What would be the best way to use negative coordinates in pygame?
At the moment I have a surface that is 1.5 times the original surface then everything that needs to be drawn is shifted up by a certain amount (to ensure the negative coordinates become positive) and drawn.
Is there an easier/alternate way of doing this?
A simple solution is to write a linear mapping function from world coordinates to pygame screen coordinates
def coord(x,y):
"Convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates."
return 320+170*x, 400-170*y
and use it when drawing all world objects. Have a look here for a complete example.
There is no way to move the origin of a surface from 0,0.
Implement your own drawing class which transforms all the coordinates passed in into the space of the surface.
If it's similar to an RPG map situation, where you have world coordinates and screen coordinates:
use a function that translates world to local, and vice versa.
But I wasn't sure I'd you were looking for Rect's properties?
rect.bottomright = (width, height) # bottom right at window corner
If you want to use center coordinates to blit, vs top left being (0,0)
ship.rect.center = (20, 30) # don't need to translate by adding w/2 to topleft
See also: Rect.move_ip()
I want to rotate my x-y perspective as my car rotates in PyGame.
When I rotate my car to turn it, I want my x-y perspective to change too so the forward and backward movement of the car are unaffected.
Use pygame.transform.rotate to rotate an image respectively pygame.Surface object by 90°:
car_image = pygame.image.load("filname.png")
car_image = pygame.transform.rotate(car_image , 90)
PyGame uses a coordinate system where the top left corner is (0, 0). The y-axis points down and the x-axis points to the right. That cannot be changed.
I have an image of a hand and I passed it through a pre trained hand pose estimation model and got this output. Output
Now I want to draw a rectangle around the hand to carry out some tasks. How do I draw a rectangle around a hand with just using those keypoints(not using another model).
In case if you're interested to know why I need that rectangle.
I want to normalize all the points inside the rectangle to range of (0,1) by dividing each point with width and height of rectangle and top left points to 0s and bottom points to 1s.
I haven't used OpenCV in quite a while, hence the simplest approach I can think of without relying on it's methods would be to use the list of keypoint locations and find the min/max x and y values.
That is, loop through the list of points (which I assume each have a given x and y) and store the minimum x and y, as well as maximum x and y. To do this you will want to initialise the variables according to your image's size, or alternatively store all x and y in their own separate lists and perform min and max functions accordingly.
The rectangle therefore is defined by the 2 corner points of (x_min, y_min) and (x_max, y_max), which you can also extract width and height from using subtraction. Make sure your drawing reference matches up with the xy-reference of the points. To actually draw the rectangle you can refer to the code here: https://docs.opencv.org/master/dc/da5/tutorial_py_drawing_functions.html
I am using pygame to make a simple game. I am having issues with circle collisions. I am getting the following error:
"AttributeError: 'pygame.Rect' object has no attribute 'rect'"
Here is the particular code I am having issues with below:
if pygame.sprite.collide_circle(hero_circle, enemy_circle):
Use pygame.mask to create a collision mesh for your objects and use the mesh to do collision detections.
In more detail:
Create an image file for both of your circles and set the bg color to something you will not use anywhere else.
Set that color to "transparent" in your image editor.
Import the images.
Create a mesh for them with pygame.mask and set it to make transparent pixels non-collidable.
Use the generated mask as your collision detection mesh.
(Technically this is just doing collision detection of a circle shaped area on a rectangle, but who cares!)
draw a rectangle shape
rect(Surface, color, Rect, width=0) -> Rect
Draws a rectangular shape on the Surface. The given Rect is the area of the rectangle. The width argument is the thickness to draw the outer edge. If width is zero then the rectangle will be filled.
Keep in mind the Surface.fill() method works just as well for drawing filled rectangles. In fact the Surface.fill() can be hardware accelerated on some platforms with both software and hardware display modes.
The best way I've found to check circle collision detection is to calculate the distance between the center points of two circles. If the distance is less than the sum of the two circle's radii, then you've collided.
Just like how gmk said it but if your are using circles instead of rectangles, you should use this pygame function :
pygame.draw.circle(surface, color, center_point, radius, width)
This draws a circle on your surface (which would go in the surface area). Clearly the color requires a list of numbers (RGB anyone?). Your center_point decides the location of your circle since it will be the location of the center of your circle. The radius will need a number to set the radius of the circle (using the number like 25 will set your radius at 25 pixels/diameter at 50 pixels). the width section is optional as it sets the thickness of the perimeter of your circle (having 0 will have none at all). If you are not using circles, you should change your title... But anyways, I hope this helps you!
I have been experimenting with Pygame, and have come across a problem that I could not find the answer to. In this paste, my basic game framework is exhibited. How can i complete my ballSnapLeft() definition correctly?
Edit: I am not looking for my code to be completed, but I am looking for someone to explain how the 'Rect' class(?) works, and how it could be applied.
Edit2: I have tried to use the x and y coordinates to do so, but I think there is a simpler way that can actually work, instead of using brute coordinates.
From Making Games With Python and Pygame:
myRect.left The int value of the X-coordinate of the left side of the
The int value of the X-coordinate of the right side of the rectangle.
The int value of the Y-coordinate of the top side of the rectangle.
The int value of the Y-coordinate of the bottom side.
Because all of these attributes return integers, that's probably why your code isn't working.
Also, if your goal with ballSnapLeft() is to move the ball to a position away from the player, ballRect.right = playerRect.left - distance would only change the X coordinate of the rect. To make the ball also move in the Y coordinate you could do something like
def ballSnapTop():
ballRect.top = playerRect.bottom - distance
Are you getting an error when you execute ballRect.right = playerRect.left - (0, 1)?
ballRect.right and ballRect.left, along with the related top, bottom, width, height values, are int types and can't have tuples added or subtracted from them.
You might want to take a look at the pygame.Rect documentation, and consider using pygame.Rect.move(x,y) which will shift the coordinates of the rectangle for you.
It's also worth noting that if you change, for example, myRect.topleft, then the corresponding top, left, bottom, etc... values will change as well so that the rect translates and preserves its size.
I am trying to draw a tilted ellipse in image draw. However, I am not sure how to define it, since while the scheme below would move the points, I think this would just squish the ellipse, not rotate it (also I think there is something slightly wrong with the transformation in any case). I am feeding the output of this function into the ellipse command and adding it to an existing picture, so any methods that would rotate the entire image are no good. OD is just a square offset to the coordinate center I am using.
def ellipsebound(major, minor, tilt=0, offset=0, angle=0):
#creates a bound for an ellispe, defined with tilt meaning to rotate the orthogonal axis and angle corresponds to rotating the ellipse position
angle = radians(angle)
tilt = radians(tilt)
1 + int(ceil((OD+offset*cos(angle)+(major*cos(tilt)+minor*sin(tilt)))/conv)),
1 + int(ceil((OD+offset*sin(angle)+(major*sin(tilt)-minor*cos(tilt)))/conv)),
) #create bounding box
return box
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
It looks like the 'box' that is being used to draw the ellipse has no rotation associated with it. It is simply defined by the (left, top, right, bottom) extents.
One possible workaround (depending on what you need to do) is to draw the ellipse (sized correctly, but without the rotation) onto an intermediary image, use the image.rotate() method, and then paste it into your target image.
I hope that helps.