I'm pretty sure this has been answered, but I can't seem to locate it.
What I want is a python script for Blender that creates a custom tab that contains a button. When that button is pressed, it prints the value of an integer and increments it, so that when you press the button again, it shows an incremented value. Everything seems to work, except for the incremental part.
Here is the code I am using at the moment:
import bpy
from bpy.props import (IntProperty,)
from bpy.types import (Panel, Operator, AddonPreferences, PropertyGroup,)
def main(context):
my_number += 1
class MySettings(PropertyGroup):
my_number = IntProperty(
name="Int property",
description="This is an integer.",
default = 1
class AddOne(bpy.types.Operator):
"""This is an operator"""
bl_idname = "op.add_one"
bl_label = "Increment by 1"
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
class CreatePanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = "Render Setup Panel"
bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_hello"
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'
bl_category = "Increment by 1 Tab"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
obj = context.object
row = layout.row()
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
However, when I press the button 'Increment by 1', I get the following error:
"local variable 'my_number' referenced before assignment"
The point of this exercise is just to create an integer variable, store it, then increment it's value and print it out.
EDIT: I added the actual code, rather than an image of it.
The variable my_number is defined in the class MySettings - it can only be accessed through that class, whether that is inside a method that is also part of the class (self.my_number) or directly as a property that is part of an instance of the class (settings_instance.my_number).
You need to find a place outside of the operator and panel to store persistent variables. Adding a custom property to the object or scene types are common options. As you are showing your panel in the node editor, maybe you will want to add it to the material to keep it specific to a material, instead of global to the scene. You define these properties in the addons register() and remove them in unregister().
def register():
bpy.types.Scene.my_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=MySettings)
def unregister():
del bpy.types.Scene.my_settings
Then in your operator (or main() function) and your panel you can access the variable through the context paramater.
context.scene.my_settings.my_number += 1
Putting that together into your example, with a label to show the value -
import bpy
from bpy.props import (IntProperty,)
from bpy.types import (Panel, Operator, AddonPreferences, PropertyGroup,)
def main(context):
context.scene.my_settings.my_number += 1
class MySettings(PropertyGroup):
my_number: IntProperty(
name="Int property",
description="This is an integer.",
default = 1
class AddOne(Operator):
"""This is an operator"""
bl_idname = "op.add_one"
bl_label = "Increment by 1"
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
class CreatePanel(Panel):
bl_label = "Render Setup Panel"
bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_hello"
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_category = "Increment by 1 Tab"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
obj = context.object
row = layout.row()
row = layout.row()
row.label(text='Value is: '+str(context.scene.my_settings.my_number))
def register():
bpy.types.Scene.my_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=MySettings)
def unregister():
del bpy.types.Scene.my_settings
if __name__ == "__main__":
You will find blender.stackexchange a better place to ask for blender specific python help.
Generally this problem "local variable 'my_number' referenced before assignment" comes when you have 'my_number' variable in code and you had not initialized that variable at top of your code or before using that variable do one thing .
Declare my_number=0 and then do your calculation on my_number variable .
I have a fairly simple task that has eluded me when using Python to generate and automate .NET WinForms. How do I pass data between forms?
I've tried everything: using global variables, using immutable strings, etc. and nothing seems to stick. Can someone show me an example, send me a link, or let me know what I am doing wrong? I have been at this for over a week and frustration is starting to mount.
Below is a (sloppy) example of taking data from one form - a string - and sending it to another form in a Textbox.
import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import *
from System.Drawing import *
class MyForm(Form):
def __init__(self):
self.Text1 = TextBox()
self.Button1 = Button()
self.Button1.Location = Point(0, self.Text1.Bottom + 10)
self.Button1.Text = 'Send'
self.Button1.Click += self.Button1_Click
def Button1_Click(self, sender, args):
MYSTRING = self.Text1.Text
self.TopLevel = False
f2 = MyForm2()
self.TopLevel = True
class MyForm2(Form):
def __init__(self):
self.Text2 = TextBox()
self.Load += self.MyForm2_Load
def MyForm2_Load(self, sender, args):
self.Text2.Text = MYSTRING
So, I figured it out...again.
I had to set a python global variable within one of my events that triggers an event, like so...
def dgvExpanderInfo_CellDoubleClick_Event(self, sender, args):
global SelectedExpanderData_List
...then I could access whatever is in that globabl variable - in this case it was a list.
def MyForm2_Form_Load_Event(self, sender, args):
self.textbox1.Text = SelectedExpanderData_List[0]
self.textbox2.Text = SelectedExpanderData_List[1]
self.textbox3.Text = SelectedExpanderData_List[2]
I hope this helps others as I have found no real documentation on this anywhere.
So, I am working on a project in which there is a login screen with option to type in the id and password, but then in the GUI I want that when the "Enter" button is clicked, it should return the id to the function where is is called. My program is too long so I will give a small example to clear my point.
def func3():
cred = func1()
def func1(): #Function for creating the GUI
root = Tk()
def func2(): #Function for getting the data and comparing with data from MySQL
id = '123' #from entry widget
flag = 0
# Comparison done: flag now equals 0 or 1
if flag == 1: #When data matches
return id
btn = Button(master=root,text="Enter",command=func2) #This button should compare and return the id
From what I have understood, you are looking for something like this
from tkinter import *
def verify():
global id_
if id_==ID and pass_entry.get()==PASS:
Using retrun will be pointless in this case since callbacks can't really return anything. It has been explained well in this post.
If you declare the variable as global, you can access it from anywhere in the code
def verify():
global id_
if id_==ID and pass_entry.get()==PASS:
def success():
print(id_,'logged in successfully')
If you don't want to use global then you can pass it to the target function
def verify():
if id_==ID and pass_entry.get()==PASS:
def success(id_):
print(id_,'logged in successfully')
Sorry for such a noobish question, but, now i am writing a code that has some features i didn't know how to write by myself, so i copied them from stack overflow. I was a class i didnt study, yet i understood it mostly. The question is, how do i acess any of values created in it. Ex
class SimpleApp(object):
def __init__(self, master, filename, **kwargs):
self.master = master
self.filename = filename
self.canvrt = tk.Canvas(master, width=200, height=200, bg="#FF5733")
self.update = self.draw().__next__
master.after(100, self.update)
def draw(self):
image = Image.open(self.filename)
angle = 0
while True :
tkimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image.rotate(angle))
canvas_obj = self.canvrt.create_image(
100, 100, image=tkimage)
angle += 1
angle %= 360
how can i access the canvrt from the code? I need to acces this canvrt outisde of the class, so i can input it for example in a fucntion
You create an instance of the class SinpleApp:
myapp = SimpleApp(master, filename)
And then you can access any of its variables like this:
However, notice that it is confusing to call filename the argument of your function clean if it expects a tkinter widget...
Depends on where you want to access it.
class NewClass():
def __init__(self,msg):
self.msg ="Hi"
def print_msg(self):
print("Message is : ", self.msg)
Inside any of the class functions/methods, you should make use of self, i.e,
Outside of the class, use an object to access it, i.e,
obj = NewClass("hi")
//will print Hi
Good Day,
I'm new to this forum (and quite new to programming), so I hope my question is properly formulated.
I've been trying to create a GUI in python using tkinter, and I want to have two buttons calling methods of two different classes. One method is defining an integer, the second one is reporting content. I'd have a list of objects of the latter class, and I want to choose the right instance by the integer. Here's a MWE:
import tkinter as tk
class data:
def __init__(self, content):
self.content = content
def report(self):
print("This is reported as self.content:" + str(self.content)) #This doesnt report the correct value for some reason?
print("The Class does register the correct idx:" + str(Selector.idx))
print("Using the Dict the correct value can be returned:" + str(vocables[Selector.idx].content))
class increment:
def __init__(self):
self.idx = 0
def increase(self):
self.idx += 1
root = tk.Tk()
Selector = increment()
vocables = []
for id in range(10):
# print(vocables[id].content)
CheckVocable = tk.Button(root, text="Report", command=vocables[Selector.idx].report)
NextVocable = tk.Button(root, text="Increase Index", command=Selector.increase)
I do not understand why the print of line 8 always reports the value of the first item in the list (vocabules[0] in this instance) instead of my desired value, which is returned in all other print cases. Am I messing up the work with classes or is the button behavior confusing me?
Thanks in advance!
I am wondering how to get my code to work. I have a class wich creates a popup window with buttons. Each button should be bound to subclass. But it doesnt work. What´s wrong with my code?
class chooser:
def __init__(self):
def show(self,title,options=["NOTHING"],size=(.5,.5)):
self.bts = {}
self.response = False
self.content = FloatLayout()
self.content.pos_hint = {"y":0,"x":0}
# create buttons
pos_cntr = 0
for opt in options:
self.bts[pos_cntr] = Button(text=opt)
self.bts[pos_cntr].size_hint = 1,float(1)/float(len(options))
self.bts[pos_cntr].pos_hint = {"x":0,"y":pos_cntr}
print "bound"
pos_cntr += float(1)/float(len(options))
self.pop = Popup(title=title,content=self.content,auto_dismiss=False)
self.pop.size_hint = size
def canceldia(self,instance):
print "closing"
self.response = instance.text
def getresponse(self):
return self.response
I have imported all needed modules.
I execute it so:
c = chooser()
I have create a root widget. The popup works fine and all is created nice but the buttons are not bound. Please help me!
In your loop, you always reference self.bts[pos_cntr], so you override it in every iteration. How about this?
for idx, opt in enumerate(options):
self.bts[idx] = Button(text=opt)
self.bts[idx].size_hint = 1,float(1)/float(len(options))
self.bts[idx].pos_hint = {"x":0,"y":pos_cntr}