Can anyone recommend some simple code to set up a simple JSON RPC client and server using twisted?
I found txJSON-RPC, but I was wondering if someone had some experience using some of these anc could recommend something.
txJSONRPC is great. I use it and it works. I suggest you give it a try.
from txjsonrpc.web import jsonrpc
from twisted.web import server
from twisted.internet import reactor
class Math(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):
An example object to be published.
def jsonrpc_add(self, a, b):
Return sum of arguments.
return a + b
reactor.listenTCP(7080, server.Site(Math()))
from twisted.internet import reactor
from txjsonrpc.web.jsonrpc import Proxy
def printValue(value):
print "Result: %s" % str(value)
def printError(error):
print 'error', error
def shutDown(data):
print "Shutting down reactor..."
proxy = Proxy('')
d = proxy.callRemote('add', 3, 5)
As a bonus, I will leave some alternative: amp.
If you are looking for a framework-independent approach, this lib I pushed (using mixin) might be helpful:
Cyclone, a Tornado async web server implementation written using twisted, has a built-in json-rpc request handler that uses the python json/simplejson module. Example server and client code is here.
wikipedia has a bunch of implementations listed for python:
That said, txjason feels like the one best integrated with twisted. It seems to support out of order responses out of the box for example. Most of it would be portable to python3 using six. The most horrible part is the parameter validation, which is not exposed in the normal public API anyway.
For me this worked better then "libraries" , speaking of client.
TESTDATA = {'id': 1234,
'method': 'getbalance',
URL = 'http://localhost:7777'
d= getPage(URL,method="POST",postdata=json.dumps(TESTDATA))
d.addBoth(lambda x :print(json.loads(x)))
I need to create a function that checks to make sure Mongo servers are running using the ping function. I set up the clients right there (the config file has dictionary with ports numbers)
clientList = []
for value in configuration["mongodbServer"]:
client = motor.motor_tornado.MotorClient('mongodb://localhost:{}'.format(value))
and then i run this function:
class MongoChecker(Checker):
formatter = 'stashboard.formatters.MongoFormatter'
def check(self):
for x in clientList:
and the error i get:
yielded unknown object MotorDatabase(Database(MongoClient([]), 'ping'))\n",
I think my issue is that i'm using the ping function wrong. I can't find any other documentation on that or any other kind of feature that would check to see if the servers are still running. If anyone knows of a better way to monitor the status using Motor, i'm open. Thanks!
First, there's no "ping" function. Hence MotorClient thinks you're trying to access the database named "ping". The database named "ping" is shown in the "unknown object" exception. For all MongoDB commands like "ping", just use MotorDatabase's command method.
Second, Motor is asynchronous. You must use Motor methods in a Tornado coroutine with the "yield" statement. For example:
def check():
result = yield client.admin.command({'ping': 1})
except ConnectionFailure as exc:
If you want to test this out synchronously, you can run the IOLoop just long enough for the coroutine to complete:
from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure
from tornado import gen
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
import motor.motor_tornado
client = motor.motor_tornado.MotorClient()
For an introduction to Tornado coroutines, see Refactoring Tornado Coroutines and the Tornado documentation.
I want to make a little update script for a software that runs on a Raspberry Pi and works like a local server. That should connect to a master server in the web to get software updates and also to verify the license of the software.
For that I set up two python scripts. I want these to connect via a TLS socket. Then the client checks the server certificate and the server checks if it's one of the authorized clients. I found a solution for this using twisted on this page.
Now there is a problem left. I want to know which client (depending on the certificate) is establishing the connection. Is there a way to do this in Python 3 with twisted?
I'm happy with every answer.
In a word: yes, this is quite possible, and all the necessary stuff is
ported to python 3 - I tested all the following under Python 3.4 on my Mac and it seems to
work fine.
The short answer is
"use twisted.internet.ssl.Certificate.peerFromTransport"
but given that a lot of set-up is required to get to the point where that is
possible, I've constructed a fully working example that you should be able to
try out and build upon.
For posterity, you'll first need to generate a few client certificates all
signed by the same CA. You've probably already done this, but so others can
understand the answer and try it out on their own (and so I could test my
answer myself ;-)), they'll need some code like this:
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from twisted.internet.ssl import PrivateCertificate, KeyPair, DN
def getCAPrivateCert():
privatePath = FilePath(b"ca-private-cert.pem")
if privatePath.exists():
return PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(privatePath.getContent())
caKey = KeyPair.generate(size=4096)
caCert = caKey.selfSignedCert(1, CN="the-authority")
return caCert
def clientCertFor(name):
signingCert = getCAPrivateCert()
clientKey = KeyPair.generate(size=4096)
csr = clientKey.requestObject(DN(CN=name), "sha1")
clientCert = signingCert.signRequestObject(
csr, serialNumber=1, digestAlgorithm="sha1")
return PrivateCertificate.fromCertificateAndKeyPair(clientCert, clientKey)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
name = sys.argv[1]
pem = clientCertFor(name.encode("utf-8")).dumpPEM()
FilePath(name.encode("utf-8") + b".client.private.pem").setContent(pem)
With this program, you can create a few certificates like so:
$ python a
$ python b
Now you should have a few files you can use:
$ ls -1 *.pem
Then you'll want a client which uses one of these certificates, and sends some
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from twisted.internet.endpoints import SSL4ClientEndpoint
from twisted.internet.ssl import (
PrivateCertificate, Certificate, optionsForClientTLS)
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, inlineCallbacks
from twisted.internet.task import react
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
class SendAnyData(Protocol):
def connectionMade(self):
self.deferred = Deferred()
def connectionLost(self, reason):
def main(reactor, name):
pem = FilePath(name.encode("utf-8") + b".client.private.pem").getContent()
caPem = FilePath(b"ca-private-cert.pem").getContent()
clientEndpoint = SSL4ClientEndpoint(
reactor, u"localhost", 4321,
optionsForClientTLS(u"the-authority", Certificate.loadPEM(caPem),
proto = yield clientEndpoint.connect(Factory.forProtocol(SendAnyData))
yield proto.deferred
import sys
react(main, sys.argv[1:])
And finally, a server which can distinguish between them:
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
from twisted.internet.endpoints import SSL4ServerEndpoint
from twisted.internet.ssl import PrivateCertificate, Certificate
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from twisted.internet.task import react
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
class ReportWhichClient(Protocol):
def dataReceived(self, data):
peerCertificate = Certificate.peerFromTransport(self.transport)
def main(reactor):
pemBytes = FilePath(b"ca-private-cert.pem").getContent()
certificateAuthority = Certificate.loadPEM(pemBytes)
myCertificate = PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(pemBytes)
serverEndpoint = SSL4ServerEndpoint(
reactor, 4321, myCertificate.options(certificateAuthority)
return Deferred()
react(main, [])
For simplicity's sake we'll just re-use the CA's own certificate for the
server, but in a more realistic scenario you'd obviously want a more
appropriate certificate.
You can now run in one window, then python a;
python b in another window, and see print out
a and then b respectively, identifying the clients by the commonName
field in their certificate's subject.
The one caveat here is that you might initially want to put that call to
Certificate.peerFromTransport into a connectionMade method; that won't
Twisted does not presently have a callback for "TLS handshake complete";
hopefully it will eventually, but until it does, you have to wait until you've
received some authenticated data from the peer to be sure the handshake has
completed. For almost all applications, this is fine, since by the time you
have received instructions to do anything (download updates, in your case) the
peer must already have sent the certificate.
I have what I would think is a pretty common use case for Gevent. I need a UDP server that listens for requests, and based on the request submits a POST to an external web service. The external web service essentially only allows one request at a time.
I would like to have an asynchronous UDP server so that data can be immediately retrieved and stored so that I don't miss any requests (this part is easy with the DatagramServer gevent provides). Then I need some way to send requests to the external web service serially, but in such a way that it doesn't ruin the async of the UDP server.
I first tried monkey patching everything and what I ended up with was a quick solution, but one in which my requests to the external web service were not rate limited in any way and which resulted in errors.
It seems like what I need is a single non-blocking worker to send requests to the external web service in serial while the UDP server adds tasks to the queue from which the non-blocking worker is working.
What I need is information on running a gevent server with additional greenlets for other tasks (especially with a queue). I've been using the serve_forever function of the DatagramServer and think that I'll need to use the start method instead, but haven't found much information on how it would fit together.
The answer worked very well. I've adapted the UDP server example code with the answer from #mguijarr to produce a working example for my use case:
from __future__ import print_function
from gevent.server import DatagramServer
import gevent.queue
import gevent.monkey
import urllib
n = 0
def process_request(q):
while True:
request = q.get()
class EchoServer(DatagramServer):
__q = gevent.queue.Queue()
__request_processing_greenlet = gevent.spawn(process_request, __q)
def handle(self, data, address):
print('%s: got %r' % (address[0], data))
global n
n += 1
self.socket.sendto('Received %s bytes' % len(data), address)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Receiving datagrams on :9000')
Here is how I would do it:
Write a function taking a "queue" object as argument; this function will continuously process items from the queue. Each item is supposed to be a request for the web service.
This function could be a module-level function, not part of your DatagramServer instance:
def process_requests(q):
while True:
request = q.get()
# do your magic with 'request'
in your DatagramServer, make the function running within a greenlet (like a background task):
self.__q = gevent.queue.Queue()
self.__request_processing_greenlet = gevent.spawn(process_requests, self.__q)
when you receive the UDP request in your DatagramServer instance, you push the request to the queue
This should do what you want. You still call 'serve_forever' on DatagramServer, no problem.
for a django application I'm working on, I need to implement a two ways RPC so :
the clients can call RPC methods from the platform and
the platform can call RPC methods from each client.
As the clients will mostly be behind NATs (which means no public IPs, and unpredictable weird firewalling policies), the platform to client way has to be initiated by the client.
I have a pretty good idea on how I can write this from scratch, I also think I can work something out of the publisher/subscriber model of twisted, but I've learned that there is always a best way to do it in python.
So I'm wondering what would be the best way to do it, that would also integrate the best to django. The code will have to be able to scope with hundreds of clients in short term, and (we hope) with thousands of clients in medium/long term.
So what library/implementation would you advice me to use ?
I'm mostly looking to starting points for RTFM !
websocket is a moving target, with new specifications from time to time. Brave developpers implements server side library, but few implements client side. The client for web socket is a web browser.
websocket is not the only way for a server to talk to a client, event source is a simple and pragmatic way to push information to a client. It's just a never ending page. Twitter fire hose use this tricks before its specification. The client open a http connection and waits for event. The connection is kept open, and reopen if there is some troubles (connection cut, something like that).
No timeout, you can send many events in one connection.
The difference between websocket and eventsource is simple. Websocket is bidirectionnal and hard to implement. Eventsource is unidirectionnal and simple to implement, both client and server side.
You can use eventsource as a zombie controller. Each client connects and reconnect to the master and wait for instruction. When instruction is received, the zombie acts and if needed can talk to its master, with a classical http connection, targeting the django app.
Eventsource keep the connection open, so you need an async server, like tornado. Django need a sync server, so, you need both, with a dispatcher, like nginx. Django or a cron like action talks to the async server, wich talks to the right zombie. Zombie talks to django, so, the async server doesn't need any peristance, it's just a hub with plugged zombies.
Gevent is able to handle such http server but there is no decent doc and examples for this point. It's a shame. I want a car, you give me a screw.
You can also use Tornado + Tornadio + That's what we are using right now for notifications, and the amount of code that you should write is not that much.
from tornadio2 import SocketConnection, TornadioRouter, SocketServer
class RouterConnection(SocketConnection):
__endpoints__ = {'/chat': ChatConnection,
'/ping': PingConnection,
'/notification' : NotificationConnection
def on_open(self, info):
print 'Router', repr(info)
MyRouter = TornadioRouter(RouterConnection)
# Create socket application
application = web.Application(
MyRouter.apply_routes([(r"/", IndexHandler),
(r"/", SocketIOHandler)]),
flash_policy_port = 843,
flash_policy_file = op.join(ROOT, 'flashpolicy.xml'),
socket_io_port = 3001,
template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates/notification")
class PingConnection(SocketConnection):
def on_open(self, info):
print 'Ping', repr(info)
def on_message(self, message):
now = dt.utcnow()
message['server'] = [now.hour, now.minute, now.second, now.microsecond / 1000]
class ChatConnection(SocketConnection):
participants = set()
unique_id = 0
def get_username(cls):
cls.unique_id += 1
return 'User%d' % cls.unique_id
def on_open(self, info):
print 'Chat', repr(info)
# Give user unique ID
self.user_name = self.get_username()
def on_message(self, message):
def on_close(self):
def broadcast(self, msg):
for p in self.participants:
here is a really simple solution I could came up with :
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import time
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/event-stream")
self.set_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
self.write("Hello, world")
for i in range(0, 5):
msg = "%d<br>" % i
self.write("%s\r\n" % msg) # content
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
if __name__ == "__main__":
curl http://localhost:8888
gives output when it comes !
Now, I'll just have to implement the full event-source spec and some kind of data serialization between the server and the clients, but that's trivial. I'll post an URL to the lib I'll write here when it'll be done.
I've recently played with Django, Server-Sent Events and WebSocket, and I've wrote an article about it at
Of course, this comes with the usual caveats that Django probably isn't the best fit for evented stuff, and both protocols are still drafts.
So i've looked around at a few things involving writting an HTTP Proxy using python and the Twisted framework.
Essentially, like some other questions, I'd like to be able to modify the data that will be sent back to the browser. That is, the browser requests a resource and the proxy will fetch it. Before the resource is returned to the browser, i'd like to be able to modify ANY (HTTP headers AND content) content.
This ( Need help writing a twisted proxy ) was what I initially found. I tried it out, but it didn't work for me. I also found this ( Python Twisted proxy - how to intercept packets ) which i thought would work, however I can only see the HTTP requests from the browser.
I am looking for any advice. Some thoughts I have are to use the ProxyClient and ProxyRequest classes and override the functions, but I read that the Proxy class itself is a combination of the both.
For those who may ask to see some code, it should be noted that I have worked with only the above two examples. Any help is great.
To create ProxyFactory that can modify server response headers, content you could override ProxyClient.handle*() methods:
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.web import http, proxy
class ProxyClient(proxy.ProxyClient):
"""Mangle returned header, content here.
Use `self.father` methods to modify request directly.
def handleHeader(self, key, value):
# change response header here
log.msg("Header: %s: %s" % (key, value))
proxy.ProxyClient.handleHeader(self, key, value)
def handleResponsePart(self, buffer):
# change response part here
log.msg("Content: %s" % (buffer[:50],))
# make all content upper case
proxy.ProxyClient.handleResponsePart(self, buffer.upper())
class ProxyClientFactory(proxy.ProxyClientFactory):
protocol = ProxyClient
class ProxyRequest(proxy.ProxyRequest):
protocols = dict(http=ProxyClientFactory)
class Proxy(proxy.Proxy):
requestFactory = ProxyRequest
class ProxyFactory(http.HTTPFactory):
protocol = Proxy
I've got this solution by looking at the source of twisted.web.proxy. I don't know how idiomatic it is.
To run it as a script or via twistd, add at the end:
portstr = "tcp:8080:interface=localhost" # serve on localhost:8080
if __name__ == '__main__': # $ python
import sys
from twisted.internet import endpoints, reactor
def shutdown(reason, reactor, stopping=[]):
"""Stop the reactor."""
if stopping: return
if reason:
endpoint = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, portstr)
d = endpoint.listen(ProxyFactory())
d.addErrback(shutdown, reactor)
else: # $ twistd -ny
from twisted.application import service, strports
application = service.Application("proxy_modify_request")
strports.service(portstr, ProxyFactory()).setServiceParent(application)
$ twistd -ny
In another terminal:
$ curl -x localhost:8080
For two-way proxy using twisted see the article: