Change SqlAlchemy declarative model table schema at runtime - python

I am trying to build a declarative table that runs in both postgres and sqlite. The only difference between the tables is that the postgres table is going to run within a specific schema and the sqlite one will not. So far I've gotten the tables to build without a schema with the code below.
metadata = MetaData()
class Base(object):
__table_args__ = {'schema': None}
Base = declarative_base(cls=Base, metadata=metadata)
class Configuration(Base):
Object representation of a row in the configuration table
__tablename__ = 'configuration'
name = Column(String(90), primary_key=True)
value = Column(String(256))
def __init__(self, name="", value=""): = name
self.value = value
def build_tables(conn_str, schema=None):
global metadata
engine = create_engine(conn_str, echo=True)
if schema:
However, whenever I try to set a schema in build_tables(), the schema doesn't appear to be set in the newly built tables. It only seems to work if I set the schema initially at metadata = MetaData(schema='my_project') which I don't want to do until I know which database I will be running.
Is there another way to set the table schema dynamically using the declarative model? Is changing the metadata the wrong approach?

Altho this is not 100% the answer to what you are looking for, I think #Ilja Everilä was right the answer is partly in
What I needed to do was to "copy" a model to a new declarative_base. As a result I faced a similar problem with you: I needed to:
Change the baseclass of my model to the new Base
Turns out we also need to change the autogenerated __table__ attribute of the model to point to the new metadata. Otherwise I was getting a lot of errors when looking up PK in that table
The solution that seems to be working for me is to clone the mode the following way:
def rebase(klass, new_base):
new_dict = {
k: v
for k, v in klass.__dict__.items()
if not k.startswith("_") or k in {"__tablename__", "__table_args__"}
# Associate the new table with the new metadata instead
# of the old/other pool
new_dict["__table__"] = klass.__table__.to_metadata(new_base.metadata)
# Construct and return a new type
return type(klass.__name__, (new_base,), new_dict)
This in your case can be used as:
# Your old base
Base = declarative_base(cls=Base, metadata=metadata)
# New metadata and base
metadata2 = MetaData(schema="<new_schema>")
Base2 = declarative_base(cls=Base, metadata=metadata)
# Register Model/Table in the new base and meta
NewConfiguration = rebase(Configuration, Base2)
The above code is not tested
It looks to me too verbose and hacky ... there has to be a better solution for what you need (maybe via Pool configs?)


SQLAlchemy - defining a foreign key relationship in a different database

I'm using sqlalchemy declarative and python2.7 to read asset information from an existing database. The database uses a number of foreign keys for constant values. Many of the foreign keys exist on a different database.
How can I specify a foreign key relationship where the data exists on a separate database?
I've tried to use two separate Base classes, with the models inheriting from them separately.
I've also looked into specifying the primaryjoin keyword in relationship, but I've been unable to understand how it would be done in this case.
I think the problem is that I can only bind one engine to a session object. I can't see any way to ask sqlalchemy to use a different engine when making a query on a nested foreign key item.
OrgBase = declarative_base()
CommonBase = declarative_base()
class SomeClass:
def __init__(sql_user, sql_pass, sql_host, org_db, common_host, common)
self.engine = create_engine("{type}://{user}:{password}#{url}/{name}".format(type=db_type,
self.engine_common = create_engine("{type}://{user}:{password}#{url}/{name}".format(type=db_type,
self.session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)()
OrgBase.metadata.bind = self.engine
CommonBase.metadata.bind = self.engine_common
class FrameRate(CommonBase):
__tablename__ = 'content_frame_rates'
__table_args__ = {'autoload': True}
class VideoAsset(OrgBase):
__tablename__ = 'content_video_files'
__table_args__ = {'autoload': True}
frame_rate_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('content_frame_rates.frame_rate_id'))
frame_rate = relationship(FrameRate, foreign_keys=[frame_rate_id])
Error with this code:
NoReferencedTableError: Foreign key associated with column 'content_video_files.frame_rate_id' could not find table 'content_frame_rates' with which to generate a foreign key to target column 'frame_rate_id'
if I run:
asset = self.session.query(self.VideoAsset).filter_by(uuid=asset_uuid).first()
My hope is that the VideoAsset model can nest frame_rate properly, finding the value on the separate database.
Thank you!

Python SQLalchemy access huge DB data without creating models

I am using flaks python and sqlalchemy to connect to a huge db, where a lot of stats are saved. I need to create some useful insights with the use of these stats, so I only need to read/get the data and never modify.
The issue I have now is the following:
Before I can access a table I need to replicate the table in my models file. For example I see the table Login_Data in the DB. So I go into my models and recreate the exact same table.
class Login_Data(Base):
__tablename__ = 'login_data'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
date = Column(Date, nullable=False)
new_users = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
def __init__(self, date=None, new_users=None): = date
self.new_users = new_users
def get(self, id):
if == id:
return self
return None
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s(%r, %r, %r)>' % (self.__class__.__name__,,, self.new_users)
I do this because otherwise I cant query it using:
some_data = Login_Data.query.limit(10)
But this feels unnecessary, there must be a better way. Whats the point in recreating the models if they are already defined. What shall I use here:
Simple question but I have not found a solution yet.
Thanks to Tryph for the right sources.
To access the data of an existing DB with sqlalchemy you need to use automap. In your configuration file where you load/declare your DB type. You need to use the automap_base(). After that you can create your models and use the correct table names of the DB without specifying everything yourself:
from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import stats_config
Base = automap_base()
engine = create_engine(stats_config.DB_URI, convert_unicode=True)
# reflect the tables
Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True)
# mapped classes are now created with names by default
# matching that of the table name.
LoginData = Base.classes.login_data
db_session = Session(engine)
After this is done you can now use all your known sqlalchemy functions on:
some_data = db_session.query(LoginData).limit(10)
You may be interested by reflection and automap.
Unfortunately, since I never used any of those features, I am not able to tell you more about them. I just know that they allow to use the database schema without explicitly declaring it in Python.

Attach the same SQLAlchemy table to two models with different binds

I want to add two MySQL databases into my Flask app. Unfortunately, these database are almost identical.
They have same table and column names, but different data.
I am using SQLALCHEMY_BINDS in my
'old': 'mysql://[OLD_DB_HERE]',
'new': 'mysql://[NEW_DB_HERE]'
And then in my
class CallOld(db.Model):
__bind_key__ = 'old'
__table__ = db.Model.metadata.tables['ConferenceCall2']
class CallNew(db.Model):
__bind_key__ = 'new'
__table__ = db.Model.metadata.tables['ConferenceCall2']
The problem is that when I call a query for both tables I get the same results.
For example, both CallOld.query.with_entities(CallOld.TenantName.distinct()).all() and CallNew.query.with_entities(CallNew.TenantName.distinct()).all()
return the same.
Interestingly, the output is always from the second of the two model classes. Apparently the second class (CallNew in that case) overwrites the first (CallOld).
How do I attach the same table definition to two models with different binds?
You should use a mixin for this:
A common need when using declarative is to share some functionality, such as a set of common columns...
The reason why the output is always from the second (new) model's bound database is that as you manually define the __table__ for the two models Flask's declarative extensions work their black magic:
def __init__(self, name, bases, d):
bind_key = d.pop('__bind_key__', None) or getattr(self, '__bind_key__', None)
DeclarativeMeta.__init__(self, name, bases, d)
if bind_key is not None and hasattr(self, '__table__'):['bind_key'] = bind_key
As can be seen the['bind_key'] is overwritten in each declarative class that the table is passed to.

sqlalchemy dynamic schema on entity at runtime

I'm using SQL Alchemy and have some schema's that are account specific. The name of the schema is derived using the account ID, so I don't have the name of the schema until I hit my application service or repository layer. I'm wondering if it's possible to run a query against an entity that has it's schema dynamically set at runtime?
I know I need to set the __table_args__['schema'] and have tried doing that using the type() built-in, but I always get the following error:
could not assemble any primary key columns for mapped table
I'm ready to give up and just write straight sql, but I really hate to do that. Any idea how this can be done? I'm using SA 0.99 and I do have a PK mapped.
from sqlalchemy 1.1,
this can be done easily using using schema_translation_map.
One option would be to reflect the particular account-dependent tables. Here is the SqlAlchemy Documentation on the matter.
Alternatively, You can create the table with a static schema attribute and update it as needed at runtime and run the queries you need to. I can't think of a non-messy way to do this. So here's the messy option
Use a loop to update the schema property in each table definition whenever the account is switched.
add all the tables that are account-specific to a list.
if the tables are expressed in the declarative syntax, then you have to modify the DeclarativeName.__table__.schema attribute. I'm not sure if you need to also modify DeclarativeName.__table_args__['schema'], but I guess it won't hurt.
If the tables are expressed in the old style Table syntax, then you have to modify the Table.schema attribute.
If you're using text for any relationships or foreign keys, then that will break, and you have to inspect each table for such hard coded usage and change them
user_id = Column(ForeignKey('')) needs to be written as user_id = Column(ForeignKey( Then you can change the schema of User to my_new_schema. Otherwise, at query time sqlalchemy will be confused because the foreign key will point to while the query would point to my_new_schema.user.
I'm not sure if more complicated relationships can be expressed without the use of plain text, so I guess that's the limit to my proposed solution.
Here's an example I wrote up in the terminal:
>>> from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, Integer, String, select, ForeignKey
>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
>>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
>>> B = declarative_base()
>>> class User(B):
... __tablename__ = 'user'
... __table_args__ = {'schema': 'first_schema'}
... id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
... name = Column(String)
... email = Column(String)
>>> class Posts(B):
... __tablename__ = 'posts'
... __table_args__ = {'schema':'first_schema'}
... id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
... user_id = Column(ForeignKey(
... text = Column(String)
>>> str(select([, Posts.text]).select_from(User.__table__.join(Posts)))
'SELECT first_schema."user".id, first_schema.posts.text \nFROM first_schema."user" JOIN first_schema.posts ON first_schema."user".id = first_schema.posts.user_id'
>>> account_specific = [User, Posts]
>>> for Tbl in account_specific:
... Tbl.__table__.schema = 'second_schema'
>>> str(select([, Posts.text]).select_from(User.__table__.join(Posts)))
'SELECT second_schema."user".id, second_schema.posts.text \nFROM second_schema."user" JOIN second_schema.posts ON second_schema."user".id = second_schema.posts.user_id'
As you see the same query refers to the second_schema after I update the table's schema attribute.
edit: Although you can do what I did here, using the schema translation map as shown in the the answer below is the proper way to do it.
They are set statically. Foreign keys needs the same treatment, and I have an additional issue, in that I have multiple schemas that contain multiple tables so I did this:
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
staging_dbase = declarative_base()
model_dbase = declarative_base()
def adjust_schemas(staging, model):
for vv in staging_dbase.metadata.tables.values():
vv.schema = staging
for vv in model_dbase.metadata.tables.values():
vv.schema = model
def all_tables():
return staging_dbase.metadata.tables.union(model_dbase.metadata.tables)
Then in my startup code:
adjust_schemas(staging=staging_name, model=model_name)
You can mod this for a single declarative base.
I'm working on a project in which I have to create postgres schemas and tables dynamically and then insert data in proper schema. Here is something I have done maybe it will help someone:
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from app.models.user import User
engine_uri = "postgres://someusername:somepassword#localhost:5432/users"
engine = create_engine(engine_uri, pool_pre_ping=True)
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)
def create_schema(schema_name: str):
Creates a new postgres schema
- **schema_name**: name of the new schema to create
if not engine.dialect.has_schema(engine, schema_name):
def create_tables(schema_name: str):
Create new tables for postgres schema
- **schema_name**: schema in which tables are to be created
if (
engine.dialect.has_schema(engine, schema_name) and
not engine.dialect.has_table(engine, str(
User.__table__.schema = schema_name
def add_data(schema_name: str):
Add data to a particular postgres schema
- **schema_name**: schema in which data is to be added
if engine.dialect.has_table(engine, str(
db = SessionLocal()
"schema_translate_map": {None: schema_name}},
user = User() = "Moin"
user.salary = 10000

Getting SQLAlchemy to issue CREATE SCHEMA on create_all

I have a SqlAlchemy model with a schema argument like so:
Base = declarative_base()
class Road(Base):
__tablename__ = "roads"
__table_args__ = {'schema': 'my_schema'}
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
When I use Base.metadata.create_all(engine) it correctly issues a CREATE TABLE with the schema name on the front like so CREATE TABLE my_schema.roads ( but Postgresql rightly complains that the schema doesn't exist.
Am I missing a step to get SqlAlchemy to issue the CREATE SCHEMA my_schema or do I have to call this manually?
I have done it manually on my db init script like so:
from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateSchema
But this seems less magical than I was expecting.
I ran into the same issue and believe the "cleanest" way of issuing the DDL is something like this:
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateSchema
event.listen(Base.metadata, 'before_create', CreateSchema('my_schema'))
This will ensure that before anything contained in the metadata of your base is created, you have the schema for it. This does, however, not check if the schema already exists.
You can do CreateSchema('my_schema').execute_if(callback_=check_schema) if you can be bothered to write the check_schema callback ("Controlling DDL Sequences" on should_create in docs). Or, as an easy way out, just use DDL("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS my_schema") instead (for Postgres):
from sqlalchemy import DDL
event.listen(Base.metadata, 'before_create', DDL("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS my_schema"))
I wrote a function that creates the declared schemas based on the accepted answer. It uses the schema value from the __table_args__ dict from each mapped class.
from sqlalchemy import event, DDL
# Import or write your mapped classes and configuration here
def init_db():
for mapper in Base.registry.mappers:
cls = mapper.class_
if issubclass(cls, Base):
table_args = getattr(cls, '__table_args__', None)
if table_args:
schema = table_args.get('schema')
if schema:
stmt = f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {schema}"
event.listen(Base.metadata, 'before_create', DDL(stmt))
