Python optimization problem? - python

Alright, i had this homework recently (don't worry, i've already done it, but in c++) but I got curious how i could do it in python. The problem is about 2 light sources that emit light. I won't get into details tho.
Here's the code (that I've managed to optimize a bit in the latter part):
import math, array
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
size = (800,800)
width, height = size
s1x = width * 1./8
s1y = height * 1./8
s2x = width * 7./8
s2y = height * 7./8
r,g,b = (255,255,255)
arr = np.zeros((width,height,3))
hy = math.hypot
print 'computing distances (%s by %s)'%size,
for i in xrange(width):
if i%(width/10)==0:
print i,
if i%20==0:
print '.',
for j in xrange(height):
d1 = hy(i-s1x,j-s1y)
d2 = hy(i-s2x,j-s2y)
arr[i][j] = abs(d1-d2)
print ''
arr2 = np.zeros((width,height,3),dtype="uint8")
for ld in [200,116,100,84,68,52,36,20,8,4,2]:
print 'now computing image for ld = '+str(ld)
arr2 *= 0
arr2 += abs(arr%ld-ld/2)*(r,g,b)/(ld/2)
print 'saving image...'
ar2img = Image.fromarray(arr2)'ld'+str(ld).rjust(4,'0')+'.png')
print 'saved as ld'+str(ld).rjust(4,'0')+'.png'
I have managed to optimize most of it, but there's still a huge performance gap in the part with the 2 for-s, and I can't seem to think of a way to bypass that using common array operations... I'm open to suggestions :D
In response to Vlad's suggestion, I'll post the problem's details:
There are 2 light sources, each emitting light as a sinusoidal wave:
E1 = E0*sin(omega1*time+phi01)
E2 = E0*sin(omega2*time+phi02)
we consider omega1=omega2=omega=2*PI/T and phi01=phi02=phi0 for simplicity
by considering x1 to be the distance from the first source of a point on the plane, the intensity of the light in that point is
Ep1 = E0*sin(omega*time - 2*PI*x1/lambda + phi0)
lambda = speed of light * T (period of oscillation)
Considering both light sources on the plane, the formula becomes
Ep = 2*E0*cos(PI*(x2-x1)/lambda)sin(omegatime - PI*(x2-x1)/lambda + phi0)
and from that we could make out that the intensity of the light is maximum when
(x2-x1)/lambda = (2*k) * PI/2
and minimum when
(x2-x1)/lambda = (2*k+1) * PI/2
and varies in between, where k is an integer
For a given moment of time, given the coordinates of the light sources, and for a known lambda and E0, we had to make a program to draw how the light looks
IMHO i think i optimized the problem as much as it could be done...

Interference patterns are fun, aren't they?
So, first off this is going to be minor because running this program as-is on my laptop takes a mere twelve and a half seconds.
But let's see what can be done about doing the first bit through numpy array operations, shall we? We have basically that you want:
arr[i][j] = abs(hypot(i-s1x,j-s1y) - hypot(i-s2x,j-s2y))
For all i and j.
So, since numpy has a hypot function that works on numpy arrays, let's use that. Our first challenge is to get an array of the right size with every element equal to i and another with every element equal to j. But this isn't too hard; in fact, an answer below points my at the wonderful numpy.mgrid which I didn't know about before that does just this:
array_i,array_j = np.mgrid[0:width,0:height]
There is the slight matter of making your (width, height)-sized array into (width,height,3) to be compatible with your image-generation statements, but that's pretty easy to do:
arr = (arr * np.ones((3,1,1))).transpose(1,2,0)
Then we plug this into your program, and let things be done by array operations:
import math, array
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
size = (800,800)
width, height = size
s1x = width * 1./8
s1y = height * 1./8
s2x = width * 7./8
s2y = height * 7./8
r,g,b = (255,255,255)
array_i,array_j = np.mgrid[0:width,0:height]
arr = np.abs(np.hypot(array_i-s1x, array_j-s1y) -
np.hypot(array_i-s2x, array_j-s2y))
arr = (arr * np.ones((3,1,1))).transpose(1,2,0)
arr2 = np.zeros((width,height,3),dtype="uint8")
for ld in [200,116,100,84,68,52,36,20,8,4,2]:
print 'now computing image for ld = '+str(ld)
# Rest as before
And the new time is... 8.2 seconds. So you save maybe four whole seconds. On the other hand, that's almost exclusively in the image generation stages now, so maybe you can tighten them up by only generating the images you want.

If you use array operations instead of loops, it is much, much faster. For me, the image generation is now what takes so long time. Instead of your two i,j loops, I have this:
I,J = np.mgrid[0:width,0:height]
D1 = np.hypot(I - s1x, J - s1y)
D2 = np.hypot(I - s2x, J - s2y)
arr = np.abs(D1-D2)
# triplicate into 3 layers
arr = np.array((arr, arr, arr)).transpose(1,2,0)
# .. continue program
The basics that you want to remember for the future is: this is not about optimization; using array forms in numpy is just using it like it is supposed to be used. With experience, your future projects should not go the detour over python loops, the array forms should be the natural form.
What we did here was really simple. Instead of math.hypot we found numpy.hypot and used it. Like all such numpy functions, it accepts ndarrays as arguments, and does exactly what we want.

List comprehensions are much faster than loops. For example, instead of
for j in xrange(height):
d1 = hy(i-s1x,j-s1y)
d2 = hy(i-s2x,j-s2y)
arr[i][j] = abs(d1-d2)
You'd write
arr[i] = [abs(hy(i-s1x,j-s1y) - hy(i-s2x,j-s2y)) for j in xrange(height)]
On the other hand, if you're really trying to "optimize", then you might want to reimplement this algorithm in C, and use SWIG or the like to call it from python.

The only changes that come to my mind is to move some operations out of the loop:
for i in xrange(width):
if i%(width/10)==0:
print i,
if i%20==0:
print '.',
arri = arr[i]
is1x = i - s1x
is2x = i - s2x
for j in xrange(height):
d1 = hy(is1x,j-s1y)
d2 = hy(is2x,j-s2y)
arri[j] = abs(d1-d2)
The improvement, if any, will probably be minor though.


Implement Divide and Conquer strategy to apply transformation for a large matrix

I want to apply Arnold's cat map to my matrix. Here is my implementation:
import numpy as np
def cat_mapping(matrix, MAX):
width, height = matrix.shape
transformed_matrix = np.empty([width, height]).astype(np.uint8)
counter = 1
x = np.repeat(np.arange(width).reshape(-1, 1), height, axis=-1).T
y = np.repeat(np.arange(height).reshape(-1, 1), width, axis=-1)
nx = (2 * x + y) % width
ny = (x + y) % height
while counter <= MAX:
transformed_matrix[ny, nx] = matrix[y, x]
matrix = transformed_matrix
if counter != MAX:
transformed_matrix = np.empty([width, height])
counter = counter + 1
return transformed_matrix
Which work perfectly. But when the size of the array increase >10000 with bigger iteration value MAX, this implementation became really slow. Even I use numba, but the result is not satisfactory.
I was thinking, can the transformation could be broken into smaller part and combine the result like Divide and Conquer does?
#JeromeRichard helped to make it faster using numba which is nice. But, I think, is it become more faster if somehow we manage to implement DC paradigm?. I tried to implement with some demo data like this:
def split(matrix):
row, col = matrix.shape
row2, col2 = row//2, col//2
return matrix[:row2, :col2], matrix[:row2, col2:], matrix[row2:, :col2], matrix[row2:, col2:]
main = np.arange(1000*1000).reshape(1000,1000)
a,b,c,d = split(main)
a = cat_mapping_fast(a,100)
b = cat_mapping_fast(b,100)
c = cat_mapping_fast(c,100)
d = cat_mapping_fast(d,100)
np.vstack((np.hstack((a, b)), np.hstack((c, d))))
But I couldn't come up with deeper recursion because of "How to merge them?".
Any solution or hint will be appreciated.
The current code is quite slow because of matrix[y, x] create a new temporary array, and transformed_matrix[ny, nx] = matrix[y, x] is pretty slow since it needs to read nx and ny from the memory hierarchy and the memory access pattern is not efficient. When the matrix is big, the code should be memory bound and the unneeded memory operation becomes pretty expensive. Note that the np.empty([width, height]) array contains double-precision floating-point numbers that takes 8 time more space than np.uint8 and so it is 8 times slower to fill in memory.
You can speed up a lot the code using Numba, basic loops and double buffering so to avoid creating many temporary arrays and read big ones. The idea is to compute the indices (ny, nx) on-the-fly within the loops. Since modulus are quite expensive and the memory access pattern cause the code to be more latency bound, multiple threads are used so to better saturate the memory. Here is the resulting code:
import numba as nb
#nb.njit('uint8[:,::1](uint8[:,::1], int_)', parallel=True)
def cat_mapping_fast(matrix, MAX):
height, width = matrix.shape
buff1 = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
buff2 = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
counter = 1
buff1[:,:] = matrix
for counter in range(1, MAX+1):
for y in nb.prange(height):
for x in range(width):
nx = (2 * x + y) % width
ny = (x + y) % height
buff2[ny, nx] = buff1[y, x]
buff1, buff2 = buff2, buff1
return buff1
This code is significantly faster than the initial one, especially when the 2 buffers fit in the CPU cache. When the input matrix is so huge that it does not fit in the cache, the inefficient memory access pattern makes the code a bit slower but there is not much to do since the computation appears to behave like a big shuffle which is not cache-friendly. Still, on a 4096x4096 matrix with MAX=20, the Numba code is 25 times faster on my 6-core machine (only about 0.38 seconds compared to 10 seconds for the initial code).

Struggling with Understanding Numpy Vectorization for my use case

I understand the basics of how vectorization works, but I'm struggling to see how to apply that knowledge to my use case. I have a working algorithm for some image processing. However, the particular algorithm that I'm working with doesn't process the entire image as there is a border to account for the "window" that gets shifted around the image.
I'm trying to use this to better understand Numpy's vectorization, but I can't figure out how to account for the window and the border. Below is what I have in vanilla python (with the actual algorithm redacted, I'm only asking for help on how to vectorize). I looked into np.fromfunction and a few other options, but have had no luck. Any suggestions would be welcome at this point.
half_k = / 2));
U = np.zeros(img_a.shape, dtype=np.float64);
V = np.zeros(img_b.shape, dtype=np.float64);
for y in range(half_k, img_a.shape[0] - half_k):
for x in range(half_k, img_a.shape[1] - half_k):
# init variables for window calc goes here
for j in range(y - half_k, y + half_k + 1):
for i in range(x - half_k, x + half_k + 1):
# stuff init-ed above gets added to here
# final calc on things calculated in windows goes here
U[y][x] = one_of_the_window_calculations
V[y][x] = the_other_one
return U, V
I think you can create an array of the indices of the patches with a function like this get_patch_idx in the first place
def get_patch_idx(ind,array_shape,step):
row_nums,col_nums = array_shape
col_idx = ind-(ind//col_nums)*col_nums if ind%col_nums !=0 else col_nums
row_idx = ind//col_nums if ind%col_nums !=0 else ind//col_nums
if col_idx+step==col_nums or row_idx+step==row_nums or col_idx-step==-1 or row_idx-step==-1: raise ValueError
upper = [(row_idx-1)*col_nums+col_idx-1,(row_idx-1)*col_nums+col_idx,(row_idx-1)*col_nums+col_idx+1]
middle = [row_idx*col_nums+col_idx-1,row_idx*col_nums+col_idx,row_idx*col_nums+col_idx+1]
lower = [(row_idx+1)*col_nums+col_idx-1,(row_idx+1)*col_nums+col_idx,(row_idx+1)*col_nums+col_idx+1]
return [upper,middle,lower]
Assume you have an (10,8) array, and half_k is 1
test = np.linspace(1,80,80).reshape(10,8)*2
mask = np.linspace(0,79,80).reshape(10,8)[1:-1,1:-1].ravel().astype(
in which the indices in mask are allowed, then you can create an array of indices of the patches
patches_inds = np.array([get_patch_idx(ind,test.shape,1) for ind in mask])
with this patches_inds, patches of the original array test can be sliced with np.take
patches = np.take(test,patches_inds)
This will bypass for loop efficiently.

Speed of scipy fsolve in vectorised code

I have an array of size (254, 80) which I need to use scipy's fsolve on. I have found that the speed of using fsolve on a vector is quicker than it is in a for loop but only for vectors upto about 100 values long. After this, the speed quickly drops off and becomes very slow, sometimes completely stopping.
I'm currently looping through one dimension of the array and using a vectorised fsolve on the smaller dimension but it's still taking longer than I would expect/like.
Does anyone have a good work around for this or a know of a similar function which will be happy handling a vector of a larger size? Or perhaps if I am doing something wrong...
Here's the current code:
for i in range(array.shape[0]):
f = lambda y: a[i] - m[i]*y - md[i]*(( y**4 + 2*(y**2)*np.cos(Thetas[i,:]) )**0.25)
ystar[i,:] = fsolve(f, y0[i])
(The rest of the variables are all a similar size)
Digging in to this further, I have found that a function such as
f = lambda y: y*np.tanh(y) - a0/(m**2)
is faster to solve than
f = lambda y: (m**2)y*np.tanh(y) - a0
where m and a0 are large 2D np arrays.
Can anyone explain why this is?
Although noone answered I found a workaround which avoided the fsolve function and used interpolation instead. Luckily the initial guess is good enough that only a few y values are needed. If the initial guess knowledge is poor then this method is probably not appropriate. Do note this still has some issues but for my purposes it performs well...
ystar = np.empty((A,B)) # empty array for the solutions
num_ys = 20 #number of points to find where the solution is
y0_u = y0 #just so the calculated initial guess isn't overwritten
for i in range(Thetas.shape[1]):
ys = np.linspace(-.05,.2,num_ys)[:,None]*np.ones((num_ys,Thetas.shape[0])) + y0_u
vals = (np.squeeze(eta) - np.squeeze(m)*ys*np.sqrt(g*np.tanh(ys**2*depth)) - np.squeeze(md)*np.sqrt(g*np.tanh(depth*np.sqrt(ys**4+2*(ys**2)*kB*np.cos(Thetas[:,i]+phi_bi)+kB**2)))*(( ys**4+2*(ys**2)*kB*np.cos(Thetas[:,i]+phi_bi)+kB**2 )**0.25))
idxs_important = -1*(np.clip(np.vstack(((np.sign(vals[:-1]*vals[1:])-1),np.zeros((1,Thetas[:,i].size)))),-1,0) + np.clip(np.vstack((np.zeros((1,Thetas[:,i].size)),(np.sign(vals[:-1]*vals[1:]))-1)),-1,0))
ys_chosen = idxs_important*ys
ys_chosen[ys_chosen==0] = 10000
sorted_ys_idx = np.argsort(ys_chosen.T, axis = 1)
sorted_ys = ((ys_chosen.T)[np.arange(np.shape(ys_chosen.T)[0])[:,np.newaxis],sorted_ys_idx]).T
sorted_vals = (((vals*idxs_important).T)[np.arange(np.shape(vals.T)[0])[:,np.newaxis],sorted_ys_idx]).T
# interpolation bit
x_id = 0
yposs = sorted_ys[:2,:]
valposs = sorted_vals[:2,:]
y = yposs[0,:] + (yposs[1,:] - yposs[0,:])*(x_id - valposs[0,:])/(valposs[1,:] - valposs[0,:])
ystar[:,i] = np.squeeze(y)

Graphing n iterations of a function- Python

I'm studying dynamical systems, particularly the logistic family g(x) = cx(1-x), and I need to iterate this function an arbitrary amount of times to understand its behavior. I have no problem iterating the function given a specific point x_0, but again, I'd like to graph the entire function and its iterations, not just a single point. For plotting a single function, I have this code:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def logplot(c, n = 10):
dt = .001
x = np.arange(0,1.001,dt)
y = c*x*(1-x)
plt.axis([0, 1, 0, c*.25 + (1/10)*c*.25])
I suppose I could tackle this by the lengthy/daunting method of explicitly creating a list of the range of each iteration using something like the following:
def log(c,x0):
return c*x0*(1-x)
def logiter(c,x0,n):
i = 0
y = []
while i <= n:
val = log(c,x0)
x0 = val
i += 1
return y
But this seems really cumbersome and I was wondering if there were a better way. Thanks
Some different options
This is really a matter of style. Your solution works and is not very difficult to understand. If you want to go on on those lines, then I would just tweak it a bit:
def logiter(c, x0, n):
y = []
x = x0
for i in range(n):
x = c*x*(1-x)
return np.array(y)
The changes:
for loop is easier to read than a while loop
x0 is not used in the iteration (this adds one more variable, but it is mathematically easier to understand; x0 is a constant)
the function is written out, as it is a very simple one-liner (if it weren't, its name should be changed to be something else than log, which is very easy to confuse with logarithm)
the result is converted into a numpy array. (Just what I usually do, if I need to plot something)
In my opinion the function is now legible enough.
You might also take an object-oriented approach and create a logistic function object:
class Logistics():
def __init__(self, c, x0):
self.x = x0
self.c = c
def next_iter(self):
self.x = self.c * self.x * (1 - self.x)
return self.x
Then you may use this:
def logiter(c, x0, n):
l = Logistics(c, x0)
return np.array([ l.next_iter() for i in range(n) ])
Or if you may make it a generator:
def log_generator(c, x0):
x = x0
while True:
x = c * x * (1-x)
yield x
def logiter(c, x0, n):
l = log_generator(c, x0)
return np.array([ for i in range(n) ])
If you need performance and have large tables, then I suggest:
def logiter(c, x0, n):
res = np.empty((n, len(x0)))
res[0] = c * x0 * (1 - x0)
for i in range(1,n):
res[i] = c * res[i-1] * (1 - res[i-1])
return res
This avoids the slowish conversion into np.array and some copying of stuff around. The memory is allocated only once, and the expensive conversion from a list into an array is avoided.
(BTW, if you returned an array with the initial x0 as the first row, the last version would look cleaner. Now the first one has to be calculated separately if copying the vector around is desired to be avoided.)
Which one is best? I do not know. IMO, all are readable and justified, it is a matter of style. However, I speak only very broken and poor Pythonic, so there may be good reasons why still something else is better or why something of the above is not good!
About performance: With my machine I tried the following:
logiter(3.2, linspace(0,1,1000), 10000)
For the first three approaches the time is essentially the same, approximately 1.5 s. For the last approach (preallocated array) the run time is 0.2 s. However, if the conversion from a list into an array is removed, the first one runs in 0.16 s, so the time is really spent in the conversion procedure.
I can think of two useful but quite different ways to visualize the function. You mention that you will have, say, 100 or 1000 different x0's to start with. You do not mention how many iterations you want to have, but maybe we will start with just 100. So, let us create an array with 100 different x0's and 100 iterations at c = 3.2.
data = logiter(3.6, np.linspace(0,1,100), 100)
In a way a standard method to visualize the function is draw 100 lines, each of which represents one starting value. That is easy:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
This gives:
Well, it seems that all values end up oscillating somewhere, but other than that we have only a mess of color. This approach may be more useful, if you use a narrower range of values for x0:
data = logiter(3.6, np.linspace(0.8,0.81,100), 100)
you may color-code the starting values by e.g.:
color1 = np.array([1,0,0])
color2 = np.array([0,0,1])
for i,k in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 1, data.shape[1])):
plt.plot(data[:,i], '.', color=(1-k)*color1 + k*color2)
This plots the first columns (corresponding to x0 = 0.80) in red and the last columns in blue and uses a gradual color change in between. (Please note that the more blue a dot is, the later it is drawn, and thus blues overlap reds.)
However, it is possible to take a quite different approach.
data = logiter(3.6, np.linspace(0,1,1000), 50)
plt.imshow(data.T,, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',extent=[1,21,0,1], vmin=0, vmax=1)
This is my personal favourite. I won't spoil anyone's joy by explaining it too much, but IMO this shows many peculiarities of the behaviour very easily.
Here's what I was aiming for; an indirect approach to understanding (by visualization) the behavior of initial conditions of the function g(c, x) = cx(1-x):
def jam(c, n):
x = np.linspace(0,1,100)
y = c*x*(1-x)
for i in range(n):
plt.plot(x, y)
y = c*y*(1-y)

Numpy manipulating array of True values dependent on x/y index

So I have an array (it's large - 2048x2048), and I would like to do some element wise operations dependent on where they are. I'm very confused how to do this (I was told not to use for loops, and when I tried that my IDE froze and it was going really slow).
Onto the question:
h = aperatureimage
h[:,:] = 0
indices = np.where(aperatureimage>1)
for True in h:
h[index] = np.exp(1j*k*z)*np.exp(1j*k*(x**2+y**2)/(2*z))/(1j*wave*z)
So I have an index, which is (I'm assuming here) essentially a 'cropped' version of my larger aperatureimage array. *Note: Aperature image is a grayscale image converted to an array, it has a shape or text on it, and I would like to find all the 'white' regions of the aperature and perform my operation.
How can I access the individual x/y values of index which will allow me to perform my exponential operation? When I try index[:,None], leads to the program spitting out 'ValueError: broadcast dimensions too large'. I also get array is not broadcastable to correct shape. Any help would be appreciated!
One more clarification: x and y are the only values I would like to change (essentially the points in my array where there is white, z, k, and whatever else are defined previously).
I'm not sure the code I posted above is correct, it returns two empty arrays. When I do this though
index = (aperatureimage==1)
print len(index)
Actually, nothing I've done so far works correctly. I have a 2048x2048 image with a 128x128 white square in the middle of it. I would like to convert this image to an array, look through all the values and determine the index values (x,y) where the array is not black (I only have white/black, bilevel image didn't work for me). I would then like to take all the values (x,y) where the array is not 0, and multiply them by the h[index] value listed above.
I can post more information if necessary. If you can't tell, I'm stuck.
EDIT2: Here's some code that might help - I think I have the problem above solved (I can now access members of the array and perform operations on them). But - for some reason the Fx values in my for loop never increase, it loops Fy forever....
import sys, os
from scipy.signal import *
import numpy as np
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps, ImageEnhance, ImageColor
def createImage(aperature, type):
imsize = aperature*8
middle = imsize/2
im ="L", (imsize,imsize))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
box = ((middle-aperature/2, middle-aperature/2), (middle+aperature/2, middle+aperature/2))
import sys, os
from scipy.signal import *
import numpy as np
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps, ImageEnhance, ImageColor
def createImage(aperature, type):
imsize = aperature*8 #Add 0 padding to make it nice
middle = imsize/2 # The middle (physical 0) of our image will be the imagesize/2
im ="L", (imsize,imsize)) #Make a grayscale image with imsize*imsize pixels
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) #Create a new draw method
box = ((middle-aperature/2, middle-aperature/2), (middle+aperature/2, middle+aperature/2)) #Bounding box for aperature
if type == 'Rectangle':
draw.rectangle(box, fill = 'white') #Draw rectangle in the box and color it white
del draw
return im, middle
def Diffraction(aperaturediameter = 1, type = 'Rectangle', z = 2000000, wave = .001):
# Constants
deltaF = 1/8 # Image will be 8mm wide
z = 1/3.
wave = 0.001
k = 2*pi/wave
# Now let's get to work
aperature = aperaturediameter * 128 # Aperaturediameter (in mm) to some pixels
im, middle = createImage(aperature, type) #Create an image depending on type of aperature
aperaturearray = np.array(im) # Turn image into numpy array
# Fourier Transform of Aperature
Ta = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(aperaturearray))/(len(aperaturearray))
# Transforming and calculating of Transfer Function Method
H = aperaturearray.copy() # Copy image so H (transfer function) has the same dimensions as aperaturearray
H[:,:] = 0 # Set H to 0
U = aperaturearray.copy()
U[:,:] = 0
index = np.nonzero(aperaturearray) # Find nonzero elements of aperaturearray
H[index[0],index[1]] = np.exp(1j*k*z)*np.exp(-1j*k*wave*z*((index[0]-middle)**2+(index[1]-middle)**2)) # Free space transfer for ap array
Utfm = abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(Ta*H))) # Compute intensity at distance z
# Fourier Integral Method
apindex = np.nonzero(aperaturearray)
U[index[0],index[1]] = aperaturearray[index[0],index[1]] * np.exp(1j*k*((index[0]-middle)**2+(index[1]-middle)**2)/(2*z))
Ufim = abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(U))/len(U))
# Save image
fim = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(Ufim))"PATH\Fim.jpg")
ftfm = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(Utfm))"PATH\FTFM.jpg")
print "that may have worked..."
if __name__ == '__main__':
You'll need numpy, scipy, and PIL to work with this code.
When I run this, it goes through the code, but there is no data in them (everything is black). Now I have a real problem here as I don't entirely understand the math I'm doing (this is for HW), and I don't have a firm grasp on Python.
U[index[0],index[1]] = aperaturearray[index[0],index[1]] * np.exp(1j*k*((index[0]-middle)**2+(index[1]-middle)**2)/(2*z))
Should that line work for performing elementwise calculations on my array?
Could you perhaps post a minimal, yet complete, example? One that we can copy/paste and run ourselves?
In the meantime, in the first two lines of your current example:
h = aperatureimage
h[:,:] = 0
you set both 'aperatureimage' and 'h' to 0. That's probably not what you intended. You might want to consider:
h = aperatureimage.copy()
This generates a copy of aperatureimage while your code simply points h to the same array as aperatureimage. So changing one changes the other.
Be aware, copying very large arrays might cost you more memory then you would prefer.
What I think you are trying to do is this:
import numpy as np
N = 2048
M = 64
a = np.zeros((N, N))
x,y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, N), np.linspace(0, 1, N))
b = a.copy()
indices = np.where(a>0)
b[indices] = np.exp(x[indices]**2+y[indices]**2)
Or something similar. This, in any case, sets some values in 'b' based on the x/y coordinates where 'a' is bigger than 0. Try visualizing it with imshow. Good luck!
Concerning the edit
You should normalize your output so it fits in the 8 bit integer. Currently, one of your arrays has a maximum value much larger than 255 and one has a maximum much smaller. Try this instead:
fim = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255*Ufim/np.amax(Ufim)))"PATH\Fim.jpg")
ftfm = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255*Utfm/np.amax(Utfm)))"PATH\FTFM.jpg")
Also consider np.zeros_like() instead of copying and clearing H and U.
Finally, I personally very much like working with ipython when developing something like this. If you put the code in your Diffraction function in the top level of your script (in place of 'if __ name __ &c.'), then you can access the variables directly from ipython. A quick command like np.amax(Utfm) would show you that there are indeed values!=0. imshow() is always nice to look at matrices.
