How to access a Class value outside of it - python

Sorry for such a noobish question, but, now i am writing a code that has some features i didn't know how to write by myself, so i copied them from stack overflow. I was a class i didnt study, yet i understood it mostly. The question is, how do i acess any of values created in it. Ex
class SimpleApp(object):
def __init__(self, master, filename, **kwargs):
self.master = master
self.filename = filename
self.canvrt = tk.Canvas(master, width=200, height=200, bg="#FF5733")
self.update = self.draw().__next__
master.after(100, self.update)
def draw(self):
image =
angle = 0
while True :
tkimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image.rotate(angle))
canvas_obj = self.canvrt.create_image(
100, 100, image=tkimage)
angle += 1
angle %= 360
how can i access the canvrt from the code? I need to acces this canvrt outisde of the class, so i can input it for example in a fucntion

You create an instance of the class SinpleApp:
myapp = SimpleApp(master, filename)
And then you can access any of its variables like this:
However, notice that it is confusing to call filename the argument of your function clean if it expects a tkinter widget...

Depends on where you want to access it.
class NewClass():
def __init__(self,msg):
self.msg ="Hi"
def print_msg(self):
print("Message is : ", self.msg)
Inside any of the class functions/methods, you should make use of self, i.e,
Outside of the class, use an object to access it, i.e,
obj = NewClass("hi")
//will print Hi


Choosing from a List of methods in a tkinter Button

Good Day,
I'm new to this forum (and quite new to programming), so I hope my question is properly formulated.
I've been trying to create a GUI in python using tkinter, and I want to have two buttons calling methods of two different classes. One method is defining an integer, the second one is reporting content. I'd have a list of objects of the latter class, and I want to choose the right instance by the integer. Here's a MWE:
import tkinter as tk
class data:
def __init__(self, content):
self.content = content
def report(self):
print("This is reported as self.content:" + str(self.content)) #This doesnt report the correct value for some reason?
print("The Class does register the correct idx:" + str(Selector.idx))
print("Using the Dict the correct value can be returned:" + str(vocables[Selector.idx].content))
class increment:
def __init__(self):
self.idx = 0
def increase(self):
self.idx += 1
root = tk.Tk()
Selector = increment()
vocables = []
for id in range(10):
# print(vocables[id].content)
CheckVocable = tk.Button(root, text="Report", command=vocables[Selector.idx].report)
NextVocable = tk.Button(root, text="Increase Index", command=Selector.increase)
I do not understand why the print of line 8 always reports the value of the first item in the list (vocabules[0] in this instance) instead of my desired value, which is returned in all other print cases. Am I messing up the work with classes or is the button behavior confusing me?
Thanks in advance!

Python class recording attributes without specifying self ?

I have a question regarding a Python class I use in Blender. Basically, I wonder how the class works because some attributes are recorded without me specifically writing self.value = something. Here's the code:
class DialogOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "object.dialog_operator"
bl_label = "Save/Load animation"
saving = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Save ? Else load.")
path_to_anim = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Path to folder")
anim_name = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Animation name:")
# path_to_anim += "/home/mehdi/Blender/Scripts/"
def execute(self, context):
# print('This is execute with: Saving: {} Name:{}'.format(self.saving, self.path_to_anim))
if self.saving:
message = 'Animation {} saved at {}'.format(self.anim_name, self.path_to_anim)
message = 'Animation {} loaded'.format(self.anim_name){'INFO'}, message)
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def launch_load(self):
full_path = self.path_to_anim + self.anim_name
target_armature = Humanoid(['Armature'])
load_all(full_path, target_armature, 'LastLoaded')
def launch_save(self):
full_path = self.path_to_anim + self.anim_name
source_armature = Humanoid(['Armature'])
curves = source_armature.get_curves()
save_all(curves, source_armature,full_path)
Now, how come saving, path_to_anim and anim_name are considered as attributes (I'm able to call them in execute() and launch()) even though I did not write self.saving = saving
Thanks !
This is because saving,path_to_anim and anim_name are class attributes. They are defined for the class and not for a particular instance. They are shared among the instances. Here is a link for further explanation class-instance-attributes-python

NameError: name "winroot" is not defined

I am building a calculator app, and I solved a lot of problems except this one. It is bigger than me to solve it, I tried nearly everything except 1 way that I am thinking of it right now is: making the program in one (.py) file.
My program is designed in Kivy and I made the app in two python files, so here is the problem: the main screen has several choices to open a new page, and that page must have a button that make the app gets back to the main screen, and this button did not work.
A variable has just disappeared magically .. called 'winroot'!
Here is the code (
class Base(App):
def build(self):
global winroot
winroot = TheMainScreen()
mnsc = MainScreen()
return winroot
class TheMainScreen(FloatLayout):
def back(self, obj=1):
class MainScreen(FloatLayout):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.B1 = Button(text='Base Calculator\n\n\n', on_press=self.basecalc)
def basecalc(self, obj):
from calculator.basecalculator import BaseCalculator
and this is for the second python file (
class BaseCalculator(FloatLayout):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(BaseCalculator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.B11 = Button(size_hint=(.08, .13), on_release=self.prev)
def prev(self, obj=1):
from calculator.main import TheMainScreen
a = TheMainScreen()
and here is the Error that is showing up :
File "C:\Users\work\PycharmProjects\Kivy\calculator\", line 95, in prev
File "C:\Users\work\PycharmProjects\Kivy\calculator\", line 26, in back winroot.clear_widgets()
NameError: name 'winroot' is not defined
since winroot is a global variable created inside a function, you have to declare it as global in every function you use it.
Or, you know, instead of global, set is as instance attribute and pass it around, then you don't need globals:
class Base(App):
def build(self):
self.winroot = TheMainScreen()
self.mnsc = MainScreen(self.winroot)
return winroot
class TheMainScreen(FloatLayout):
def back(self, obj=1):
class MainScreen(FloatLayout):
def __init__(self, winroot, **kwargs):
self.B1 = Button(text='Base Calculator\n\n\n', on_press=self.basecalc)
self.winroot = winroot
def basecalc(self, obj):
from calculator.basecalculator import BaseCalculator

blender python increment an integer

I'm pretty sure this has been answered, but I can't seem to locate it.
What I want is a python script for Blender that creates a custom tab that contains a button. When that button is pressed, it prints the value of an integer and increments it, so that when you press the button again, it shows an incremented value. Everything seems to work, except for the incremental part.
Here is the code I am using at the moment:
import bpy
from bpy.props import (IntProperty,)
from bpy.types import (Panel, Operator, AddonPreferences, PropertyGroup,)
def main(context):
my_number += 1
class MySettings(PropertyGroup):
my_number = IntProperty(
name="Int property",
description="This is an integer.",
default = 1
class AddOne(bpy.types.Operator):
"""This is an operator"""
bl_idname = "op.add_one"
bl_label = "Increment by 1"
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
class CreatePanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = "Render Setup Panel"
bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_hello"
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'
bl_category = "Increment by 1 Tab"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
obj = context.object
row = layout.row()
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
However, when I press the button 'Increment by 1', I get the following error:
"local variable 'my_number' referenced before assignment"
The point of this exercise is just to create an integer variable, store it, then increment it's value and print it out.
EDIT: I added the actual code, rather than an image of it.
The variable my_number is defined in the class MySettings - it can only be accessed through that class, whether that is inside a method that is also part of the class (self.my_number) or directly as a property that is part of an instance of the class (settings_instance.my_number).
You need to find a place outside of the operator and panel to store persistent variables. Adding a custom property to the object or scene types are common options. As you are showing your panel in the node editor, maybe you will want to add it to the material to keep it specific to a material, instead of global to the scene. You define these properties in the addons register() and remove them in unregister().
def register():
bpy.types.Scene.my_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=MySettings)
def unregister():
del bpy.types.Scene.my_settings
Then in your operator (or main() function) and your panel you can access the variable through the context paramater.
context.scene.my_settings.my_number += 1
Putting that together into your example, with a label to show the value -
import bpy
from bpy.props import (IntProperty,)
from bpy.types import (Panel, Operator, AddonPreferences, PropertyGroup,)
def main(context):
context.scene.my_settings.my_number += 1
class MySettings(PropertyGroup):
my_number: IntProperty(
name="Int property",
description="This is an integer.",
default = 1
class AddOne(Operator):
"""This is an operator"""
bl_idname = "op.add_one"
bl_label = "Increment by 1"
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
class CreatePanel(Panel):
bl_label = "Render Setup Panel"
bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_hello"
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_category = "Increment by 1 Tab"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
obj = context.object
row = layout.row()
row = layout.row()
row.label(text='Value is: '+str(context.scene.my_settings.my_number))
def register():
bpy.types.Scene.my_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=MySettings)
def unregister():
del bpy.types.Scene.my_settings
if __name__ == "__main__":
You will find blender.stackexchange a better place to ask for blender specific python help.
Generally this problem "local variable 'my_number' referenced before assignment" comes when you have 'my_number' variable in code and you had not initialized that variable at top of your code or before using that variable do one thing .
Declare my_number=0 and then do your calculation on my_number variable .

Tkinter - How to change the value of an argument for an event binding with lambda function?

I have a list named chosenTestHolder (imported from the my_config file) that consists of several objects each with the attribute 'sentence'.
When pressing the button 'Press' for the first time, the attribute 'sentence' of the first object in the chosenTestHolder should be displayed in the text widget. The next time the button 'Press' is pressed the attribute 'sentence' of the second object in chosenTestHolder should be displayed and so on.
I am using lambda event for binding the 'Press' button and tries to use a new sentences as its first arguments after each pressing of the 'Press' button. However, it keeps showing the first sentence.
When searching Stackoverflow I have seen in
Using lambda function to change value of an attribute that you can't use assignments in lambda expressions but by reading that I still have not figured out how to solve my problem.
Grateful for help! Code is below!
from tkinter import font
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
import my_config
import Testlist as tl
class TestWidgetTest:
def __init__(self):
ram = tk.Frame(root)
ram.grid(in_=root,row=0, column=0)
self.myText = tk.Text(ram, height = 5)
my_config.counter = 0
self.myButton = tk.Button(ram, text = 'Press')
self.myButton.grid(row =1, column =0, columnspan =2)
indata =[my_config.chosenTestHolder[my_config.counter] , self.myText]
self.myButton.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>',lambda event, arg=indata : self.TagConfigure(event, arg))
def TagConfigure(self, event, arg):
my_config.counter += 1
root = tk.Tk()
import Testlist as tl
testListHolder = [ ['Fabian was very tired'],
['Thomas light the fire'],
['Anna eat a red apple ']]
chosenTestHolder = []
count = 0
while count <(len(testListHolder)):
count += 1
counter = 0
class Testlist:
def __init__(self, sentence):
self.sentence = sentence
Your issue is the assignment of indata.
You do only assign in init.
To get your code working you need to re-configure your sentecte...
indata =[my_config.chosenTestHolder[my_config.counter] , self.myText]
self.myButton.bind('&ltButtonRelease-1&gt',lambda event, arg=indata : self.TagConfigure(event, arg))
I would advise to keep track of the current sentence as an instance variable.
class Test_widget(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
self.sentences=["a", "b", "c", "d"] # the data = tk.StringVar() # the current displayed data"NULL")
self.counter=0 # the indexer
def click(self, event):"%s"%self.sentences[self.counter]) # use the indexer to access the data
self.counter = self.counter + 1 # modify the indexer
if self.counter = len(self.sentences): # make sure you dont run in index-err
self.counter = 0
As you see, there is no need at all for the lambdas.
As to your questions:
The change in your original code was not intended.
I do not see a use case where you can use a lambda for its use inside your code.
At least none where a lambda is necessary.
Please remember to use lambda only and exclusively if there are
no ( == NULL ) other options.
Using inheritance (thats what the mechanism is called), you can inherit functions, "default" behaviour from other classes. It is a common mechanism in programming and not exclusive to python.
It is used like any normal object except you have to call the constructor of the base class (what I do using tk.Frame.__init__(self, args, kwargs) inside the init method. For more information on inheritance please refer to the uncounted manuals and tutorials available for that topic (google is your friend now that you know what the mechanism is called).
