass_wrapper(cls):
return MyMetaClass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, dict(cls.__dict__))
allows me to apply a decorator to a class definition like so,
class B(object):
It seems that the metaclass magic is applied to B, however B has no __metaclass__ attribute. Is the above method a sensible way to apply metaclasses to class definitions, even though I am definiting and re-definiting a class, or would I be better off simply writing
class B(object):
__metaclass__ = MyMetaClass
I presume there are some differences between the two methods.
*Note, the original answer in the linked question, MyMetaClass(A.__name__, A.__bases__, A.__dict__), returns a TypeError:
TypeError: type() argument 3 must be a dict, not dict_proxy
It seems that the __dict__ attribute of A (the class definition) has a type dict_proxy, whereas the type of the __dict__ attribute of an instance of A has a type dict. Why is this? Is this a Python 2.x vs. 3.x difference?
Admittedly, I am a bit late to the party. However, I fell this was worth adding.
This is completely doable. That being said, there are plenty of other ways to accomplish the same goal. However, the decoration solution, in particular, allows for delayed evaluation ( obj = dec(obj) ), which using __metaclass__ inside the class does not. In typical decorator style, my solution is below.
There is a tricky thing that you may run into if you just construct the class without changing the dictionary or copying its attributes. Any attributes that the class had previously (before decorating) will appear to be missing. So, it is absolutely essential to copy these over and then tweak them as I have in my solution.
Personally, I like to be able to keep track of how an object was wrapped. So, I added the __wrapped__ attribute, which is not strictly necessary. It also makes it more like functools.wraps in Python 3 for classes. However, it can be helpful with introspection. Also, __metaclass__ is added to act more like the normal metaclass use case.
def metaclass(meta):
def metaclass_wrapper(cls):
__name = str(cls.__name__)
__bases = tuple(cls.__bases__)
__dict = dict(cls.__dict__)
for each_slot in __dict.get("__slots__", tuple()):
__dict.pop(each_slot, None)
__dict["__metaclass__"] = meta
__dict["__wrapped__"] = cls
return(meta(__name, __bases, __dict))
For a trivial example, take the following.
class MetaStaticVariablePassed(type):
def __new__(meta, name, bases, dct):
dct["passed"] = True
return(super(MetaStaticVariablePassed, meta).__new__(meta, name, bases, dct))
class Test(object):
This yields the nice result...
|1> Test.passed
|.> True
Using the decorator in the less usual, but identical way...
class Test(object):
Test = metaclass_wrapper(Test)
...yields, as expected, the same nice result.
|1> Test.passed
|.> True
The class has no __metaclass__ attribute set... because you never set it!
Which metaclass to use is normally determined by a name __metaclass__ set in a class block. The __metaclass__ attribute isn't set by the metaclass. So if you invoke a metaclass directly rather than setting __metaclass__ and letting Python figure it out, then no __metaclass__ attribute is set.
In fact, normal classes are all instances of the metaclass type, so if the metaclass always set the __metaclass__ attribute on its instances then every class would have a __metaclass__ attribute (most of them set to type).
I would not use your decorator approach. It obscures the fact that a metaclass is involved (and which one), is still one line of boilerplate, and it's just messy to create a class from the 3 defining features of (name, bases, attributes) only to pull those 3 bits back out from the resulting class, throw the class away, and make a new class from those same 3 bits!
When you do this in Python 2.x:
class A(object):
__metaclass__ = MyMeta
def __init__(self):
You'd get roughly the same result if you'd written this:
attrs = {}
attrs['__metaclass__'] = MyMeta
def __init__(self):
attrs['__init__'] = __init__
A = attrs.get('__metaclass__', type)('A', (object,), attrs)
In reality calculating the metaclass is more complicated, as there actually has to be a search through all the bases to determine whether there's a metaclass conflict, and if one of the bases doesn't have type as its metaclass and attrs doesn't contain __metaclass__ then the default metaclass is the ancestor's metaclass rather than type. This is one situation where I expect your decorator "solution" will differ from using __metaclass__ directly. I'm not sure exactly what would happen if you used your decorator in a situation where using __metaclass__ would give you a metaclass conflict error, but I wouldn't expect it to be pleasant.
Also, if there are any other metaclasses involved, your method would result in them running first (possibly modifying what the name, bases, and attributes are!) and then pulling those out of the class and using it to create a new class. This could potentially be quite different than what you'd get using __metaclass__.
As for the __dict__ not giving you a real dictionary, that's just an implementation detail; I would guess for performance reasons. I doubt there is any spec that says the __dict__ of a (non-class) instance has to be the same type as the __dict__ of a class (which is also an instance btw; just an instance of a metaclass). The __dict__ attribute of a class is a "dictproxy", which allows you to look up attribute keys as if it were a dict but still isn't a dict. type is picky about the type of its third argument; it wants a real dict, not just a "dict-like" object (shame on it for spoiling duck-typing). It's not a 2.x vs 3.x thing; Python 3 behaves the same way, although it gives you a nicer string representation of the dictproxy. Python 2.4 (which is the oldest 2.x I have readily available) also has dictproxy objects for class __dict__ objects.
My summary of your question: "I tried a new tricky way to do a thing, and it didn't quite work. Should I use the simple way instead?"
Yes, you should do it the simple way. You haven't said why you're interested in inventing a new way to do it.
I frequently do this sort of thing:
class Person(object):
def greet(self):
print "Hello"
class Waiter(Person):
def greet(self):
print "Would you like fries with that?"
The line Person.greet(self) doesn't seem right. If I ever change what class Waiter inherits from I'm going to have to track down every one of these and replace them all.
What is the correct way to do this is modern Python? Both 2.x and 3.x, I understand there were changes in this area in 3.
If it matters any I generally stick to single inheritance, but if extra stuff is required to accommodate multiple inheritance correctly it would be good to know about that.
You use super:
Return a proxy object that delegates
method calls to a parent or sibling
class of type. This is useful for
accessing inherited methods that have
been overridden in a class. The search
order is same as that used by
getattr() except that the type itself
is skipped.
In other words, a call to super returns a fake object which delegates attribute lookups to classes above you in the inheritance chain. Points to note:
This does not work with old-style classes -- so if you are using Python 2.x, you need to ensure that the top class in your hierarchy inherits from object.
You need to pass your own class and instance to super in Python 2.x. This requirement was waived in 3.x.
This will handle all multiple inheritance correctly. (When you have a multiple inheritance tree in Python, a method resolution order is generated and the lookups go through parent classes in this order.)
Take care: there are many places to get confused about multiple inheritance in Python. You might want to read super() Considered Harmful. If you are sure that you are going to stick to a single inheritance tree, and that you are not going to change the names of classes in said tree, you can hardcode the class names as you do above and everything will work fine.
Not sure if you're looking for this but you can call a parent without referring to it by doing this.
super(Waiter, self).greet()
This will call the greet() function in Person.
katrielalex's answer is really the answer to your question, but this wouldn't fit in a comment.
If you plan to go about using super everywhere, and you ever think in terms of multiple inheritance, definitely read the "super() Considered Harmful" link. super() is a great tool, but it takes understanding to use correctly. In my experience, for simple things that don't seem likely to get into complicated diamond inheritance tangles, it's actually easier and less tedious to just call the superclass directly and deal with the renames when you change the name of the base class.
In fact, in Python2 you have to include the current class name, which is usually more likely to change than the base class name. (And in fact sometimes it's very difficult to pass a reference to the current class if you're doing wacky things; at the point when the method is being defined the class isn't bound to any name, and at the point when the super call is executed the original name of the class may not still be bound to the class, such as when you're using a class decorator)
I'd like to make it more explicit in this answer with an example. It's just like how we do in JavaScript. The short answer is, do that like we initiate the constructor using super.
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def greet(self):
print(f"Hello, I'm {self.name}")
class Waiter(Person):
def __init__(self, name):
# initiate the parent constructor
# or super(Waiter, self).__init__(name)
def greet(self):
super(Waiter, self).greet()
print("Would you like fries with that?")
waiter = Waiter("John")
# Hello, I'm John
# Would you like fries with that?
I've written a mixin class that's designed to be layered on top of a new-style class, for example via
class MixedClass(MixinClass, BaseClass):
What's the smoothest way to apply this mixin to an old-style class? It is using a call to super in its __init__ method, so this will presumably (?) have to change, but otherwise I'd like to make as few changes as possible to MixinClass. I should be able to derive a subclass that makes the necessary changes.
I'm considering using a class decorator on top of a class derived from BaseClass, e.g.
class MixedWithOldStyleClass(OldStyleClass)
where MixinOldSchoolRemix is derived from MixinClass and just re-implements methods that use super to instead use a class variable that contains the class it is mixed with, in this case OldStyleClass. This class variable would be set by old_style_mix as part of the mixing process.
old_style_mix would just update the class dictionary of e.g. MixedWithOldStyleClass with the contents of the mixin class (e.g. MixinOldSchoolRemix) dictionary.
Is this a reasonable strategy? Is there a better way? It seems like this would be a common problem, given that there are numerous available modules still using old-style classes.
This class variable would be set by
old_style_mix as part of the mixing
...I assume you mean: "...on the class it's decorating..." as opposed to "on the class that is its argument" (the latter would be a disaster).
old_style_mix would just update the
class dictionary of e.g.
MixedWithOldStyleClass with the
contents of the mixin class (e.g.
MixinOldSchoolRemix) dictionary.
No good -- the information that MixinOldSchoolRemix derives from MixinClass, for example, is not in the former's dictionary. So, old_style_mix must take a different strategy: for example, build a new class (which I believe has to be a new-style one, because old-style ones do not accept new-style ones as __bases__) with the appropriate sequence of bases, as well as a suitably tweaked dictionary.
Is this a reasonable strategy?
With the above provisos.
It seems like this would be a common
problem, given that there are numerous
available modules still using
old-style classes.
...but mixins with classes that were never designed to take mixins are definitely not a common design pattern, so the problem isn't common at all (I don't remember seeing it even once in the many years since new-style classes were born, and I was actively consulting, teaching advanced classes, and helping people with Python problems for many of those years, as well as doing a lot of software development myself -- I do tend to have encountered any "reasonably common" problem that people may have with features which have been around long enough!-).
Here's example code for what your class decorator could do (if you prefer to have it in a class decorator rather than directly inline...):
>>> class Mixo(object):
... def foo(self):
... print 'Mixo.foo'
... self.thesuper.foo(self)
>>> class Old:
... def foo(self):
... print 'Old.foo'
>>> class Mixed(Mixo, Old):
... thesuper = Old
>>> m = Mixed()
>>> m.foo()
If you want to build Mixed under the assumed name/binding of Mixo in your decorator, you could do it with a call to type, or by setting Mixed.__name__ = cls.__name__ (where cls is the class you're decorating). I think the latter approach is simpler (warning, untested code -- the above interactive shell session is a real one, but I have not tested the following code):
def oldstylemix(mixin):
def makemix(cls):
class Mixed(mixin, cls):
thesuper = cls
Mixed.__name__ = cls.__name__
return Mixed
return makemix