How to send data on nextion with python - python

I would like some help. I'm trying to send a variable to T0. I've tried but I cannot send a variable value. Please help.
import serial
import time
import struct
from requests import get
ip = get('').text
ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyAMA0")
k=struct.pack('B', 0xff )
while True:

You have to wrap your string in quotation marks (") for Nextion to read the string.
Not a Python expert, but this should give you a clue:
Change ser.write(b't0.txt=ip') to something like ser.write(b't0.txt="' + ip + '"').

This works for me.
port=serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyAMA0',baudrate=9600, timeout=1.0)
eof = "\xff\xff\xff"
tn = str(
alt = 'page0.T0.txt="'+tn+'"'+eof
dimCmd = "dim=0"
undimCmd = "dim=100"
def GetTemp():
global temp
response = urllib.urlopen(cmd1)
temp =
temp = temp[:-2] #gets all characters in temp except the last 2
while True:
port.write(alt) #writes time to T0 textbox on screen
port.write(undimCmd + eof) #set screen brightness to 100%
port.write("page 1")#set screen to page 1 for multiple page setups


Two different while loops run simultaneously in Tkinter (python)

I have made a simple chat system with python-requests. There are two different files one is the sender and another is the receiver. the main concept of these two files is
1. sender file contains a while loop which always takes the message as input. after
giving the message as input, it sends the message to a website.
2. receiver file also contains a while loop which gets requests from the website after every
5 seconds.
Now I want to run these two different works in the same window with Tkinter. how to do it? Thanks in advance. Code is here
import configme as con
import requests
import datetime
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
nam = con.my_name
cookies_dict = con.cookie
key = con.crypto_key
url = con.base_url + '/config.php'
def makeID():
# encription staff
fernet = Fernet(key)
# member joining message
if nam.__len__() != 0:
requests.get(url+f"?iD={makeID()}&name=<<<>>>&msg={nam} join the room.", cookies=cookies_dict)
with requests.Session() as r:
while True:
msg = input("Enter your Messege: ")
if msg == ".exit":
# r.get(url+f"?iD={makeID()}&name=<<<>>>&msg={nam} has left the room.", cookies=cookies_dict)
encMessage = fernet.encrypt(msg.encode())
messenger = {'iD': makeID() ,'name': nam , 'msg': encMessage}
if msg != "":
r.get(url, params=messenger, cookies=cookies_dict) code here...
import configme as con
import requests
import json
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
import pytz
cookies_dict = con.cookie
ozone = con.my_timezone
key = con.crypto_key
time_format = con.date_time_format
url = con.base_url + '/log.json'
t = con.receive_time
# encription staff
fernet = Fernet(key)
timezone = timezone(ozone)
def setTime(t):
stamptime = int(float(t))
GMT0 = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(stamptime))
return GMT0.astimezone(timezone).strftime(time_format)
j = 0
while True:
r = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies_dict).text
message = json.loads(r)
message_sz = len(message)
if message_sz == 0:
print("Looks like there are no message")
for msg in message[j:]:
local_time = setTime(msg['id'])
if msg['nam'] == '<<<>>>':
print(f"{local_time} :: {msg['nam']} :: {msg['msg']}")
decMessage = fernet.decrypt(bytes(msg['msg'], "utf-8")).decode()
print(f"{local_time} :: {msg['nam']} :: {decMessage}")
j = message_sz
I would not suggest using this checking and going to website method, but you could thread the while loops to go at the same time. And you could update tk when you want using tk.update().
You could get Data from vars that the threaded loops are setting and use them in your single tk window.
use multi threading .or else load data desperately

Writing to serial port but only receiving first character?

I'm reading data in from a machine to windows 7. Using python, I read the serial port, process the data then write the data to a different serial port. Using com0com null modem emulator, the data is sent to another program. Here is the code I'm using:
import serial
import time
ser = serial.Serial(port='COM7', baudrate=9600)
ser2 = serial.Serial(port='COM8', baudrate=9600)
value_one = None
while (True):
# Check if incoming bytes are waiting to be read from the serial input
# buffer.
# NB: for PySerial v3.0 or later, use property `in_waiting` instead of
# function `inWaiting()` below!
if (ser.in_waiting > 16):
# read the bytes and convert from binary array to ASCII
data_str ='ascii')
if (value_one == None):
value_one_parse = data_str[7:9]
value_one = float(value_one_parse)
value_two_parse = data_str[7:9]
value_two = float(value_two_parse)
avg = ((value_one + value_two)/2)
avgprep = str(avg) + '\r\n'
value_one = None
value_two = None
So if avgprep = 71.1, why am I only receiving the first digit 7 to the program?
I changed ser.in_waiting > 16 to ser.in_waiting > 0 and put a time.sleep(5) after that.

After changing from Python 2.7 to Python 3.7 data getting an additional letter?

I'm working on a program that receives a string from an Android app sent through WiFi, the program was originally written for Python 2.7, but after adding some additional functionalities I changed it to Python 3.7. However, after making that change, my data had an extra letter at the front and for the life of me I can't figure out why that is.
Here's a snippet of my code, it's a really simple if statement to see which command was sent from the Android app and controls Raspberry Pi (4) cam (v.2) with the command.
This part sets up the connections and wait to see which command I send.
isoCmd = ['auto','100','200','300','400','500','640','800']
HOST = ''
PORT = 21567
BUFSIZE = 1024
brightness = 50
timelapse = 0
tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
print ('Waiting for connection')
tcpCliSock,addr = tcpSerSock.accept()
while True:
data = ''
brightness = ' '
data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZE)
dataStr = str(data[1:])
print ("Here's data ",dataStr)
if not data:
if data in isoCmd:
if data == "auto":
camera.iso = 0
print ('ISO: Auto')
camera.iso = int(data)
print ('ISO: '), data
When I start the program this is what I see:
Waiting for connection
#If I send command '300'
Here's data b'300'
Here's data b''
Waiting for connection
I'm not sure why there's the extra b'' is coming from. I have tested the code by just adding the "b" at the beginning of each items in the array which worked for any commands that I defined, not for any commands to control the Pi camera since well, there's no extra b at the beginning. (Did that make sense?) My point is, I know I'm able to send commands no problem, just not sure how to get rid of the extra letter. If anyone could give me some advice that would be great. Thanks for helping.
Byte strings are represented by the b-prefix.
Although you can see the string in output on printing, inherently they are bytes.
To get a normal string out of it, decode function can help.
b'data' simply means the data inside quotes has been received in bytes form, as mentioned in other answers also, you have to decode that with decode('utf-8') to get it in string form.
I have updated your program below, to be compatible for v3.7+
from socket import *
isoCmd = ['auto','100','200','300','400','500','640','800']
HOST = ''
PORT = 21567
BUFSIZE = 1024
brightness = 50
timelapse = 0
tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
print ('Waiting for connection')
tcpCliSock,addr = tcpSerSock.accept()
while True:
data = ''
brightness = ' '
data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZE).decode('utf-8')
print ("Here's data "+data)
if not data:
if data in isoCmd:
if data == "auto":
camera.iso = 0
print ('ISO: Auto')
camera.iso = int(data)
print ('ISO: '+ data)
except Exception as e:

Why does this python program not work in IDLE, when using a raspberry pi?

The following code communicates with multiple pH modules, via the serial port. The pH modules are selected via a multiplexer via the i2c bus using an 8574N chip. When the raspberry pi has booted up the program works correctly in the terminal however, if the program was to be stop and be restarted it fails to initialize correctly. Also, this program does not work correctly in the python IDLE (selecting random devices on the multiplexer). It seems like the i2c or serial comms on the pi is not initializing correctly. For example, in IDLE when selecting a module, It brings up the incorrect module to the one that you have chosen spits out incorrect data. However, this all works fine in the terminal.
Does any one have any ideas??
Any help would be much appreciated!
from smbus import SMBus
# from itertools import cycle
import time
import serial
usbport = '/dev/ttyAMA0'
ser = serial.Serial(usbport, 9600, timeout = 2)#
line = ""
data = ""
bus = SMBus(1) # Port 1 used on REV2
print "Electronics Workshop PH Reader."
print "=========================="
global count
count = 0 #init count to 0
probevalue = ""
def inputsel(count):
bus.write_byte(0x38, 0x00)
# count = input(" Select ph unit '0 to 23'") # count now incremented during program
count = input(" Select ph unit '0 to 23'")
if (count< 16):
data_sel = count
data_sel = data_sel | 32 # or the 2 numbers together
data_sel = count - 16
data_sel = data_sel | 16 # or the 2 numbers together
bus.write_byte(0x38, data_sel) # send "count"Varable out to I2c Bus
print str(data_sel)
time.sleep (1)
data_sel = 0
print "Reading Channel:" + str(count)
def write_serial(serial_data):
global ser
data = ""
line = ""
status = ""
ser.write(serial_data) # set ph unit to take one reading at a time
ser.write("\r") # set ph unit to take one reading at a time
time.sleep (1)
ser.write(serial_data) # set ph unit to take one reading at a time
time.sleep (1)
while status != "done":
data = # gets data from PH module '
if(data == "\r"): # check each bite of data to see if its a carriage return expecting "XX.XXr"
#carriage return sent diplay message and data
print "Received from sensor:" + line
status = "done"
probevalue = line
line =" "
# all 5 bytes of data have not been received
line = line + data # add one to the varable line
#if(data == " "):
# write_serial()
return probevalue
def main():
global serial_data
serial_data = " "
global count
probevalue = " "
count = 0
bus.write_byte(0x38, 0)
while 1:
inputsel(count) #select the input based off count variable
loop = range(0,7)
for loopcount in loop:
if ((loopcount == 0) | (loopcount == 1)): #set command to #?
serial_data = "#?\r" #set command to request id
if (loopcount == 0): #if buffer needs clearing
print "Clearing Buffer....."
else: print "Requesting ID....."
probevalue = write_serial(serial_data) #call write_serial with #? command put value into probevalue
elif (loopcount >= 2): #set r command once buffer clear and ID obtained
serial_data = "r\r" #set command to read value
if (loopcount == 2): print "Reading pH:" #output reaidng pH when loopcounter at 2
probevalue = write_serial(serial_data) #call write_serial with r command put value into probevalue
print "=========================="

Communicating with air-conditioner controller using pyserial

I am trying to the first time to send and receive information through serial port. The manual for the device with which I am trying to talk can be found here. I am trying for a start to send a set of hexadecimals to ask about the condition of the system and my purpose is to ask in real time about the temperature and store it. Until now my code is this:
import serial
import time
#ports = list(
#for p in ports:
# print p
ser = serial.Serial(port= '/dev/ttyUSB0',
bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=0, xonxoff=1, rtscts=1, dsrdtr=1)
command = "\x10\xFF\x29\x2C\x16"
command = command.decode("hex")
print command
ReceivedData = "\n nothing"
while ser.inWaiting() > 0:
ReceivedData =
print ReceivedData
The problem is that I cannot get any response.
So I solved the communication problem. It turned out I was using an extension cable so the T and R channels were not correctly connected. Now The response that I receive is "\x00\x10\xFF\x29\x2C\x16" which is the same that I put in only with a \x00 in the front. Does this mean it is an error message? How do I calculate the 4th bit? Until now I am using an example from the manual.
dont use command = command.decode("hex")
command = "\x10\xFF\x29\x2C\x16"
should work i am sure it expects bytes like this
to put it differently
START_BYTE = "\x10"
ADDR_BYTE = "\xff"
FN_BYTE = "\x29"
CS_BYTE = "\x2C" # We assume you have calculated this right
END_BYTE = "\x16"
you can abstract this out since start and end and address are always the same
def send_fn(ser,FN_CMD):
START_BYTE = "\x10"
ADDR_BYTE = "\xff"
END_BYTE = "\x16"
CS_BYTE = chr((ord(ADDR_BYTE) + ord(FN_CMD))&0xFF)
